Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 214

The happy mushroom is a famous product of the Tarma Mountains. Whenever a thunderstorm passes, it will spring up like a bamboo shoot and grow on the many rock walls of the Tarma Mountains.

It is worth mentioning that the doomed toads on the Tarma hills, which are as famous as the happy mushrooms, are just creatures that only appear in thunderstorm days.

The doom toad has been shrinking in the rock for many years. Its claws are extremely sharp, and it can easily cut through hard stones. It only ran out to mate during a thunderstorm.

Mushrooms and toads are the symbol of the Talma Mountains, one is a plant, and the other is a living thing, all of which are toxins.

No one knows how the happy mushrooms grow endlessly, and no toxin hunter can study the details of the happy mushrooms, including the doomed toad, which is still a mystery.

Every year, thousands of people kill themselves by eating happy mushrooms, because if they eat happy mushrooms, they will taste the taste of happiness at the moment before they die.

Ironically, suicidal people want to die happily, but because of the happiness that mushrooms bring, they hope to continue to work hard. However, the toxins of happy mushrooms are unsolved, and the hope of trying hard to live again is only Will become deeper despair.

Therefore, the Talma Mountains will have the alias of “Soul Return”.

There are a lot of toxins in the world, and there are a lot of poisons that are found but not decomposed. Toxin hunters are a profession that exists for this purpose. Basically, every toxin hunter is an excellent pharmacist.

Happiness mushrooms and doom toads are among the many puzzles toxin hunters want to solve.

At the foot of the mountain, there are a lot of humble stalls with baskets. The basket is full of fist-sized mushrooms, which are happy mushrooms.

Those who want to commit suicide can start selling happy mushrooms directly to the seller of the stall and sell them for 4 flowers. Each person can only buy 4 flowers.

There is no fixed price for happiness mushrooms, only the “emotional price”.

The seller wants all the belongings of the suicidal person. Even if all the belongings have only one coin left, they can buy happy mushrooms. Moreover, the seller will provide processing services and friendly corpse services.

This is a profit chain full of despair, but both buyers and sellers will be satisfied.

You can see a lot of happy mushrooms at the foot of this buzzing mountain, and you can see a lot of people who have no love, but you can hardly see a living or dead doom.

A woman with long black hair, thin lips and sharp pupils came here.

At a glance, the seller of the stall immediately screened the woman. They have seen too many people who are looking for death. With one glance, even if they are expressionless people, they can see whether the other person is looking for death.

In a mysterious way, they can see Death Aura emanating from the body of the person who is seeking death.

This black-skinned, sharp-eyed woman with a look of a different kind of charm is obviously not the one who wants to die.

They only have one glance to make a judgment, that is, to teleportation to other people’s bodies, sipping to attract new guests.

“Hmph, it’s sad.”

The black-skinned woman stood in the past of the crowd, quietly looking at each and everyone passing by, feeling the desperate atmosphere close by, and passing a hint of irony in her sharp pupil.

She stands among past people, like a crane standing among chickens, and is quite conspicuous.

Geer, her name.

She is a professional hunter, but has three occupations: a poisoner, a coroner, and a pharmacist.

Poisoner is her main profession, so she is a poison hunter, and she is one of the 2 new terrestrial members of the Hunters Association recently.

In addition to those who want to commit suicide, a small number of poison hunters, whether amateur or professional, come to this place to make money for the dead, mainly to find leaks.

Doom Toad is currently the only creature known to be immune to happy mushroom toxins, because it is scarce and it only appears in thunderstorms. It may not be caught even if it is specifically caught.

However, the Aboriginal people who have lived at the foot of Mount Talma for years have never missed any chance of thunderstorms. They have exclusive hunting skills and occasionally can always catch a doom toad and then auction it.

For poison hunters, happy mushrooms are readily available, but bad luck is a matter of luck. Whenever a thunderstorm passes, they will come to the foot of the mountain to try their luck.

There are also several toxin hunters around that notice the dark-skinned woman. Among these toxin hunters, there is a middle age person wearing animal fur. If Luo is here, I can definitely recognize this middle age person.

This middle age person is one of the people that Luo saved in the Yamalo Forest during the previous time hunter test.

At that time, the middle age person also asked Luo if he could publish the poisonous detoxification method of the rotting spider, and this middle age person was an amateur toxin hunter. After the hunter test of previous time failed, he also planned to participate in this year’s hunter test.

Regardless of the glances around him, Ge Er strolled around the bazaar and found that the toad was simply turned away.

She came to the Talma Mountains at this time for the happiness of mushrooms and toads. If you solve these problems, you can increase your meritorious achievements, which is very important for her when she is in the New Year’s Eve.

Somewhere within the valley, a muffled noise came from time to time.

“It’s still too slow!”

Bi Sijijiao sang, and a round kick kicked Luo out.

When Luo hit the rock wall, the volley stopped suddenly, avoiding 2 injuries.

“It’s still slow? Are you too strict? I’m obviously blocking it.”

Luo landed, raised his right hand and took a look, without any injuries.

In the melee just now, Luo raised his right hand in time to block Bisji’s side kick.

If the offensive and defensive value is counted as 100 points, then Bishine’s kick mobilized a considerable 70 points of damage, and Luo hurriedly defended, and when he was kicked, he mobilized nearly 70 points of defense on the arm in time.

As a result, he successfully blocked Bisji’s swing kick.

“Do you think my most appropriate choice was to kick back?” Bisji glanced at him.

Luo frowned, thinking about his fight with Bisji.

Indeed, at that time, there was a better offensive opportunity than Siji. Compared to the maneuver kick, which needs to turn around and accumulate power to waste time, the backhand elbow damage will be lower, but the speed is faster, so the hit rate is higher.

“Did you notice it?” Bisji said indifferently.

Luo looked solemnly at nodded, and said, “If you backhand one elbow, my” flow “will be too late to defend.”

“So, were you ready to deal with it?” Bisji asked.


At that time, there was no preparation for defensive measures, or at that time there was only offensive, but now I think back, I could only defend at that time, and then look for opportunities to counterattack.

Luo thought of this, and immediately shook his head and said, “No.”

Bisji double-handed akimbo, said: “also, you did resist the injury, but did not completely prevent it, and flying out is proof that the moment you fly out, it is my chance to attack next.”

“However, your thoughts can offset this opportunity for me, and it can be said to improve the fault tolerance rate.”

Luo purse one’s lip, put on gesture style, said solemnly: “Come again!”

There is no extra time to think about during the battle. The most correct conclusion must be reached in lightning time. Once you take the wrong step, the price is being hit.

That’s … thinking about the importance of instantaneous power!

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