Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 248

This is not a hotel and there should be no special services.

However, when Uvogin and Nobunaga saw Bisji, they had been out of Meteor City for some time, and the ideas that were immediately produced were not simple.

Luo has a history, and once used Mind Power to cut Machi’s clothes, then …

With the strange gaze of the three Machi, the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

“It’s just a broken lock. Is it hard to come in?”

Bisji, lying on the sofa, covered the magazine aside, then sat upright and looked up towards Machi 3 people.

At first glance, we can only judge that Machi 3 is Mind Power by entanglement, and then from the use of entanglement to get a basic judgment.

Strength is ok …

Bisji gave a relevant evaluation in his heart.

“She is my Master.”

Realizing Machi’s strange eyes, Luo stroked his forehead, explained immediately, and immediately looked at Bisji, sulking: “Well, please say something, send a message or something.”

Bi Siji got up, double-handed on his hips, and said, “I won’t do such a troublesome thing.”

She went to the commercial street to fight hard, squandered the money she had won, bought a lot of luxury brand goods, and thought that she could continue betting on Luo to win, she bought a suit for Luo.

In addition to the training time of Mind Power skills after a while, she simply went to Luo’s room first and waited for him to return after dinner.

However, she did not expect Luo to bring his friend back to the room.

Hearing Bisji’s answer, Luo gave her a look of “I served you”, then brought the others into the room, and then closed the door.

“There is a drink in the refrigerator. If you want to drink it, take it yourself.” Luo walked to the windowsill and said casually.

“She’s your Master?” Uvogin looked at Bisji, unbelieving, as did Nobunaga.

Although they have been in contact with Mind Power for more than 2 years, the cultivation base is pretty good. They see that Bisji is also a Mind Power person, but they do not think Bisji is very difficult to deal with.

Bi Siji glanced at the two of them lightly, but did not speak.

Bhajan and Sambika went to the refrigerator to get drinks by themselves. Machi was silent. She and Uvogin Nobunaga had the same idea.

As long as Bijiji does not tear off that layer of camouflage, anyone who knows Luo’s strength can basically not accept this fact. The current Machi people are just like the former Baha’i and Sambika.

“Isn’t this an excuse you just made?” Uvogin’s eyes moved away from Biszki’s body, looking at Luo sitting on the windowsill, his eyes still strange.

Luo beckoned to Bu Hazhen, who opened the refrigerator. The latter knew, took out a bottle of cold mountain spring water, and threw it over.

Luo catches the mountain spring water, opens the lid and takes a sip, then smiles and looks at Uvogin, and says, “Don’t you like fighting very much? If you want to know if you can, you can ask me for advice.”

At that moment, Baha 剌 felt that Uvogin was about to follow in his footsteps.

“You can’t hold a punch with such a small body, right?” Uvogin was curl one’s lip.

Nobunaga and Machi saw Uvogin at the front, so they weren’t busy.

Machi walked to the window sill, asked Luo to take a seat for her, and sat up.

Zambia glanced silently at Machi, who was sitting next to Luo, and his eyes were calm, not the slightest difference.

Nobunaga ran to the refrigerator and asked Bhajan to give him a beer.

“Or else, give it a try?” Luo’s smile became weird.

At this moment, Bi Siji suddenly glanced at him, he suddenly converged and smiled.

Thirty minutes later, Uvogin was lying on the ground with several bales on his head. He stared at the ceiling with his eyes wide open, with an unacceptable expression on his face.

Actually … it was hanged by a little girl!

He was hit hard.

Nobunaga and Machi looked at the petite silhouette that was turning luxury goods, and they were all scary.

30% of the time, Uvogin is completely at a disadvantage. With his character, as long as it is suppressed, it will break out no matter where it is or how it is.

However, the result was that Uvogin didn’t have a chance to launch it, and he was hung up and beaten by Bisji.

The gap in strength is too obvious.

Machi and Nobunaga thought silently, no wonder it was Luo’s Master, which made sense.

Luo compassion looks at the unlovable Uvogin, even the “flow” is not good, and the energy is not as good as Bi Siji before the transformation, the technique is the difference between Heaven and Earth, can not be hanged ?

If you want to restore Uvogin’s confidence, you must tell Bi Siji’s age, but he will not do that, and rashly say Bi Siji’s age, it will inevitably have to suffer a fat meal.

In other words, Uvogin has never encountered Bisji in the original, right?

Thinking of this, Luo felt so emotional that he could see the fighting mad Uvogin hanging by Bi Siji. It was intriguing.

You know, Uvogin is always more frustrated. He was defeated 100 times by him at first, but he was not discouraged. Now he has been beaten once by Bi Siji.

“Luo, come here.”

Bi Siji said suddenly.

Luo jumped off the windowsill and walked over.

Bisjig flipped a bag out of a lot of luxury goods and threw it to him.

Sambika helped Bisji to organize.

Luo took the bag and asked, “What’s this?”

“The clothes I bought for you.” Bisji buried her luxury goods, and pulled out a few shopping bags marked with luxury brands, and let Sambica divide.

Luo opened the shopping bag and glanced at it. It was a set of black casual clothes, and immediately looked towards the ground-filled shopping bags. There were less than 100 bags, and asked, “Is it a set?”


Bi Siji replied.


Luo put away the shopping bag, but saw Bi Siji take out some sexy and fashionable clothes, and constantly weighed in front of Sambika, while Bu Hayi was holding a bunch of expensive sweets and eating.

“Bisji, I … don’t like this kind of clothes.” Sambika looks at the pink suspenders and skirt in front of her eyes, only feeling uncomfortable.

“Why, it looks good.”

Bisjig put down his clothes and took out red and perfume from the shopping bag he had separated.

Looks at these things, Zambia suddenly looked at Luo for help.

Seeing Zambia’s help-seeking look, Luo scratched his cheek and said, “Bisji, is it time to cultivate?”

When Bi Siji heard it, he glanced at the time and found that it was indeed over, so he put down his things.

Seeing this sighed in relief, Zambia continued to let Bisjig’s interest continue to play, and she might not be allowed to put on these clothes and makeup and spray perfume.

After that, Bisji supervised Luo’s practice of Mind Power skills, mainly focusing on control.

Machi For the first time, they saw the Mind Power skills of such a system. They immediately became interested, and practiced together. The results were very difficult and the completion was very low.

For example, various numbers or patterns were condensed with thoughts, and it was very easy to see Luo completing them. I thought it was very simple, but after I tried it myself, I found it difficult.

Bisji knows that Luo’s control is very delicate. Generally speaking, the focus should be teleportation to other places, but Bisji does not do that.

She believes that the stronger the manipulation of mind, the better Luo’s ability characteristics can be. Therefore, she requested Luo everyday all to complete this cultivation.

The previous battle with Sandy, the arsonist, is the embodiment of Luo’s delicate control.

For example, using “Hidden” to eliminate the breath of mind, manipulating slate raids, and using kicks to break the slate, use “hair” to spread evenly on the broken stones. This is the manifestation of skill.

As long as Luo’s control is getting stronger, his fighting style can become more and more strange.

The Machi people followed, and as a result, they took an insignificant blow and realized that Luo’s pace was getting faster and faster.

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