Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 254

Before the slate was pulled back by Hisoka, Luo attached the reading power, so that slate could leave some injuries in the Hisoka body.

Luo’s unbalanced body stood upright and looked towards Hisoka who fell on the platform outside.

At such a moment, Luo can chase while winning and use a ‘hard’ punch to hit Hisoka’s head, but Hisoka did not agree to the death fight, and Luo could not do so.

Referee quickly walked to Hisoka, confirming that Hisoka is conscious, immediately raised his hand, and made a scissor-like gesture, shouting: “A very good attack.”

This meant that Luo had taken the lead and scored 2 points.

If the result of this game is to lose Hisoka, then this point will be of little value.

Hisoka lay on his back, his heels stuck to the ground, and then, with the strength of his waist, he slowly straightened up.

The front of his arm was covered with abrasions and looked serious, but only a few skin injuries.

In front of the slate, he still blocked it with 2 arms in time to avoid more serious injuries.

The flexible love not only did not work, but was used by Luo. In that case, it was like raising his fist and throwing a punch into his face.

“Eyes have always maintained the” condensation “, and when they mobilized qi to defend or attack, they did not move the qi in the eyes, so even if I used the mode of” hide “to eliminate the mind, I could not hide his eyes.

Hisoka step by step

Flexible love, with two characteristics of chewing gum and rubber, sticking to the target or object with the characteristics of gum, and then using the elastic contraction of rubber to do a lot of things.

Hisoka knows how to maximize the effect of flexible love, and that is to use “hidden” to eliminate the form of the note and make it more secret.

However, Luo would rather weaken part of his defense and attack power, but also maintain the ‘condensation’ at all times, so that it would not make sense to use ‘hidden’ again.

Use ‘Ning’ to break the secret, the flexible power of the flexible love is greatly reduced.

Hisoka is much stronger now than in Meteor City. Similarly, Luo is now much stronger than then!

“Luo … it’s amazing!”

Hisoka came to the edge of the ring, jumped slightly, and jumped up.

Presumably before the end of this battle, Luo will not remove the ‘condensation’ from the eyes, then there is no need to use ‘Hidden’. To allow the flexible love to create magical powers, it can only be used outside Luo’s sight, or Increase the number of.

In this battle, Hisoka can’t see any odds for the time being, but he can create, if he can’t create it, he will surrender decisively and then slip away.

Looks at Hisoka standing on the edge of the ring, Luo didn’t move at all, because in this distance, the hit rate of the long-range attack is equal to zero.

“20 meters, no, it should be within ten meters. This is the distance of 90% hit rate.” Luo calmly looked at Hisoka who came step by step.

Even the distance within ten meters cannot be sure that the munitions can hit 100%, so the use of munitions outside the ten meters is to cover and harass.

in other words, in the next battle, it is not necessary to inject too much mental energy into the ammunition outside ten meters, on the other hand, even if the ammunition within ten meters has a failure rate of 100%, it is worth it Inject enough thoughts.

As Hisoka walked, the raised double-handed turned into a dozen playing cards.

It wasn’t the item that was realized by the idea, but he hid the playing card with ‘Texture Surprise’ and removed ‘Texture Surprise’ when he wanted to use it.

Holding a lot of poker cards, Hisoka suddenly speeded up his feet and began a speedy sprint.

The distance between the two sides was pulled down at once, Hisoka double-handed flew, and a dozen playing cards in his hand spun forward.

A total of ten or six playing cards, at the moment they were thrown away, were spinning like a boomerang. Instead of flying directly to Luo, they were divided into 6 batches and went to the left and right sides of Luo.

With this flight trajectory, these sixteen playing cards will bypass Luo and fly to behind.

Knowing that Luo’s ability can stop playing cards, how could Hisoka waste his energy to make such a meaningless attack.

His purpose is … to create opportunities by quantity, and if that is the case, even if Luo can see it, it will be fine.

“Ten six, not even ‘Hidden’.”

Looks at the thought stuck to playing cards, Luo’s thoughts move.

He can click Bullets to play ten thoughts to cut off the ten thoughts attached to the playing card, or he can choose the left or right and stop 8 playing cards with the field.

Either way, there is no way to cut off the thoughts on ten or six cards.

In this case…

Luo stepped on his foot, ignored the poker cards, rushed straight toward Hisoka, pulled the distance closer to ten meters, and then popped ten bullets towards Hisoka.


Hisoka saw Luo so decisively ignoring the tricks he used, and his eyes glanced with surprise. His response was extremely fast, and he instantly threw the sixteen thoughts connected to the playing cards onto the stones in front of him.

In this way, ten or six thought lines are connected to the playing card and a few slate, and the ten or so playing cards that bypass Luo are brought together at this moment.

Suddenly, Hisoka launched the contraction characteristics of Nian, so the sixteen playing cards that flew over Luo were pulled back and shot at Luo’s back, and the slabs were lifted from the ground, just blocking the Nian bomb On the trajectory.


The ammunition first smashed the slate. For a moment, the splatter splashed and the dust was flying.

If … Luo’s thoughts can’t cut Hisoka’s thoughts, then Hisoka’s choice is different.

He is confident, so even though the distance is short, he will try to throw the thought line above the thought line to form a 2 point line.

Then, he would use the flying speed of munitions to pull back the playing cards that passed Luo at a faster speed, and then sneak attack on Luo’s back.

This vision is based on if.

Because Luo’s thoughts are special and restrained to some extent, he can only throw the thought lines on the slate.

The slate was shattered by a bullet and set off the dust and mist. Hisoka saw the situation and rushed into the dust and mist.

At the same time, Luo noticed the playing cards flying back from behind, avoiding directly to the right, and easily avoided.

At this time, Hisoka’s silhouette emerged from the dust and mist, came to him, and punched him.

Luo raised his right hand elbow to block this fist.

His fist was blocked, and Hisoka slammed his knee against Luo’s abdomen.

Luo quickly lifted his feet, bent his knees and caught Hisoka’s knee bump, and simultaneously punched him, hitting Hisoka’s abdomen and knocking him back several steps.

The idea of 鈥嬧€媌eing restrained and Taijutsu being suppressed by Luo should be an incalculable matchup, but … Finding a hint of darkness from a world full of light is the joy of battle.

It was then that Hisoka forcibly stopped the backward movement.

In this case, his momentum was weak, and he had to pull away to readjust the fanfare, but instead of doing so, he stepped forward violently, then raised his right foot and kicked into Luo’s left temple.

“Dare you take such a risk …”

Luo glanced quickly at the moment of the fight. Hisoka took the opportunity to stick his thoughts on his elbows and knees, and for the time being he was unable to free his hands to cut them off.

Facing Hisoka’s apparently unremarkable lifting kick, he raised his left hand to block it easily, and at the same time stepped forward sideways, knocking his elbows heavily on Hisoka’s chest.

In a brief match, Luo hit Hisoka 2 times.


The sound of broken bones.

Hisoka flew upside down, ignoring the injury, forcibly twisted in the air, raised his right foot across the air and kicked at Luo, looking like a lame upside down golden hook.

If Hisoka’s right foot had not been separated by Luo with God’s hand, then this action he made in the air would be meaningless, just as if he was playing a comical clown with the air.

At the same time, Luo cut off all the thoughts stuck to the body, just in case Hisoka used the thoughts stuck to the body to do things.

When he cut off the sticky thoughts, he saw Hisoka’s right foot separated and moved straight towards him.


Luo frowned and was surprised, but it was too late to resist.

The flying right foot kicked over his chest, but there was no formidable power, just sticking to his chest.

Luo’s score showed that Hisoka’s pink neck stretched out on his ankle and glued to the separated right foot.

Previously, Luo used Hisoka’s idea to fight back. At this moment, Hisoka also used his idea to create opportunities for attack.

Flexible love, start!

Suddenly, Luo’s body was pulled over, and at the same time, Hisoka leaned towards him.

2 people are like positive and negative magnets attracted to each other, and draw closer to each other quickly. At this moment, there is a sense of sight to fight the bayonet positively!

During the volley flight, Luo raised his hand to cut off the thought on Hisoka’s right foot. However, Hisoka quickly approached him with the contraction of the rubber.

“Too late.”

Luo came to a conclusion like lightning, gave up his intention to sever the thought, and greeted Hisoka.

“You see, the odds are …”

Hisoka gave Kakuzu a grin, and when he was about to throw the ready attack on Luo’s face, suddenly, he felt a resistance in front of him, hindering his Speed.

“En? Resistance of air?”

Hisoka’s brows were rare and tightly frowned, and a chill representing the sense of crisis flowed through his body.

He was ready to attack, and his confident attack was affected by this inexplicable resistance …

Assume that the attack value he gathered at that moment is ten points, so if he wants to destroy the ten points in the Luo body, he needs ten points of Agility to create a 100% chance of hitting.

He took advantage of the separation of the right foot from the body, and then borrowed the flexible love to pull Luo over, so he finally built a temporary ten-point Agility Attribute.

The 1-point attack value and the 1-point Agility value are the odds he has seen.

However, when this inexplicable resistance occurred, it seemed like a negative deduction effect, which directly reduced his Agility value to 6 points.

What it meant, Hisoka knew it, so the instantaneous power of his thinking was unprecedented.


Never before has every cell of Hisoka within the body beating wildly.

At the moment of resistance, he decisively gave up the attack that was inevitable and turned all ten attack values 鈥嬧€媔nto defense values.

What kind of decisiveness and choice is that?

In the light-filled World, I was looking for a trace of darkness, but at the moment I found it, I rationally expelled this darkness from the Light World.

In the endless despair of people, it is difficult to find a glimmer of hope. How many people are willing to give up?

“The right decision.”

In the auditorium, Bisji glared at him, and couldn’t help but praise Hisoka in his heart.

This is a person who has not yet grown up. If the values 鈥嬧€媜f the body and Mind Power are mined to the top, then the battle strength unimaginable can be displayed.

However, where Luo is, he stands taller than you …

On the stage.

Hisoka turned from attack to defense, and decisively raised his finger. He raised his arm and flexed his knees, protecting the vital points of the body, and concentrated his temper on his arms and knees, like a hard shield on the same side.

Just as the two sides were about to collide with each other because of the flexible love, Luo was also temporarily switching offense.

This is the change he’s made to see Hisoka’s split second.

He lifted his right foot, like a rope in a childhood skipping entertainment. In the volley, he pressed Hisoka’s pink thought from the air to the ground.

That flexible love suddenly turned into a ‘v’ shape. At the same time, Hisoka’s body turned forward, and the defensive posture standing in front of him suddenly faced the ground, revealing his back.

That split second, Luo raised his arm, one elbow from top to bottom, and fiercely knocked at Hisoka’s back.


Hisoka slammed into the ground, spitting a thick mouthful of blood.

The hard slate burst and his body flew up.

The eyes of the two sides meet at this brief moment.

A fist was reflected in Hisoka’s eyes.

He endured the injury and made a slight upward motion. After that, his head flew upwards, trying to avoid Luo’s 2nd blow in this style.

However, in the confrontation just now, Luo saw that Hisoka used his mind to match the right palm separated by the hand of God, how could he forget that Hisoka’s head was also kept separated from the body.

This fist, which originally greeted Hisoka’s face, lifted about 50 cm in Luo’s prediction.

So, this scene looks like Luo this fist was about to fail, and Hisoka sends his face to Luo’s fist.

This is no coincidence …


A loud muffled sound rang through the venue.

Hisoka’s head flew upside down, and the flexible and sticky body flew along with it, turning into a dark shadow, smashing into the wall, and the life and death were unknown.

After hitting this fist, Luo originally wanted to pull the free-loving love, and before Hisoka landed, he continued to pull him back to make up the knife to ensure the completion.

However, this fist used all his strength, so the speed of Hisoka flying out was too fast, and it suddenly exceeded the length of ten meters, and forcibly read it off.

“It’s too late to make another shot, but it’s time to kill Hisoka?” Luo looks at the smoky distance, thinking silently.

Consecutive blows, combined with a final punch, should be fatal.

Referee ran to the place where Hisoka fell to the ground and looked at the state of Hisoka, but did not announce ko, but called the countdown.

Counting up to 7 seconds, he shut up suddenly because Hisoka stood up staggeringly.

“… “

Luo frowned, really didn’t expect Hisoka to be so resistant, but fortunately, if the battle continues, he will have a chance to strike to kill Hisoka.

If this battle is a death fight, which is so troublesome, there is no need to wait for the referee to check the situation.

Referee looks at on the verge of collapse Hisoka, first announced that Luo took 30%, and then asked: “Can you continue?”

Hisoka’s face was flattened, and his nasal bone was mostly broken.

He ignored the referee, but looked at Luo standing on the ring from afar, with a weird smile on his almost disfigured face, and then said: “No chance … I surrender.”

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