Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 200

The solo has 3 movements.

In the original work, the melody friend only played the first movement of the solo flute version, which is the price of life, while the solo version of the harp is relatively gentle, and the performance does not need to pay the price of life.

However, even if she played a lot of times regardless of cost, she never played 3 movements. She only played 2 movements at most, and the number of times she could be counted on one’s fingers, most of them played only one movement.

In other words, even Si Jiji himself does not know what will happen when the whole song is played, let alone whether she will give up her life.

Luo had the pavement experience of Si Jiji, so he wanted to try the effect of the dark solo, but he would only touch the first movement.

In the four versions of the Dark Sonata, Luo already knows the power and effect of the flute and harp versions. They have a subtle common point, which is equivalent exchange and willingness.

“Master, plug your ears.”

Luo put down Allah, holding the harp that the black cat turned into, and stood in front of the closed relief stone gate.

His gesture of holding the harp seemed rather uncoordinated, and it was not the correct way to hold the harp. At a glance, he knew that he was a novice.

“What do you want to do?” Bi Siji’s expression was so calm. When Luo made the black cat into a harp just now, she didn’t know what Luo planned, but when Luo asked her to plug her ears, she vaguely guessed what Luo wanted to do. .

Luo tilted her head and laughed at Bisji, saying, “Try the effect of the song.”

“You’re crazy!” Bi Siji strode forward and came to Luo with a very serious tone.

Luo shook the head, he is not crazy, just because he knows what the cost is, he dares to do so. Compared to the solo on the flute, the solo on the harp is too gentle, and it can be a help if used properly.

Bisji raised his hand on the harp and stopped, “The consequences will be disastrous, you can’t play.”

“I have a sense, believe me,” Luo said seriously.

Facing Luo’s unyielding and very serious look, Sigiri frowned, and she knew that she couldn’t stop Luo, and that was a decision that she couldn’t pull back.

Such a look, Bi Siji has seen in many people’s body, those who have that kind of eyes, whether it is covered with thorns or difficult, can move firmly towards the goal.

No one has the qualification to be an obstacle.

Bi Siji sighed softly and stepped aside silently, extending the hand with her ears plugged, and keeping her eyes closed to maintain a condensed state. As long as the situation was not right, she would forcibly stop Luo.

“Do you know how to play at a glance?”

How could Bisji think that Luo would have this accomplishment.

Not far away, Antongmu silently stretched out double-handed and plugged his ears.

Luo knew that the harp version of the song was aimed at the target, and the target he is trying now is the embossed stone gate, but in order to prevent accidents, he still let Bisjige plug his ears.

His right hand stroked the strings. This was the first time he touched the harp, but when playing the harp solo, the memory would lead him to pluck the strings, and this was the only piece he knew how to play.


The voice of Qing Yan’s strings circulated.

Luo’s plucking action is extremely awkward, but the steps are not wrong, showing a sense of contradiction.

The string of the first movement belongs to the slow play, with a hint of clarification and coldness in the softness.

Bissy and Antong couldn’t hear the strings, but they all saw the silk-like air lines peeling from Luo’s body and heading towards the embossed stone gate.

The air line is very thin, but there are a lot of them. In the process of floating towards the embossed stone gate, it slowly dyed black, and eventually attached to the embossed stone gate.

In Luo’s current state, it should be impossible to distinguish that many vigor.

Bi Siji had no time to pay too much attention to the embossed stone gate. Instead, he carefully observed Luo’s condition and found that there was nothing strange, and then the tight nerves relaxed slightly.

The string sound lasted for a while, and at the end, Luo stopped and went silent on the court.

“The price is indeed lifespan. When playing, it seems that the body is stripped a little bit.” Luo thought silently, then observed the embossed stone gate, and after confirming the effect, he had a better understanding of the solo.

This song effect based on willingness is indeed unique.

Luo played a movement, and the target of control was selected as the embossed stone gate, and he issued a command that only he could open the embossed stone gate.

This is equivalent to a ban, and the dark sonata is not an ordinary tune. After the contract is concluded, ordinary Mind Power people cannot open the relief stone gate. Only the teacher can do it.

The price Luo had to pay was 2 years lifespan, but the white smoke font brought him 70% resistance and made him bear only 30% of the price, which he did not know.

After the performance, he didn’t feel any pain, he just felt that he lost a little bit from his body, just like the feeling when he slammed a bullet.

If it is used reasonably, solo music can have more advantages than disadvantages. The only disadvantage is that it cannot be practiced. It needs to be sighted, that is, it must be accurately played after reading the score.

Without a qualified accomplishment, I have planted myself into the tune before it is finished.

To confirm that it was done, Luo threw the black harp, which turned back into a black cat.

Bi Siji came over and looked at Luo up and down.

“I’m fine.” Luo spread out double-handed.

“Is the rumor false?” Bi Siji was puzzled, and she turned to look at the many black air lines above the embossed stone gate, and thought it was not that simple.

“It’s not fake. It really can’t be touched easily.”

“But you don’t look like something.”

“The price is there, but it is very low.” Luo Kaidou.

Bi Siji’s gaze fixed, instead of asking what the cost was, he reminded again: “Few touches.”


Luo nodded, the solo version of the harp is more like Mind Power in the control system, pays the price of lifespan, and then controls the target, and the best control target is human.

Theoretically, if the ordinary person is controlled, the ordinary person who is controlled can be immediately brought into the Mind Power, but the cost is the death of the ordinary person.

The effect of this ability is similar to 7 Injury Fist. It is difficult to use normally, but it will work wonders when needed.

Later, Luo asked Bisji to help push the stone back, blocking the entrance of the embossed stone gate. Without paying attention to Andongmu, he went down the mountain.

The Luo body was hurt, and the gas consumption was bottomed out. It was extremely difficult to get up from the mausoleum, but it was impossible to go down the mountain, so Bisji took him down, and the black cat was walking with the crab claws. behind.

Two people thought about the beast and headed towards the lake’s residential area of ​​Babu Forest.

There were some gains from this trip. Luo got the score and also found the murals.

On the way back, Luo talked with Bisji a few words, only to know that Bisji’s motivation for contacting him lies in the request of Netero President.

According to Bisji’s original words, it happened to happen, and by the way, she didn’t take it seriously.

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