Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 300

It is clear, but it should not be too out of place.

Luo was thinking like that, and he said, “Well.”

In the darkness, Sambika’s face lightly red, and under the rendering of that pale skin, it became very obvious. Unfortunately, Luo couldn’t see the scene.

Just applying medicine on the back waist is not much in itself, but after taking off the outer clothes, the remaining clothes are very thin.

Sambika squeezed her coat Kakuzu slightly, but whispered heartily: “Thank you.”

She knew how far the Hunters Association was from Alcatraz and how dangerous a place Alcatraz was.

If you land on the island without a permit, you will be listed as the highest-level wanted criminal once you find it.

Luo was able to arrive in time, presumably to land on the island secretly instead of following legal procedures, because the difficulty of approval is too high, and it is very time-consuming. If you follow the rules and wait for the permit, it will definitely not catch up.

Fortunately, the moment she got her phone, she thought of Luo as the first person to send a message.

This is an answer that doesn’t need to think. Of the people you know, only Luo can come to save her and help her within 1000 miles.

You know, it’s just a short message that doesn’t fully indicate the current situation …

It was because of Luo that she could be saved, or she wouldn’t be spared when the effect of Pandora’s Box power disappeared.

Hearing Sambika’s words of thanks, Luo’s eyelids drooped, and he smiled silently, extending the hand toward the darkness in front, and rested lightly on Sambika’s cheek.

Sambika’s body shook slightly, but she did not have the almost vigilant resistance before, and silently let Luo’s hand cover her face.

“You’re fine,” Luo said softly.

Sambika’s face turned redder.

But the next second, she suddenly thought of the business and said quickly: “I have to report to the association what happened here, Luo, lend me your mobile phone.”

The sullen atmosphere turned straight down, like a romantic candlelight dinner, when one of them received a call from the company and then crackled to talk about business.

Luo retracted his hand, and took out the phone.

He was going to turn over Netero’s number for Sambika, and the phone screen lit with rays of light.

The rays of light are not that strong, but they make Luo and Sambica see each other’s faces.

The two of them were not too far apart and looked at each other.

With the glimmer of the phone, Luo saw Sambika’s face clearly.

The Power of rays of light just covers the azure blood vessels under the skin. After missing those flaws, Luo took a closer look and felt a thrilling beauty.

The difference between eyes opened and eyes closed!

Luo stared at Sambika and stared at him for a moment, just holding his cell phone blankly, no further action.

I can’t say what it feels like. Maybe it’s because Sambica has been wearing a mask all the time. Maybe it’s because Sambica’s eyes are far more amazing when she opens her eyes than when she closes her eyes.

At this moment, he deeply felt that Sambika should not wear a mask.

He thought so, but selectively ignored the blood vessels on Sambika’s face.

Being stared at by Luo like this, Sambika’s eyes suddenly started to dodge, and the pupils even shifted to one side, staggering Luo’s eyes.

She knew that there were thin blood vessels on her face, so she felt that Luo’s reaction was too exaggerated.

She not at all realized that the right light just covered up the flaws on her face and really revealed the foundation of her appearance.


Having been staring at it this way, Sambica couldn’t help but call Lou’s name.

“Oh, oh!”

Luo came back to his senses, after awkward smile, handed the phone over and asked: “Are you going to call Netero President?”

“Well.” Sambika was nodded.

Luo said: “The numbers have helped you make it up.”

Zambia took the phone and immediately dialed Netero’s number.

Luo was looking at at, not at all, and told Sambica what Netero already knew, because the description could be different depending on Kakuzu.

Moreover, he wanted to ask what happened to Sambica, but now he does n’t need to ask, just listen.

The call is connected.

The voice coming out of the phone was not Luo’s, and Netero wasn’t surprised, and heard that it was Sambica.

Afterwards, what happened after Sambika’s landing on the island, and the process from her Incursio prison to the need to use self-protection methods, were all meticulously explained.

The ability to gather information is one of the skills that professional hunters need to be proficient at. It is exactly what Netero needs to elaborate everything like Sambica.

He patiently listened to Sambica’s remarks, and at the same time picked out useful information and stored it in his mind, without inserting half a sentence from beginning to end.

Luo was also listening. When he heard Sambica talking about the prison, he was quite surprised that the two Mind Power people he had killed in prison were actually the culprits who hurt Sambica.

The strength of those two people is pretty good, but he has gone through special training of Bi Siji and a battle with the strong enemy An Tongmu, and his growing up strength is far from those two people.

After all, Zambia’s combat capability is still a bit weak, after all, her positioning is biased towards logistics assistance.

About 5 minutes, Netero patiently listened to Sambica’s report and asked Sambica to hand the phone to Luo. He had something to tell Luo.


Luo answered the phone, and first responded.

“I am on my way to the port and I will be able to board the ship tomorrow morning. If the voyage is smooth, it will take about 8 days at the earliest to get to Alcatraz Island,” said Netero.

“You’re going to be a horse yourself.” Luo frowned.

“It has something to do with me,” Netero explained.

Luo turned around and said, “Is it 8 days? I’ll probably resolve this matter when you come over.”

“Smelly brat, don’t be too arrogant. The kind of strange power can resist you with a blow and be safe. Its strength can be seen in Madara, which is not something ordinary Mind Power can handle. You only saw nearly 100 heads, but it is difficult to guarantee. There is more. “

Netero said solemnly: “This is not a battle against soldiers. You will be fair against generals. Do you not understand the principle of being outnumbered? Don’t act rashly until Lin Nie meets with you.”

Luo heard the words silent, and he knew that Lin Nie and Machi were coming with them. At the moment, they were on the way, not sure how long it would take to reach Alcatraz Island.

Don’t act rashly … but the situation doesn’t allow him to be so low-key.

The strength of those alien Demon Beast species is indeed not weak, but he has the hand of God and Allah, and even with the defense of the Demon Beast species, his attack is absolutely impossible to resist.

Yesterday, I cut the Lizard in half at the lake.

But as Netero said, it is really necessary to assume the worst Demon Beast species number.

With 100 heads, Luo is confident that he can break them one by one. Once the 100 heads are surrounded, it is difficult to get out.

Considering the direction of this hypothesis, there is definitely a risk, but Luo does not plan to hide honestly. Before Machi and they come to Alcatraz Island, he must at least reduce the number of enemy Demon Beasts by half.

After all, considering Machi and Bahab ’s strength, it is not a problem for the last Demon Beast, but 2 heads, 3 heads, or even 4 heads, I am afraid they cannot cope.

The most important thing is that the other party should have plans for Sambica, especially the white coat. The look of Sambica is very wrong, and Sambica’s ability may have been discovered.

Otherwise, even if Sambica uses a self-protection technique, she will definitely not live for an hour, or even half an hour, for ten minutes.

In that case, the forbidden zone of life is terrible, but there are many ways to kill Sambica, and the other party not only did not kill Sambica, but also took the risk of holding Sambica in a glass cell.

It’s not clear how the opponent wants to use Sambica, but that alone is enough for Luo to take the shot.

Luo was silent for a moment and said in a joking tone: “Old Man, what do I do to spend in the ass? I can’t sit anyway.”

Netero calls him smelly brat and he fights back with Old Man.

Hearing Luo’s words, Netero couldn’t hear it, and Kaidou immediately said, “If you can’t sit still, lie down.”

“But there is no soft big bed here.” Luo continued playing with a smile, but the meaning was obvious.

Netero said, knowing that he couldn’t stop Luo, saying, “You insist, I won’t stop you, but be careful about 10000.”

“I know.” Luo Kaidou.

“Don’t do anything unsure, I think you can tell the situation.”

“Of course.” Luo suddenly glanced at Sambica, seriously, “I won’t give them any chance.”

It will not give the enemy any chance to hurt Sambika, nor will it give the enemy any chance to defeat him.

“Keep in touch.”

Netero, who was far above the sky spaceship, finished his last sentence and hung up.

Luo stole the phone silently, thinking about the next move.

“Luo.” Sambika looks at him.


“What is alien?” Sambika asked.

When she woke up, she didn’t know about the artificial soldiers, but only felt what the prison was planning, and each member seemed very strong.

In this quiet environment, she heard Netero’s voice and knew that Netero was moving towards Alcatraz Island. Not only that, there would also be a batch of reinforcements coming first.

But what she was more concerned about was the alien in Netero’s mouth, and Luo didn’t seem to want to wait for reinforcements, but wanted to deal with the alien alone.

“I haven’t told you yet?” Luo organized the language.

After that, Luo will enter the prison and elaborate on the process of rescue her.

Hearing Luo’s narrative, Sambica realized that the secret hidden in the prison far exceeded her imagination.

The so-called alien is actually a combination of human and Demon Beast, and can still use mind?

“Your ability should have been exposed, and the enemy seems to have a plot against you. Otherwise, with the ability of the enemy, you are impossible.” Luo pinched his chin and said solemnly: “I don’t know what the other party is trying to do. I’m not interested to know. “

“But if the other party really wants to work against you, it’s a matter of time before we are found.”

“Until then, I didn’t want to sit still. At the very least, I could draw attention from the enemy while weakening the enemy.”

“It won’t let them hurt you.”

Speaking of which, Luo slightly smiled, “Of course, if the enemy doesn’t chase after him, we will hide here for 7 or 8 days and leave all the troubles to Old Man to handle.”

Zambia bit her lip, in which case she could do nothing.

Luo seemed to see through Sambika’s mind and said, “Remember the battle in Meteor City?”

Sambika froze, and nodded said, “Remember.”

“The enemy’s Demon Beast is very strong. If you don’t say Attack Power, that defense is not easy to deal with, but with your Mind Power, you can say 2.”

Luo seriously looks at Sambica, said with a smile: “So let me deal with that many Demon Beast, it’s really a bit difficult, but isn’t this with you?”

“… “

Zambia didn’t know whether Luo said that she was comforting her or really needed her ability.

However, if her ability helps Luo in this situation, she will be happy.

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