Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 298

SMS is instant.

Luo sent a message from Alcatraz and Netero received it in 5 seconds.

Through the information provided by Luo, Netero realized that the situation was serious.

Each year, between 3 and 5 hunters are confirmed dead and missing, which is quite terrifying compared to the number of people who pass the hunter test each year.

The commission received from the state this time is likely to have killed nine professional hunters of the association.

One mission sacrificed that many professional hunters, which in historical records is also can be counted on one’s fingers.

However, hunters are a high-risk occupation, and how to avoid dangers has always been the basic quality that hunters need.

Netero will be sorry for the sacrificed hunter, but will not react very much. After seeing the [Death Flower] mark in the information, he is not calm.

The flower was named Madame Ghost, and was also the title of the founder of the Qing Rin team. Netero was also a member of the Qing Rin team, but later retired from the Qing Rin team to serve as President.

Before the Qing Rin team was disbanded, it was always a sharp sword of the Hunters Association. None of the members of the team were weak. They were specifically responsible for the mission with a Difficulty Level of a, and the unseen missions sent by some countries.

Older hunters basically know the reputation of the Qing Rin team. At that time, some hunters worked hard to join the Qing Rin team.

Madame Ghost, Captain of the Qing Rin team, since her death, the style of the Qing Rin team has gradually changed and has become more and more unscrupulous.

I don’t know when the Qing Rin team will put the mission first, no matter what the mission, it will be completed regardless of cost and consequences.

The unscrupulous and almost pathological approach made Netero think about the need for the Rin team to survive.

Until an incident twelve years ago, Qing Rin’s unscrupulous approach to complete the mission finally affected the important interests of others.

That incident was an opportunity to dissolve the Rin team, not only the order above, but also the default factors of Netero.

The Qing Rin team was disbanded, but the members of the team were not killed.

Netero has worked hard and wanted to change that result, but after all, the country can only be watched at the Qing Rin team under the intervention of the country, going towards destruction in a perfect name.

The Qing Rin team disappeared, and Netero did not know whether it was a good or bad thing, and the country did not let him interfere in the arrangement of the Qing Rin team, so he did not know what the final result of the Qing Rin team was.

To this day, after 2 years, the flower has appeared again.

Although Netero did not know how the country would treat the members of the Rin team, he was sure that the players at the time were absolutely spared, because the incident was really offensive to high-level people.

So, who is the person holding up this flower now?

Also, the combination of the human skull and Demon Beast’s body reminds him of Madd Ghost’s Mind Power-Surprise Box!

That’s the ability of the modernization system, and the surprise box is the item of Madame Ghost’s modernization, which has strange abilities.

The surprise box can combine living and non-living bodies. How to combine the characteristics of the two, such as combining a poison dart frog and a blade, you may get a poison knife.

However, the ability of the surprise magic box is wonderful, but there are a lot of restrictions. There is also a success rate and a failure rate. It is like strengthening equipment in the game. It cannot be 100% confirmed.

One of the many restrictions is that the surprise box cannot accommodate humans and Demon Beast.

Netero remembers Madame Ghost telling him a regret, which is actually what Madame Ghost has always wanted to do.

That is, throwing humans and Demon Beast into the surprise box to assemble them, and finally let humans have Demon Beast’s body, and can also use Mind Power.

That crazy idea is something that Madame Ghost has always wanted to accomplish, but her surprise box itself has many limitations, and only then can it have strange abilities.

Therefore, her idea is too whimsical, and even if she is willing to spend 100 years of time and energy to improve Mind Power, the surprise magic box has the same ability.

The terrifying aspect of Demon Beast is that they have a near-intelligent and powerful **, a race that can crush humans from the moment of birth.

However, such a powerful race can only become a race that can survive under the condition of [human permission], but if Demon Beast can also use Mind Power, it will be a horrible thing to think about. Thing.

From Luo’s narrative, the 100 Demon Beast species that appeared on Alcatraz Island directly reminded Netero of the regret left by Madame Ghost and the ability called the surprise box.

Thinking about it this way will not be Netero’s guess. After all, Madame Ghost is already dead. Even if she is alive, her surprise box cannot achieve that level.

In addition, Madame Ghost’s original idea was to combine humans and Demon Beast. After humans get the power of Demon Beast’s body, only some signs of Demon Beast will be left. Demon Beast, humans have only one head.

Netero throws this idea out of his head, which has absolutely nothing to do with the surprise box, but judging from Luo’s report, it will inevitably remind him of Madame Ghost.

“Looks like I have to act outside the rules.”

Netero thought about Lin Nie and the others who had already sailed for 4 days.

This incident involves the Qing Rin team that has been dissolved for many years, and the application for landing on the island has been intentionally blocked. He believes that the situation has become very serious, and he needs to go to Alcatraz. Approved.

Want to come, that approval is definitely not coming.

Netero, who wanted to go to Alcatraz to solve the problem himself, did not know that the 100 Demon Beast species were indeed the product of a surprise magic box assembly, and the results far exceeded his imagination.

Demon Beast’s body structure is different from humans, although they have intelligent to learn Mind Power, because of the inherent limitations of the body, it is basically impossible to use Mind Power.

However, the surprise box has allowed Demon Beast to get rid of this limitation and be able to do this, because the postmortem thought can be enhanced by unimaginable.

Madame Ghost did die, but her surprise box remained, and Netero wasn’t sure about it.

The idea of ​​strengthening through death makes the surprise box much less restrictive, and also satisfies Madame Ghost’s regrets during his lifetime, with unimaginable assembly capabilities.

As for the surprise box, there are many unknown secrets. It is a special materialized item that is not inferior to the treasure of the Kart Empire.

These two are the items that Mind Power embodies, as well as the special items left after the death of Mind Power.

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