Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 246

If human beings are excited, they will be manifested through their looks and limbs, whether obvious or obscure, there are traces to follow. Hisoka is a heterogeneous one. When his emotions flood into the river, he does not need to trace and seek, and he does not mention his expression and limbs. The aura that spreads from his body through the increase of mental energy. It’s like … a hormone that has condensed into an entity. He never hides his attitude when excited, never wants to suppress the eruption of emotions, and the kind of … interests that are provoked by ** are being clearly expressed to Luo through the aura. Around Hisoka, the each and everyone contestants were like puppets manipulated by wires, following the established trajectory and making due performances, one after the other was away from Hisoka. They don’t know what the so-called thoughts are, and what is the aura that can express emotions. At that moment, they only know that Hisoka has become very dangerous. Being aware of danger is not because they have a keen sense of smell like wild beast, but because Hisoka has amplified the danger to the extreme. For a short time, Hisoka’s surroundings were empty, and he alone sat there, then looked at Luo. “So disgusting …” Nobunaga shuddered, because the aura that spread over was filled with abnormal emotions, but he just climbed his hands to the knife handle, and then did nothing. Machi’s thin eyebrows frowned slightly, and the glance of looking towards Hisoka gradually cooled down. No matter what the emotions in this aura were, she didn’t care. However, she could not tolerate only malicious intent. Because this bit of maliciousness is not directed at her, but at Luo. Squeak … she looked cold and quietly pulled out the thin line, and Rin’s winter-like killing intent was released, only for Hisoka. Machi’s reaction was overwhelming, but this was what she should have done. Whenever any tusks that threatened her close people, she would take the tusks out politely, even if he committed a heinous sin, like a tigress protecting a calf. This short performance is normal for Meteor City people. Regarding those who are accepted and recognized, regardless of whether that person is right or wrong, they will all stand on the same front without the slightest hesitation. Compared to Machi’s over-exciting performance, Sambika and Bhabha are a little better, but the look towards Hisoka is full of vigilance, and once Hisoka has any action, they will definitely shoot. “Well, each and everyone is so …” Hisoka’s eyes were bent to the extreme, and the tiny eyeballs reflected Luo’s silhouette, trembling slightly. He enjoyed Machi’s icy killing intent, and Nobunaga’s cryptic opportunism, and Zambia and Bahab’s minions exposed as if they were vigilant beasts. These responses, like signals, were received by his nerve, which was called an antenna, so that a noticeable reaction occurred in the lower body. Of all the people, Luo was so calm. When he looked at him, the emotion revealed between his eyebrows was like looking at an insignificant trouble. Hisoka looked at Luo’s reaction quietly, and then slowly converged the gas field, and the boiling emotion gradually subsided. He never suppressed his emotions, and even if he wanted to, he had to find another vent point. It’s not the time … he thinks so, so he converges. If you are looking for pleasure in Luo body, it is not this moment, not the place now, but a higher place above your head. As a result, he not only converged the aura, but even teleportation looked at the boring battles on the sixteen ringstands below, as if what had just happened was an illusion. Everything came so suddenly, and disappeared so weird, like a mental illness. Seeing Hisoka so unfathomable mystery, Nobunaga’s hand on the hilt slowly moved away, the thread pulled out by Machi turned into disappearance, but the brow still remained frivolous. Sambika and Bhagap suppressed the fluctuation of body mentality. Tangled state. There was a commotion in the atmosphere for a moment, and it returned to peace. Luo, who was always calm, sighed softly. He felt that Hisoka’s contrast before and after was more like calm wind and rain. However, now he is not afraid of this so-called violent wind and rain, or Hisoka’s existence has not qualified him enough to be vigilant. To put it awkwardly, at present Hisoka, I am afraid that even half of An Tongmu’s strength cannot reach. After all, Hisoka and Machi have not yet ushered in a period of rapid growth. Before the plot begins, they still have a long section of the road to go. Seeing that Hisoka suddenly stopped, Luo looked back and turned to look towards Machi and Nobunaga, and asked, “Are you all registered? Well.” Machi and Nobunaga also nodded Kaidou at the same time. Luo rubbed his forehead Kakuzu and said, “Did you get infected by Uvogin? He didn’t come, but you did it. Uvogin also came.” Nobunaga held out his thumb and pointed to the rear passage. “What about others?” Luo looked towards the entrance of the passage. “When we came, something happened in the registration office. I don’t know why. Those who were about to sign up were huddled. Uvogin thought it was the style of signing up and went to make fun.” Machi glanced at the silent Sambi. Card, explained. Not far away, Hisoka faced the ring below, and a red arrow hung over his head, pointing at him. Everyone did not know that the riot was caused by Hisoka’s free and flexible love, and continued to chat. “That guy is …” Luo shook his head slightly, and then asked, “Are the team okay now? You are so free, and you have come to sign up. I just ransacked the Santa María Museum some time ago, and it’s on vacation now.” cheek. Suddenly Machi hit his elbow on Nobunaga’s rib, making him wonder at looks at Machi. Spider action … after all, it started. Luo thought silently. At this point, a familiar voice came from the entrance, Uvogin. He walked from the entrance, moved towards them yelling, while striding Meteor. “Luo.” Uvogin came over, excitedly gave Luo a hug, and then released it, but double-handed threw it on Luo’s shoulder and said excitedly: “Come down with me.” Luo patted off with anger. Uvogin’s hand said, “Is there only a fight in your head?” Uvogin seriously said, “Also eat it. Okay, wait until you finish the First Stage first, then the bottom contestants are basically ordinary. Person, don’t overdo it, “Luo reminded helplessly. His tone was barely fell, but he heard an exclamation sound in the venue, looking around, and saw one of the sixteen platforms below, Hisoka was standing on top, and his opponent was lying on the ground without any sound. A playing card was deeply embedded in that man’s forehead. referee’s frightening looks at Hisoka playing cards in his hand. Anyone who has seen the scene, calmly took out the machine, typed a note representing the pass, and gave it to Hisoka. After getting the note, Hisoka didn’t walk to the exit. Under the audience’s attention, he returned to the auditorium and came to Luo. He still left the Murderous Aura, but his expression was calm. Machi’s reaction was agitated by the Hisoka guy again, and he stood beside Luo with a guard. Luo’s response was very dull. He looked at Hisoka and suddenly asked: “Is there enough poker cards in the body?” Hisoka said suddenly, “Enough ~ Well, give me a pair.” Luo extended to him. The hand, as if suddenly remembering something, reminded: “Let there be big and small ghosts.” Hisoka pinched his chin, wondering, “What do you want to play cards? Landlord.” Luo Kaidou. dt> Purple blue pig said / dt> The playing card symbol can’t be played ~ It feels like a missing feature.


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