Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 224

To make the tongue hallucinate is to taste the taste of ‘lie’.

Happiness mushrooms contain two substances that work in opposite directions, one is a poison that can bring people into hell, and the other is a hallucinogen that can take people to heaven.

When you go to heaven, you will fall to hell.

These two substances are mixed together and cannot be separated. With today’s technology, not only has not been able to develop an antidote for mushroom poison, nor has it been able to extract the hallucinogens that can even deceive the tongue.

If technology can do this, then the hallucinations that can affect the central nervous system of taste will become valuable beings.

In other words, if you want to taste the taste of happy mushrooms, you have to pay the price of your life, which is too much to say between life and death.

The black cat is Luo’s beast and will not be affected by poison. When he is happy with mushrooms, his whole heart is captured.

He didn’t care whether others could eat it or not. After the pouch tiger’s mushrooms were gone, he went out in the rain to find mushrooms and firewood.

“You seem to know a lot about happy mushrooms?” Ge Er looks at Luo.

The just-wake-up wolf tiger leaned over with a look of aggression. The happy mushroom is not a rarity, it will be gone when it is gone.

“Slightly knowing one and two.” Luo’s helpless gaze closed away from the distant black cat’s back body, and turned to Ge Er’s search look.

“Luo, are you also a toxin hunter? You must have passed the hunter test last year!” Speaking of happy mushrooms, bag tiger finally found the right time to intervene.

Hearing his words, Ge Er raised his eyebrows and looked at Luo silently.

The toxin hunter and hunter tests aroused her interest.

“Is the toxin hunter … tentatively, right?” Luo said vaguely. Such things as occupations reflect the abilities of the practitioners on the side, and it is not surprising to have multiple positions, only the primary and secondary.

With the ability to analyze white smoke fonts and the ability of his God’s hand, it is not difficult for Luo to become an excellent poison hunter.

I fought against Ge Er last night and insisted that I had something to gain.

Taking advantage of the power of the hand of God, it is fearful to think of all kinds of toxins within the body.

Poison is just like a firearm. It is an external means for vulnerable people to meet strong people. However, using poison in powerhouse will become more horrible.

Hearing Luo’s answer, Bagger looked “as it really is” and eagerly asked, “Do you have any clues about the poison of happy mushrooms and doom?”

Speaking of this, Bag Tiger suddenly realized that he was abrupt, but the words had been said, but he couldn’t take it back.

Ge Er stopped talking, just quietly looked at Luo.

Waking up, Sambica was washing and did not participate. So far, Sambica hasn’t spoken to Ge Er and Kangaroo.

“The poison of happy mushrooms is insoluble, and the poison of doom can be solved by its saliva shell.” Luo said what he knew.

Both Baohu and Ge’er were stunned.

At present, the poison of happy mushrooms is indeed unsolvable, but so is the doomed toad. So far no one has proposed the “saliva shell”. The so-called saliva shell detoxification method is now known.

In addition, everyone in the toxin field has identified a connection between happy mushrooms and doomed toads, including womboos and geer.

If the toxin of the happy mushroom is not solved, and the toad has a separate detoxification method, is there any connection between the two?

However, the premise is that Luo’s statement is correct.

“What is the saliva shell?” Ge Er couldn’t hold his breath, and asked.

“The membrane shell formed by the saliva of doom,” Luo said.

“Membrane shell?”

“After returning to the nest, the fertilized female toad will eat a lot, and then secrete saliva, forming a hard membrane shell to surround itself, and the membrane shell will not be broken until the moment of fertility, and that membrane shell is the antidote.”

“Can you base this statement?” Geer expressed grave.

“No,” Luo said freely.

Ge Er’s dignified expression Weisong, said differently, “How do you know that this is the detoxification method of doom toad?”

Luo groaned, and the expression on his face became serious.

Seeing Luo’s serious face, Ge Er and Bao Hu held their breaths and waited for Luo’s explanation.

At this point, Sambica just finished washing and came out of it.

“Because …” Luo looked seriously at 2 people and said, “I’m wayward.”


Ge Er and Baohu questioned.

Seeing this scene, Sumika turned over Byakugan, thinking that Luo had begun to flicker again, so he went to the backrest chair without a concern and read out a book.

“In simple terms, if you believe it, you have it. If you don’t believe it, there is nothing.” Luo said with a slight smile, his basis is white smoke font, a 10000-character identification system, and he doesn’t want to convince Ge Er to believe it.

It means that Ge Erxin believed or did not believe that he didn’t care at all.

Ge Er’s complexion wasn’t very white at first. The face was only a little darker, and it became darker. She could understand it. Luo was blinding.

She looks at Luo, with a face that believes you have a ghostly look.

“Whether you are believing or not, I believe it anyway.”

Babahu believes it, his eyes are bright at looks at Luo.

He would not be so convinced without the rotten spider.

When Ge Er saw that Bao Hu did not even conduct the basic test, he chose to believe, and there was a scorn of contempt deep in his eyes.

After hearing such a wayward answer from Luo, Ge Er’s enthusiasm was greatly diminished. She wanted to wait for Biji to come back and say hello, then she would not participate in the topic at this time and went directly to the chair.

Bag tiger is different. At this moment, enthusiasm is soaring, and Luo is entangled in questioning. The momentum is such that Luo cannot resist, and he can only answer one after another.

After a while, the black cat returned to the stone house with a bunch of happy mushrooms and firewood.

“Luo, hurry up, I want mushroom soup!”

The black cat shouted nearly 100 happy mushrooms in front of Luo.

Ge Er and Kangaroo looked towards that happy mushroom on the ground. This is a detox-free mushroom that can be lethal to death, but in the eyes of those who seek death, it is a symbol of happiness.

Because the happy mushroom is different from the ordinary poison, it can make people die happily, not painfully.

“To shut up!”

Seeing that the black cat kept snoring, Luo glanced at him.

The black cat also wanted to eat good food, so he obediently shut up.

“Sambica, drink mushroom soup for breakfast.” Luo picked up the happy mushroom and looked towards Sambica who was reading by the window.

“Okay.” Zambia looked up and told Luo nodded.

After seeing Sambika’s dissent, Luo set out to prepare, leaving the black cat and the pouched tiger and Ge who were stunned.

“Wait, do you really want to eat happy mushrooms?” Ge Er frowned.

Luo didn’t answer. Throw the wet wood into the bottom of the stove, secretly extract the water from the wood, clean the mushrooms after the fire, and wait for the water in the stone pot to boil.

After preparing, Luo looked towards Ge Er and Baohu, and asked, “Have you ever eaten? Share your points later.”

When he washed the mushrooms, he had separated the poison from it, but left the hallucinogens that could affect his tongue.

The black cat wants to eat mushroom thick soup, but what Luo wants to make is the mushroom soup without any seasoning, because only this clean method can make the false taste of happy mushrooms to the extreme.

Although Luo is not interested in this false taste, he also wants to try it.

“The poison of happy mushrooms is insoluble, and it will die if eaten.” Bao Hu weakly said.

“You are crazy.” Ge Er was not polite at all.

Luo is not angry, shrugged, is to pay attention to the water in the stone pot, he impossible proactively explained the reason to the two of them.

The taste of happy mushrooms is a taste that can only be tasted at the cost of death, and a taste that living people can never understand.

Because the people who have tasted so far are dead, and even the most professional food critics can’t say it in words.

This special poisonous dish that won’t cause people to die from poisoning can only be presented by Luo. If Baohu and Geer miss this opportunity, there will be no second time.

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