Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 303

The ground collapsed and fragmented rock masses fell.

Luo didn’t expect Demon Beast within the body to hide the bomb, nor did the explosion blast the ground directly.

It will cause such a result, not only because of the explosion, but because it’s empty under the ground where it is.

Before his thoughts floated, before Luo had time to adjust his posture, his back had already touched the hard ground and made a popping sound.

“Fortunately, I used the realm to protect myself in time. Thanks to the underground it’s empty, otherwise, even with the defensive power of the realm, I could withstand a strong explosion like formidable power, and injuries were inevitable.”

Luo was lying on his back, and the sound of endless rocks falling from his ears came from his ears. In his sight, dark shadows fell from the sky, and higher up were the flames of tree debris that fell like meteor rain Came down.

The falling rocks and the wreckage of the burning trees seemed to be pouring heavy rain, all of a sudden covering the center around Luo.

boom ~ boom ~…

Luo’s location was drowned by gravel between the few breaths.

The exploding Yu Wei didn’t last long, and the surrounding area suddenly quieted down.

Luo pushed away all the stones covering the edge of the field, got up from the ground, and looked up at the ground, which was full of gravel and a group of still-burning tree debris, providing a certain amount of light to the underground space. .

By the fire, Luo could barely see the situation around him.

This is an underground cave surrounded by natural stone pillars, thick and thin. Most of the stone pillars are like apples that have been bitten to leave the core.

Looking at it hurriedly, there were 100 stone pillars in the range illuminated by the fire, all the way up to the cave.

Luo didn’t pay much attention to these stone pillars, that is where he looked up towards where they fell down.

There, like a wellhead, absorbs the light above the ground.

The brightness of the fire was limited, and with insufficient reference objects, Luo could not tell how many meters the underground cave was from the ground.

If the light is bright enough, Luo will see that the top of the cave is actually a semi-circular arc structure. The closer to the edge, the lower the height, and the closer to the center, the higher the height.

The location of the ground collapse is exactly the center point of the highest point, which is also the weakest part of the rock formation.

“How to get out …”

Luo retracted his gaze and looked at the stone pillars all around, but fortunately there were the wreckage of these burning trees, so that he could not get his eyes dark.

He walked to the trunk of a fire, raised his knife, and easily cut off a stick to serve as a torch.

The Demon Beast, which was cut by two swords, suddenly exploded. It must be from the enemy’s handwriting. Generally speaking, the enemy will definitely come to the explosion site to check the situation.

Then …!

Luo held the knife in one hand, held torch in one hand, and looked up at the hole above.

At this height, Demon Beast simply jumps down, but also has nothing to do, plus the other party also flying Demon Beast, even if all Demon Beasts are down, they are not afraid to get up.

So, will the other party come down to find out the collapsed ground? This is one possibility, and the other possibility is that the other party has no intention of confirming his life and death.

It didn’t take long for Luo to just pick a direction and go deep into the cave.

Stone pillars of different thicknesses are irregularly scattered all around. If there is no light and you can’t go straight for 2 meters, you will hit one of the stone pillars.

Luo held torch, avoided the root stone pillar, walked about two hundred meters, and suddenly stopped.

“this is?”

Torch leaned against a thick stone pillar surrounded by an adult in front of him. Orange-yellow’s flaming hood was above the stone pillar. Under the flaming, there was a strange pattern.

looks at this pattern, Luo eyes exposed surprised look, said that it is a pattern, more like a child’s graffiti, but there is no doubt that even if it is graffiti, it is from human hands.

There is not much information about Alcatraz Island, but one of the information shows that since the discovery of Alcatraz Island, humans have never found any home-like sites and traces on the island.

However, the graffiti carved on the stone pillar is obviously from human hands.

Alcatraz Island is extremely rich in ecology. As an established Demon Domain, there are many Demon Beast races here. Demon Beast’s intelligent is close to humans. Demon Beast with patterns on some rocks or mountain walls is not. No.

However, Luo is sure that the graffiti portrayed on the stone pillar was made by humans, because the graffiti itself describes human daily life.

The content of the doodle is roughly: each and everyone with a skin around the waist, holding a weapon similar to long spear, dancing around the campfire, and there is an unknown creature that is 100 times larger than humans.

“Graffiti of primitive people? Or?”

Luo murmured to himself, holding torch to other stone pillars, passing more than ten stone pillars in a row, no more graffiti of the same style was found.

“do not care.”

Luo glanced back at the multiple fire lights outside two hundred meters, which was directly below the hole. He had to stay away from the hole and keep it at a distance where he could observe the situation and move forward and backward freely.

At least it must be between 500 metres and 1000 meters.

Although curious about the origin of this graffiti, I don’t have that kind of thought to investigate.

Luo continued to avoid the stone pillars and walked towards the depths. After stopping about six hundred meters, she stopped and turned to look at the fire in the distance.

He will stay here temporarily to see what the enemies plan to follow.

Thinking of this, he annihilated the torch on his hand, and the extinguished black smoke rose up and drowned in the darkness.

The surroundings are full of irregularly standing stone pillars. If they are struck here, it is very likely to destroy most of the stone pillars. I just do n’t know if the stone pillars collapse too much, will the underground caves completely collapse.

Also the worst result is that in the enemy’s camp, there will be a Demon Beast of [Night Vision] feature, then it will be troublesome.

If the situation is wrong, you can only go further …

Thinking of this, he gathered compressed air on torch, and then ignited torch with the sparks generated by the blade across the ground, and then exited 400 meters backwards. Then he stopped and annihilated torch again, watching the distance quietly. Flare just below the cave entrance.

It all depends on whether the other party chooses to give up or give up.

Above the ground, the pigeons and companions, and the remaining Demon Beasts came to the scene of the explosion.

The explosion blasted a football field-sized vacant field, and the trees at the edges burned with scattered flames, while at the center of the explosion there was a cave.

The pigeons and their companions came to the edge of the cave entrance, looked down, and could see the slight glittering flares below. They could barely see that the remains of the trees were burning, apart from this, also a lot of rubble.

Looking around, it can be determined that the hole that was blown out was the center point of the explosion. So, is that bastard with a knife dead or alive?

At this time, two artificial Demon Beasts each came with an unknown corpse, which was the remains of the Demon Beast who died of the explosion.

The pigeon only glanced back.

“Do you want to go down?” Eagle asked.

“No need, our goal is not him.” Pigeon coldly said.

At this time, the five-headed flying Demon Beast descended from the air and landed beside them.

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