Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 256

Knowing that there was no chance, he still gambled his life into this battle. As a result, Hisoka, who had prepared in advance, survived.

However, Hisoka is like Young Gon many years later. Although he was beaten by Luo, he didn’t understand what it meant to be “frightened.”

Just had a face-to-face meeting with Luo. Hisoka probably knew Luo’s strength, and he would not come to Luo in a short time.

He vaguely reached the height, and in the future, he had to work hard to become stronger. When he reached the height where Luo was, he didn’t know how strong Luo would be at that time.

Illumi glanced back at Hisoka, who was unconscious. He pulled out a few bead pins from his clothes and inserted them on his head and face. Within seconds, his face suddenly changed into another look.

This is a capability that he has only recently developed. It can be easily dissipated, which is a very good ability for a killer, but because of the new development, it will be very uncomfortable to maintain the dissipative.

Therefore, when he came to the waiting time of the aisle, he removed the beaded needle. Now he wants to get out of the aisle and naturally insert it again.

It’s a pity that he can hide this from anyone, but he can’t conceal it from Luo, because the existence of that beaded needle is too conspicuous.

At the venue, Luo didn’t know that Hisoka had been picked up by Illumi. After facing the questions of many reporters, he silenced for a while and finally threw out an answer.


In a salty tone, say the name of the layer master to be challenged next.

After hearing Luo’s answer, the reporters were almost crazy, this is the perfect divide assist!

The challenge for the owner of the floor has always been one of the highest levels of Sky Competitor, and the result of each match may make the floor ruler change hands.

A year ago, An Tongmu lost 3 hands. After returning, many contestants who got the qualification to challenge the masters challenged An Tongmu with the idea of ​​killing him while he was ill.

As a result, An Tongmu used his rock-like body and powerful Taijutsu to stubbornly hold the qualification. Afterwards, facing the reporter’s post-match interview, An Tongmu once said: He will come.

Then a boy named Luo finally came.

At first, the news was directed at Luo, but it was not clear enough. It was reported in a speculative tone. Now it is different.

When Luo answered the name of the layer master to be challenged, he had a close connection with what An Tongmu said before.

“In the case of just winning the Tokachi, Luo actually selected the leader to be challenged on the spot!” The commentary girl said in a surprised tone.

At this time, An Tongmu saw this scene in his room through a television broadcast inside, but did not respond.

He has waited long enough, and the account of the 3 hands will soon be calculated.

At the venue, it was learned that Luo’s object of challenge was An Tongmu, and the audience began to discuss.

Seeing that the time was almost the same, Luo crossed the reporters with the speed that was difficult to capture by ordinary person naked eye and headed for the passage where Hisoka left.

When the reporters reacted, Luo was nowhere to be seen, they were all stuck in place.

At the moment Luo left, the Bisji who came to watch the battle in the venue followed, and walked towards the passageway elsewhere.

Less than 30% of the time, this is the time after Hisoka entered the aisle.

Luo rushed into the aisle and stared at the distant exit, not seeing any silhouette.

“left already?”

That kind of injury, Hisoka impossible went so fast, as the original creator, Luo is very sure.

At this time, the black cat emerged from the back of Luo’s hand, and the reason he would come out for fun was that Hisoka occupied a page of the book, so he very much supported Luo to kill Hisoka so that the blacked page would be more than the previous page.

“What are you doing out there?”

Luo glanced around quickly, then ran forward.

The black cat floated in the air, followed closely by Luo’s behind, and said, “Help you.”

Hearing the words of the black cat, Luo glanced at him, and said, “What else would you do besides eating?”

When the black cat heard it, it was all upset, and it could only be proved by action.

He didn’t have a nose, but he made a twitching nose, smelled it, and said, “A few minutes ago, there were four people here, one of which was Hisoka.”

“Four?” Luo frowned.

Counting the two staff members, plus Hisoka, there should be only three, and from the perspective of the two staff members catching up with Hisoka’s Speed, 2% of the time can’t get out of the passage.

Indeed, as Luo thought, even if the staff sent Hisoka to a stretcher, 30% of the time could not get out of the passage, but the ability to manipulate the system was so unreasonable.

After being hit by Illumi’s acupuncture, I was able to run at 100 meters for 100 seconds, but now I can run at 5 meters for 1 seconds. This is not an increase, it is more like a squeezing at any cost. The same Mind Power controlled in the tomb of Ji Ling.

“Don’t you notice? Murderous aura remains just after entering the tunnel.” The black cat’s tone was very disdainful, and he seemed to mind the words Luo said just now, as if he were using it as a rice bucket.

The Murderous Aura, which is so weak that it is almost imperceptible, is left over by the 2 staff members who controlled Illumi. Today, he is far from not one drop of water can leak out ten years later.

“No.” Luo shook his head slightly, he didn’t notice it.

“Well, you can’t even notice the obvious Murderous Aura. I really don’t know how thick your nerves are?” The black cat took the opportunity to laugh at him, but Murderous Aura, which was extremely pale, was called obvious by him, so as to increase mockery Formidable power.

Luo was too lazy to ignore him, and just wanted to run out of the channel as soon as possible to see if the staff was more efficient, which caused his prediction to be wrong.

A man and a cat quickly ran out of the aisle, then looked at all around, but found nothing.

“Missing …”

Luo frowned, reminiscent of what the black cat said.

“Taste of 4 people? Murderous aura? Are you sure?” Luo tilted his head toward the black cat sitting on his shoulders.

After exiting the passage, there were not many people in the hall, and the black cat kept a low profile. Instead of floating in the air, he sat on Luo’s shoulder.

“Love believing or not.” After hearing Luo’s question, the black cat was coldly snorted.

“If you are a dog, your credibility will be much higher,” Luo said, in the direction of the medical room.

The black cat heard the words and suddenly angered: “If the rules allow it, believing or not, I will tear you with one paw now?”

“Less nonsense, help me go to the medical room.”

After walking a long distance, Luo suddenly stopped. If Hisoka had been sent to the medical room, he could not approach the medical room with openness, and …

He looks at all around, and feels helpless for those who look at him.

He is not an entertainment star, and there should be no star chaser here, but as a contestant in the Sky Competitor field, he is now a well-known fighting star.

At this moment, people around him saw Luo, and they all approached involuntarily.

“This is the poison of the Spurs slug, put away.”

In desperation, Luo could only leave the matter to the black cat. He used his ability to directly extract about 5 drops of light blue toxin through a glass tube and sent it to the black cat’s mouth, Paulie.

After the black cat swallowed the poison, he didn’t act immediately, but instead said, “What can I do besides eating?”

Seeing this, Luo stared at the black cat with an eye on the ingredients, the latter curl one’s lip, heading towards the medical room.

The poison of the Spurs sea slug was bought by Luo from Geer. It takes only one drop to let the seriously injured Hisoka sleep for 7 days and 7 nights. With 5 drops, the effect is even stronger.

If the black cat finds Hisoka in the medical room, ask him to send the poison of the Spurs slug into Hisoka within the body, and then there is a way to kill Hisoka.

Watching the black cat leave, Luo looked towards the nearly 100 people around and sighed.

Luo managed to cope with the past and was able to get away while receiving a call from Machi.

To use the reason of going to the toilet for a long time, I hung up Machi’s phone and merged with the black cat who returned from the medical room.

“Not in the medical room?” Luo pinched his chin, his eyes full of thoughtful expression.

The black cat was full of regrets. Luo gave him sea slug’s toxin. In his opinion, it was superfluous. As long as he saw Hisoka in the medical room, he would use the toxin, and no matter whether there were anyone else in the room, he would just kill it with one paw. Hisoka.

“Where are you going?”

Luo frowned, then looked up at the camera above the stone pillar.

Want to know how Hisoka left, there is still one method, is to check the monitoring records.

The thought that Hisoka was beaten so badly by himself, Luo thought to take this opportunity to kill Hisoka, otherwise he would surely be more entangled in the future, but things seemed to be troublesome.

In order to avoid becoming more troublesome in the future, even if it is troublesome now, he can only move on.

In fact, as long as the strength is always better than Hisoka, things will be simple.

This person, Hisoka … always wants to enjoy the pleasure of battle, always positive!

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