Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 306

It took Luo an hour to master the newly developed use of mental power. Combining Manipulator, Emitter, and also the power of his own hand, he can move to the next step in the space without a point of leverage.

Repeated attempts and failures, although Luo consumed part of his mind, but also achieved results.

From the underground cave, like a rocket, he went straight to the height of 100 meters. When the Demon Beasts could react, he had jumped out of the cave and arrived in the air.

This skill of walking by air is similar to One Piece ’s Geppo (Moonwalk), but the principles used by the two are different. From Geppo (Moonwalk), Luo this move not only requires mental effort, but also has limited flexibility in extension. Mostly difficult to reach the level of Geppo (Moonwalk).

He discovered this during his practice.

If you want to move at a high speed, it is very difficult to turn the direction and it is difficult to use it freely. If it is a slower movement, it can also be done, which is equivalent to being in the air and then being pushed by the strong wind and moving towards the side. short distance.

However, with straight motion, Speed ​​can be fast.

The man-made Demon Beast has a certain acuity for thoughts. Luo’s burst of thoughts in mid-air was suddenly noticed by them, but when they had just noticed it, Luo had already rushed out of the hole.

Luo was in the air, above the top of the ten Demon Beasts, and glanced quickly at the appearance of the Demon Beasts. Then he concentrated his thoughts and pushed his body to the side, away from the hole below.

After all, he didn’t want to fall anymore.

“Do you deal with ten heads at once … try it.”

Luo thought silently that before the landing, the Demon Beasts all rose up into the sky, and volleyed towards him.

Taking advantage of the limbs to strike the prey is a customary method of Demon Beast. With the use of mental power, it is easy to tear off the ordinary Mind Power.

The first to approach Luo was Demon Beast with a sharp sharp claw. He approached him and waved his paw unceremoniously.

Luo wanted to break away from the encirclement with this blow, he just lifted the long knife, lightly blocked the claw, and then flew out with the force of the claw, drawing an arc in the air, and falling to the ground.

The 9 Demon Beasts that followed closely behind were self-defeating.

Luo broke away from the circle of war and landed on the ground steadily. Looks at the Demon Beast falling from the air one by one. He took the initiative to attack and rushed towards Demon Beast.

Thirty minutes later, the ground was razed to the ground by the explosion of the Yoruichi field yesterday, and there were pieces of Demon Beast’s body still struggling.

The power of the Emperor’s Hand gives them the capital to continue to survive, but Sanka’s virus is eroding their bodies. Within ten minutes, they will weaken to death.

With one head, two heads, three heads, or even four heads of Demon Beast, Luo can be solved in a short time, but after the number reaches ten, it is not so simple.

In itself, these artificial Demon Beasts are not weak. If they are besieged by them, they take the wrong step and are the result of serious injuries.

Therefore, Luo not only took half an hour, but also consumed a lot of thoughts, which resolved the ten Demon Beasts without any harm.

After remembering this place, Luo turned around and left, leaving only ten Demon Beasts cut off into segments, and slowly died under the action of the virus.

He had to get rid of the prison’s troubles before exploring the secret behind the 10000 corpses.

However, for the first time with ten Demon Beasts at the same time, although Luo didn’t feel strenuous, the exhaustion of mental power made him realize that he couldn’t solve this trouble in a short time.

The enemy also has a lot of artificial Demon Beasts, which are pulled out one by one, and it will also be a tug of war.

At this moment, the Luo who solved the ten artificial Demon Beasts had to be solved, and he had to wait for his energy to recover before he could continue to work.

The artificial Demon Beast died one after another, and the pigeons far away in the other direction immediately sensed that his face immediately became unsightly.

“That explosion couldn’t kill him, it should be able to seriously hurt him, but he also spared no effort to deal with the ten soldiers left behind.”

The dove was exposed to cold glow, teeth were embedded in the lips, and a little bloodshot, but that is a whole ten people made soldiers, even if they join forces, can’t they beat the kid?

The search for 2 days and 2 nights not only did not find Sanka, but also lost 20 artificial soldiers, plus 5 flying artificial soldiers killed by the lake, and 25 artificial soldiers Gundam who died under Luo.

It took nearly ten years to create 106 elite artificial soldiers, but lost 2% in just 3 days.

After the Hunters Association collapsed in the Qing Dynasty, the powerful Mind Power not only did not decrease, but increased, so that even a kid who looks young can be so strong?

Seen in this light, is it too foolish to dream of 106 artificial soldiers and biochemical weapons to destroy the Hunters Association and subvert a country?

Thinking of this, the face of the pigeon flashed a stun.

They were full of resentment, so they went all the way to the present, but the revenge has not yet started, and Cheng Yaojin, who was killed halfway, gave him an axe. If he had a few more axes, he planned the revenge plan for more than ten years. ?

The strange look of the pigeon immediately caught the attention of the surrounding companions.

Perceiving the companion’s gaze, the pigeon quickly adjusted his mood, took a deep breath, looked towards them, and calmly said, “Just now, all the ten soldiers left behind were made dead.”

At this point, the core members were all complexion changed. They thought that the trouble had been solved and did not want to mountain road twists around each new peak. Not only did the other party not die, but they also killed ten artificial soldiers.

That’s not a one plus one team, but a 5 plus 5 team!

You know, it ’s not a weak flying species with a battle strength, but a land line with a war chariot strength!

However, the kid with the knife was able to win against ten land soldiers.

That is to say, if you want to deal with that kid, the artificial soldier must have at least ten hugs.

unimaginable …

In order to reach this stage, the 21 core personnel have made extraordinary efforts.

They think that they are not weak, but at most they can only deal with 2 land-line artificial soldiers at the same time. Moreover, the difference between 2 and 3 at the same time is very large.

If it is 2 heads, any one of them can kill the artificial soldier as long as they spend time, but if it is 3 heads, it is for instant kill, let alone ten heads.

“It’s undeniable that the kid with a knife is very strong. Any one of us must be strong, and someone as strong as him, I don’t know how many are also in the Hunters Association.”

The pigeon looked cold and calm, looking around Lin’s many companions, said solemnly: “Although I lost 25 artificial soldiers, it made me understand one thing.”

The remaining man-made soldiers are still conducting a carpet-like search around several nearby mountains.

Lin, the remnants left by the Qing Rin team, all looked at their heads and waited.

“Before the plan begins, he must die here!”

The pigeon said in a tone full of killing intent, gnashing teeth said.

One of the goals of the plan is the association, who always wants to be a strong Mind Power member of the association. This kid with a knife may be one of them.

Then, here and now, all the chips in the hand are studded, and then the knifed boy is killed by thunderbolt.

The pigeon has changed his mind. He will temporarily give up the operation of finding Sanka, and instead gather all Strength to kill Luo, a tricky enemy.

At the same time, because of Luo’s strength, he began to worry about the prospects of the team.

In his plan, biochemical weapons were mainly used indefinitely. How many people died were not considered by him, and artificial soldiers came to deal with the Hunters Association. In other words, he planned to allocate 50 artificial soldiers to deal with Netero. .

He doesn’t think Luo will be Netero strong, but if there are many Mind Power players like Luo, then 100 artificial soldiers are not enough!

As a result, the pigeon began to hesitate.

Do you want to keep accumulating Strength or do it all alone?

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