Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 309

With a faint aroma, attract the bee colony to attack the Qing Rin team, and then avoid the bee colony with the smell of stinky flowers, so as to wait for the opportunity to move around. If you see the target under the attack of the bee colon and expose the weak spot, without slightest hesitation launched an attack.

Every time you hit back, no matter whether you succeed or fail, if you do n’t have a chance, you do n’t take an easy shot to minimize the risk.

Not even a small injury!

Even if the carefully prepared danger situation does not bear fruit, Luo will never let himself be easily injured, because he knows that in a situation where there are few enemies and many enemies, every injury is a pavement for pushing himself to death.

Until there were only ten or more bee colonies, Luo retreated resolutely. Between several vertical jumps, his body quickly disappeared into the forest, leaving angry members of the Rin team.

Taking advantage of the bee colony to create opportunities, Luo also only killed 2 Demon Beasts and a member of the Qing Rin team, and the efficiency was terrifying. After all, the other person was crowded, and it was not easy to take a sip.

“It can only be ground slowly.”

Luo quickly left and headed towards the hive.

He learned the biological information in the forest through the white smoke font, so he set up this trap, which can fight the enemy on the one hand and take the honey to the honeycomb on the other hand.

Over a large, growing tree, Luo came to a basketball court-sized wasteland, where a huge mound of 3 meters high stood above the surrounding ground, scattered with the bones of unknown creatures scattered.

The huge mound of potholes is the nest of the Little Huang bee.

Luo knew that the soldier bees and worker bees in the nest were gone, so he approached directly, slashed the mound with a knife, and slammed Yellow Dragon.


As the mound was mostly cut by Luo, a hissing voice containing anger and fear was heard inside, which was the queen’s cry.

Listening to the hissing, Luo ignored and didn’t deliberately attack the queen. His purpose was to find honey.

After a while, the mound was destroyed by Luo 7 to 8 and the large body of the queen was exposed. This was where the Little Huang bee stored her honey.

Ignoring the queen’s bloated body and the hissing noise, Luo took out the large leaves that he had just removed and covered it with amber-like honey, and then double-handed a plug to cover the honey with the leaves and dug out a large Mission out.

Little Huang’s honey, both in appearance and characteristics, is similar to maltose, but does not stick to teeth.

After covering such a cluster of honey with leaves, Luo left contentedly, leaving the slightly desolate broken hive.

He did not kill the queen bee, because the Little Huang bee is a rare species, there will be one less if one is destroyed, and it should be satisfied to get honey. It is so-called fishing to stay big but not small.

In the middle of the night, Luo avoided the Rin team’s search and carefully returned to the hole where Sambica was.

Once at night, even if the moon is bright enough, the special structure of the hole is dark.

“You’re back.”

Seeing Luo coming back, Sambika said subconsciously.

That sentence, there is always a special flavor, but the parties did not seem to feel it.

Luo froze for a moment. By the light of the long standby mobile phone, she only saw Sambica’s usual expression, which was complied.

He walked up to the haystack and sat down, setting his phone aside and acting as a light bulb.

Hunter x Hunter World’s mobile phone can be described as black technology. Although this mobile phone does not have solar charging function, its standby time is quite long, which is one of the preferred mobile phones for professional hunters.

After putting down the phone, Luo took out the green leaf-covered honey lumps and two small branches.

“What’s this?” Zambia asked curiously, and the moment she returned to the cave from Luo, she smelled a hint of nectar.

“Honey, but more like maltose.”

Luo opened the leaves with a smile, revealing a solid honey, which looked like amber.

The leaves were opened, and the sweet smell was more obvious.

“Maltose?” Sambika looked puzzled, she knew honey, but she didn’t know maltose.

From her reaction, there may be no maltose in Hunter x Hunter World, or there may be in Hunter x Hunter World, but she does not know.

“It’s a kind of sweet.” Luo explained, picking up a branch.

As for maltose, it seems to have fallen into far and far memories.

As a child, there will be an uncle wearing a straw hat riding a Bicycle with a rectangular iron box on the back seat.

Whenever the hum of uncle walking through the streets sounds, there will always be a bunch of small children running over to gather up the uncle.

In that rectangular iron box was maltose.

The black cat rushed over, staring at the honey motionlessly, and drool almost came out.

Luo glanced at him, then picked up a small mass of honey that looked like maltose, learned the movements of uncle in memory, tangled the branches, and slowly turned it to entwine a layered, textured bud sugar ball, then handed it to Sambica.

“Taste and mouth feel should be different from ordinary honey.” Luo said with a slight smile.

“Do you eat directly?” Sambika asked.

Luo nodded, said, “Just think of it as a lollipop.”

Zambia was stunned, her mouth opened slightly, like a kitten, her tongue was licked, honey was paused, and she licked several times.

Really a lollipop …

Luo thought about it, but heard Sambica say, “It’s delicious.”

“Bite it and try,” Luo said.

Sambica heard that he put honey in his mouth, bit it, and chewed it slowly. The whole mouth was full of sweet taste.

“Do you stick your teeth?” Luo looks at Zambia with a slight agitation on her cheeks.

“No,” Sambika shook the head, “but it doesn’t taste like honey.”

“Well, think of it as maltose.”

Luo laughed, also wrapped himself in one, ready to try the taste.

Although the grade of this honey is between c and b, it is difficult to obtain, it is a relatively rare natural sweet.

The black cat looked tightly at the side, but did not dare to ask.


After Luo wrapped up a maltose, the phone slightly shaken, picked it up, but it was a message from Machi.

“Are you here, just right.”

After reading the content of the message, Luo glanced deep under his eyes.

Don’t look at him for the past few days, he has always had the advantage, but in the long run, he will not be able to completely wipe out the enemy in a short period of time.

Now with Machi’s help, they can increase the efficiency of killing the enemy and solve this big trouble as soon as possible.

Luo picked up the phone’s keyboard, gave a rough description of the location, and edited the enemy’s information.

When preparing to send, Luo suddenly glanced at the honey in his left hand, compared with the posture of the scissors hand, and then took a photo with his mobile phone, added a line of planning, and sent it together.

Somewhere on the grassland on Alcatraz Island, Machi picked up the phone and let others see it together.

Several people brushed the screen around a mobile phone, and pulled to the bottom, but it was a picture with a line of notes on the back.

[Come, there is delicious honey! 】

looks at this picture and notes, several people were silent.

Are you worried?

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