Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 265


Luo remembers that Netero teased Killua and Young Gon with a ‘playing ball’ game, saying it was playing, but it was actually a game of grabbing a ball.

It is not a pleasure to be teased unilaterally.

Luo still knew himself. He thought about it for a while, then refused: “Not interested.”

Bi Siji is leaving tomorrow, so he has to enjoy the massage of the cookie Miss tonight, how can he play with Netero.

Seeing Luo’s utter refusal, Netero held out his index finger and hooked a pale beard, as if there was no good way for Luo to promise to play with him.

With a hunter license? Obviously it didn’t work, he actually wanted to send the hunter license directly to Luo, but Luo didn’t seem to be interested in the hunter license.

Just as Netero was having a hard time, Luo suddenly pointed at Bu Ha Ling and said, “If you really want to play, let Bu Ha Ling accompany you.”

After seeing Luo throwing his baggage to him, he suddenly shook his head and made a joke. He would rather take a few punches from Bisji rather than play with Netero President.

“Well, now youngster, I don’t understand the old man at all.”

Netero got up and walked aside, twisted his waist, and sighed, “I’ve got an old bone. I just want to find the weakest person after a meal to play a ball, which will help digestion, even if it is rejected And introduce a big guy to bully old fogey. “

The weakest body … Is this a radical method?

Luo flipped Byakugan over, slowly put down the chopsticks, and said earnestly, “Netero President, are you here for me?”

Not to mention passing by the 230th floor and directly asking him to play after dinner, it is clear that he is coming towards him, but he does not know what the motivation of Netero President is.

“That’s right.” Netero acknowledged it with a bachelor.

Luo rubbed his forehead and asked, “Just for me to play with you?”

Netero bearded, earnestly: “Almost.”

Last year’s Hunter test, Luo didn’t participate, and Netero had no choice but to help.

Two days ago, he watched Luo’s battle with An Tongmu through broadcasting. What he thought in his mind was that he hoped that Luo could get the license soon. After all, such talents were not common, and it was safe to absorb them as soon as possible.

The most important thing is that after Luo becomes a member of the association, he will be able to move Luo to his side. He usually gets bored and has one more time to pass the time, and there are also 2 vacancies in the 2 Earthly Branches. One.

Therefore, after watching the game, the Netero President’s whim, he dropped the business, directly moved a spaceship, and flew to the Sky Competitor field to find Luo.

It’s good to chat, play, and chat. He has already prepared a hunter license, and is ready to find a reason to dump the hunter license to Luo.

The wayward Netero President is terrifying, and he completely interprets the word ‘whatever he wants’. When he can abuse his private rights, he will never be polite, and he will not care about Luo’s origin and age.

Bi Siji sighed. She knew President. In order for Luo to play with him, she dropped the affairs of the association, which is really what the President can do.

“Can I decline it again?”

Luo’s tone was quite sincere, and although Netero came to him on purpose, he didn’t want to be abused.

“Of course you can,” Netero laughed, calmly: “But I can’t guarantee the quality of your sleep tonight is good or bad.”

“This is a threat,” Luo pain in the ass said.

Netero immediately put on a “What are you talking about? How can I not understand?”

Bi Siji looked at at the side, and felt that President could not be allowed to go on like this anymore, what about the image?

She looked at Luo and said, “Luo, just play with President.”

“Don’t, it’s the last day!” Luo opened his eyes, and he really listened to Bi Siji’s words.

Bisji knew what Luo meant, saying, “I’ll stay another day.”

Luo was very unwilling, but Bi Siji said so, and he could only respond.

Netero looked at Bisji, and looked at Luo again, not talking with a beard.

Ten minutes later, in the martial arts room where An Tongmu stayed, there were only Luo and Netero.

Netero held a volleyball in his hand and kept throwing it upwards, with a cheerful look.

Luo reluctantly asked, “What are the rules?”

“Have you ever played volleyball?” Netero stopped throwing the ball, looking surprised.

“Have played.” Luo looked at the surrounding environment and said, “But this is not a volleyball court, and how can only 2 people play volleyball?”

Netero suddenly felt right, grabbed the ball with his right hand, raised his index finger with his left hand, said with a smile: “To say the same, then make a rule of the game temporarily.”

“…” Luo.

Netero didn’t think about it for a long time, but just glanced at the field and made a decision, saying, “There is only one rule of the game, so the opponent can’t catch the ball.”

“Can you read it?” Luo asked.

“It’s natural, wouldn’t it be boring if you didn’t read it?” Netero threw the volleyball.

Luo silently nodded. If you think about it, you can use the field to slow down the impact of volleyball. This is quite advantageous.

“Then, I’m going to serve.” Netero right hand took the ball, opened the fine holes in his body, his air covered his body, and the flow was very quiet.


Seeing the gas of Netero body up close, Luo’s eyes changed.

Is that qi flowing? It should be, but you can’t see any trace of flow. If this is the case in combat, wouldn’t it be impossible to draw some judgment based on the flow of qi.

How did that happen?

“Luo, you want to make me happy.”

Netero suddenly said something, pulling Luo’s attention back.

Luo curl one’s lip also opens the fine pores so that Qi is covered on the body.

At this point, Netero injected air into the volleyball, then threw it into the air, raised its right hand and shot it again on the volleyball.


After a muffled sound, the volleyball suddenly deformed, turning into a dark shadow and flying to Luo’s right field.

“So fast!”

Luo’s eyes deflected to the right, and at the same time, he moved quickly to the right, condensing his qi in the palm of his hand, and made a spherical field into which the volleyball that was about to fly entered.

After seeing that volleyball flew into the field, the extremely fast speed dropped down with the speed visible by naked eye, but within a few seconds, Luo stopped and stopped in front of the palm.

“Hoho.” Netero looks at this scene, his eyes show interest, this first goal, he used less than half of his strength.

After completely canceling the Strength on the volleyball, Luo took the ball and looked at 5 beyond ten meters of Netero, saying, “It’s my turn.”

He injected qi into the volleyball, stopped the volleyball half a meter in front of the field, and gathered most of the qi on the right hand.

The dazzling rays of light bloom from the right hand, in Netero’s eyes like a big sparkling light bulb.

“Reserved ‘hard’ is really not polite at all.” Netero smiled across his face.

Take out a small part of the air, inject it into the volleyball in the form of “week”, and a little bit of air, let the volleyball float in the air, and finally gather all the remaining air on the right hand.

It can be said that this is Luo’s full power attack.

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