Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 284

Zoldyck’s dragons are raised beside volcanic crater.

Maha personally took 2 people to the volcanic crater, allowing the people he treated like this to count with one hand in this world.

When I came to the side of the volcanic crater, I saw a creature resembling Dongfang Long lying horizontally below, but it also has some characteristics of Western dragons. On the whole, it tends to be a little more Dongfang Long.

Longsheng has 4 limbs, short but sharp 4 claws, slightly bloated body, and 3 pairs of wings on the back. One of the wings does not look small even if it shrinks, and the other 2 pairs of wings close to the tail. Looks more compact.

This is the dragon domesticated by the Zoldyck family. It has good endurance, is suitable for long-distance flight, and is not slow at flying speed.

Maha asked the two to wait, jumped down, and jumped onto the haystack, waking the sleeping dragon directly.

All Demon Beast species have mature Spiritual Wisdom and can understand human words, as do the dragons of Zoldyck’s family.

Maha wakes up the dragon and makes things clear.

The dragon stood up quietly, holding up Maha, and spreading his wings, he flew out of the sleeping quarters easily, raising a gust of strong wind, landing beside Luo and Netero.

Maha jumped from the dragon body and said, “Go.”

That being said, it’s looks at Luo, not Netero.

Even though Netero didn’t make it clear, Maha could see that the person who wanted to borrow the dragon was Luo. Otherwise, Luo wouldn’t have to follow.


Luo thanked him for jumping to the dragon’s body and coming from the association had been delayed for more than a day, but after borrowing the dragon, the journey time to Akatez Island could be doubled.

The dragon fluttered and flew like a serpentine snake, flying towards the air.

Maha and Netero watched the rising dragon silently.

After a while, the dragon rushed into the clouds and disappeared into the sight of 2 people.

Coming to the top of the clouds is an endless clean sky. There is no reference to identify the direction, but Luo has a map and a navigation system, and the dragons under him are Demon Beast species that can communicate. Don’t worry about finding a place.

Before going to Akatez Island, Luo asked Machi to go back to the Sky Competitor field, and also told them about it.

That island is very dangerous. It is not as simple as mental warfare. You need to beware of various poisonous creatures. If you do n’t have certain experience, you can easily win the bid.

Luo left the choice to Bu Hajiu. If he would like to follow, he would come by sea boat.

After borrowing a dragon for Luo, Netero should also use his method to handle the matter, so he stopped staying, said hello to Maha, and returned to the association in a spaceship.

When Netero and Luo left, Maha also returned to the house, where Illumi was waiting for him at the door.

“High grandfather.”

Illumi greeted Maha’s return.

“Wait for me specifically?” Maha asked.

“Well.” Illumi nodded.

Whether it is Maha, or Zeno and Silva, before they take over the family business, they will basically develop a habit, that is, they will not spend too much energy on things other than commission, and will not affect some external ones. People are interested.

Illumi is not too old at this time, and it is not surprising that he is interested in things other than commission.

He was waiting for Maha here just to figure out the relationship between Luo and Maha.

Without talking about it, Illumi threw the question directly.

“You can taste such a delicious Buddha jumping over the wall, it is his blessing.” In response to this question, Maha answered like this.

After that, he moved towards his room and didn’t know if the cartoon was over.

…… ..

Alcatraz Island.

The 500 people who landed on the island some time ago have all been cleaned up to this day, and they have basically become Demon Beast’s food. In terms of physical fitness, they are regarded as a batch of food above the qualified line.

Ordinary person is not spared, but Mind Power also has the right to live longer.

After the Hunters Association accepted the mission, a total of ten hunters were sent, including Sambica.

Now, in addition to Sambica’s self-protection measures to delay the time of captives, nine other hunters, six dead and three surviving, have become the experimental bodies of Sven men.

Klott Prison is a state-owned prison dedicated to the incarnation of sinful and vicious prisoners, but the Sven man’s approach is obviously to put himself on the opposite side of the country, but his behavior has not been found for the time being.

In this world, there are so many unpardonable prisoners. Out of false humanitarianism, after putting a criminal on a meaningless number far beyond the limit of lifespan, he is held in a dark prison for trial.

This is true externally, but different internally.

There are prisons in many places that use these prisoners as experimental subjects, and Klott Prison is one of them. After all, the prisoners held here are wicked.

100, this number is a number of artificial creatures, and also represents the existence of 100 Mind Power and 100 Demon Beasts.

The Sven man used unknown methods to piece together the human Mind Power’s skull and the powerful body of Demon Beast, and ensured the normal operation of vital signs.

These 100 artificial creatures are the result of five years of his life, and in order to reach this level, he spent a full ten years.

Everything … for revenge!

Sambika’s cell had turned into a dark green World, exuding a dangerous breath.

In this dark green environment, Sambika curled up in the middle, her eyes closed tightly, maintaining a weak breathing rate.

The wall that was smashed by the bear has been repaired, and the cell in which Sambica is surrounded is surrounded by a piece of transparent glass of incredible hardness, compressing the restricted area of ​​dark green within the area.

The Sven man stood outside the glass and stared at Sambika’s eyes, as if looking at a seductive baby.

Beside him, there were two people standing, one was an eagle carrying a fan-shaped knife, and the other was a middle-aged woman with long black hair and black-rimmed glasses. The body was wearing a light green office uniform.

“I threw ten prisoners in, and the length of stay was one to ten minutes.” The Sven man pinched his lips and Kakuzu with his forefinger and said in an excited tone: “Guess what did I find?”

Middle-aged woman said solemnly: “Directly speaking.”

“You’re still as direct as ever.” The Sven man took care of the body-stained white coat and slightly agitated his emotions.

The middle-aged woman frowned, and seemed a little impatient.

When the Sven man saw this and chuckled, he said, “This woman is a rare weapon, but now I can’t reach her for a while, and I want to come back for about 5 days, and she will be lifted.”

Middle-aged woman looks at Sambika in the glass, lightly nodded, said: “There is not much time left for you, it is best not to waste energy on meaningless things, and start as soon as possible.”

“If circumstances allow … I don’t want to wait for a moment.”

Suddenly, there was deep hatred on Sven’s man’s face, his face twisted slightly.

The eagle standing aside seemed to be infected by the words and actions and emotions of the Sven man, and clenched his fist subconsciously.

They were … survivors of a false sanction, and now they are returning the slaughter they used to slash to them.

“The Hunters Association has begun to investigate, be careful of Netero, I have tried my best to hold him back, but the Old Man is not a general savvy. He must not show his feet until he is fully prepared for 10000,” the middle-aged woman reminded.

“I know.”

…… ..

Hunters Association, President’s Office.

Netero listened to Doumen’s work report, revealing a thoughtful expression.

There is an outsider here, that is Lin Nie. Although she is a member of the association, she basically does not ask about world affairs and has no mood to handle missions, but she took the initiative to step in.

“Stuck by vulgar things, the steps taken are unstable.” Lin Nie said expressionless.

Netero ticked his cheeks and said with a smile that he didn’t care: “Limited to work and status, it really is.”

“Since the permission cannot be approved, then I will act outside the rules, and I do not know that my old bone is not a bad claim.” Lin Nie calmly said.

In order to find a long-term personal chef, you can be considered a fight, old friend …

Netero thought about it silently.

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