Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 205

At the end of the rotten building, there are more than a dozen high-rise concrete buildings, the ground is overgrown with weeds, and brick garbage can be seen everywhere.

At night, moonlight flickering, in the entire building, you can not feel the breath of life.

Among the rotten tailgates, there was a glimmering fire in the tallest concrete building.

In the real estate, the members of Phantom Troupe sat scattered, all around burning white candles, providing light to the building.

There was a chair in the middle of the ground. A man with blood stains was tied to the chair, his head was covered with a white hood, and his mouth was stained with blood. From the signs of slow floating, the man was still alive.

The brigade members sat at four places, all men who looked coldly at the field.

Chrollo right hand holding a book, sitting at the highest level, in the rotten tailgate with only a slight sound of the wind, the message of the mobile phone suddenly sounded unusually loud.

He took out his phone, and the light on the screen fell on his calm face.

The message came from Luo, telling him that no ancient books were found.

“No …” Chrollo’s regret flashed away, hand quickly pressed on the phone button, returned a message “understood”, and then put away the phone.

The sound of receiving the message and pressing the mobile phone’s button in response to the message made other tour members notice Chrollo’s behavior.

Facing everyone’s eyes, Chrollo’s expression was calm and he didn’t take the initiative to explain. He lowered his head slightly and opened the book in his hand.

The pages flipped to a page with pictures of men, with a row of text below.

“Fish in the back room.”

Chrollo’s mouth was Kakuzu’s frivolousness, and he immediately looked towards the man sitting on the chair, while Feitan was squatting in front of the chair, his sharp eyebrows slightly bent, revealing a hint of joy.

It can be seen that the man’s double-handed feet are already bloody.

“The bottom is almost reached.”

Feitan stood up, double-handed in his pockets, and looked sideways towards Chrollo sitting high.

Chrollo slightly nodded, saying, “After the evening, send him to the nearest hospital for treatment.”

Feitan heard shrugged. He knew that Chrollo had to keep the torture master alive. Otherwise, he would have killed the man long ago.

Chrollo stood up, waved his hands, and the book disappeared. He looked at everyone, said differently: “In the next time, first master the advanced skills of Mind Power.”

Hearing Chrollo’s words, everyone in the brigade was nodded.

They found the man, and tortured him after a live capture, forcing some of Mind Power’s advanced skills out.

After that, their goal is to start practicing. First, they must master advanced skills to make themselves stronger.


Luo received the message from Chrollo, paused, and thought of Buha, he just dialed a phone to ask about the situation.

After the hunter’s test was over, Bhajan followed the baboon to practice in the old forest in the mountains, not only to practice Mind Power, but also to practice it.

As soon as the phone call came down, Bu Hayi knew that Luo had to study for another year, and he felt a sympathy for the sick.

He was arrested by the Da Baboon and said that he could not waste his natural advantages, as if he was asked to build a muscle like Da Baboon.

The result was that after 2 months, he did not exercise his muscles, but gained a dozen pounds, which caused Da Baboon to think that he was not cruel enough, and he strengthened the training every time.

Luo originally wanted to inquire about the current situation of Bu Hayu. Who knows that most of the time, Bu Hayu is complaining.

Helpless, he ended the topic as soon as possible, and then hung up.

I don’t know what physique is Buha, but he can’t lose fat under training, but he is fatter.

In this regard, the Da Baboon is actually very puzzled. He is not a must. Bu Ha 剌 has trained muscles, but he wants to strengthen Bu Ha 剌 ‘s body Power and Taijutsu. However, ordinary people must be slightly effective in 2 months. The situation is very Special.

After learning a little about Bu Hayu’s recent situation, Luo put down her phone and lay down on the bed to prepare for sleep.

Starting tomorrow, we will exercise in a state of perfection, and it will still be very dangerous.

The black cat had long retracted into the back of Luo’s hands. The room was so quiet that he could only hear Luo’s breathing. Looking sideways, he could see the sparkling moonlight on the lake outside the house.

Early the next morning.

Luo and his group of 3 people simply packed up and left the wood house on the lakeside and headed to the nearest city airport for the spaceship.

After 3 days, the spaceship arrived at the airport.

After exiting the spaceship, Bisji met with a person, took a bulging package from that person, and carried it in his hand. Then he took Luo and Sambica and drove the SUV to the Wetland Wetland. .

Luo didn’t know what was in the parcel, but when Bisji got on the off-road vehicle, he saw that the off-road vehicle, which was quite Haki’s size, sank suddenly, and suddenly had a guess.

The off-road vehicle was driven for a long time, and it only reached the periphery of the Lost Beauty Wetland at 4 pm. From here, the vehicle could not drive in.

The Lost Beauty Wetland, as the name suggests, is a piece of wet land. Here, the mud is full, and its topographical characteristics occupy at least 70% of the area. In addition, it is a dense forest.

Although it is a forest full of plants, the land is relatively soft and moist, and the forest provides a natural hiding place for many dangerous creatures, which is the most dangerous place in the Wemerland.

Because from the periphery, it is all muddy land, and the off-road vehicle cannot drive in. The Luo entire group can only get off here.

After leaving Luo a few people, the driver of the off-road vehicle greeted Bisji and returned by driving.

“Are we going to stay here for a year?” Luo looks at the sparse landscape of trees in front of it, and further away, there are increasingly dense forests and rocks surrounded by rivers.

“Depending on the situation, you put on your weight first.”

Bi Siji replied casually, and threw the parcel with the weight equipment at Luo’s feet.

After the parcel fell to the ground, it made a muffled sound, and half of its volume was already trapped in the soft ground.

Sure enough it’s loading …

When he saw Bisji getting on the car with his parcel, Luo guessed that it was carrying a load.

He stooped to lift the parcel, struggling slightly, and asked, “How much is this?”

Bisquit said with a slight smile: “100 kg.”

Luo nodded, then drop the package.

His height is about 2 years old, but his bone age is more than 4 years old. Although physical does not keep up with the average level of this world, it is placed in Earth, which is equivalent to that achieved by fitness madmen.

Unpacking it, there was a full-loaded garment that looked like a bullet-proof vest. In addition, there were also 8 small weight-bearing gears for elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles.

These 9 pieces of load equipment total 100 kg.

Luo picked up the equipment and quickly put it on one by one, as if pressed by a boulder, half of the soles of the feet fell into the ground.

He can’t even use it now, he just carried the weight with his body.

Bisji pointed to a small forest in the distance and said, “Before it gets dark, walk there.”

Luo glanced over and silently nodded, feeling that he could still do it. However, when he started walking, he felt very wrong.

The perimeter of the Lost Beauty Wetland is all mud, and Luo, wearing a weight of 100 kg, stepped into the mud with one foot and went straight into the calf.

That’s okay, but when you lift your feet to take the next step, it’s quite uncomfortable.

The load and the suction of the dirt made him difficult.

After less than ten minutes of walking, Luo started to get up.

“This is just the beginning …”

Compared to Luo’s difficulties, Bisji and Sambica are easy.

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