Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 194

The gap between Luo and An Tongmu is reflected in various aspects. In the battle just now, Luo did have a chance to win, but the result was lost, which is beyond doubt.

If Luo and An Tongmu fight again, An Tongmu can kill Luo in 30 seconds, this is not a joke.

Using unique ideas for tricks can only be applied for the first time. If there is a second time, the gap between hardware and software will be more obvious.

The strength of Antongmu is equivalent to top-notch. It is a very demanding requirement for Bi Siji to allow Luo to win Antongmu within 100 strokes after one year.

“I admit that you are strong, but this little ghost wants to win me? Dream it.” An Tong Muqiang took a breath, his face flushed, and said in disdain.

Bi Siji looked towards An Tongmu, touch the chin and asked, “How long did it take you to become the owner of the 2nd floor after you reached the 2oo floor?”

Andongmu gasped slightly, Kaidou: “6 years and 7 months.”

“Do you think his strength can be divided into several layers?” Bi Siji went to Luo with unfathomable mystery with his hand.

“2 100 floors.” Andoki without the slightest hesitation Kaidou.

Bisji nodded, differently said: “The gap of 30th-layer, you used 6 years and 7 months, but he only needs one year to upgrade from 2 100 layers to 2 100 30th-layer.”

“Impossible, cough …” An Tongmu quickly retorted, involving the injury, and he coughed a few times and spit out some blood.

“Is this possible? He will come to you for verification in a year,” Bisji said.

An Tongmu first glanced at Luo with disdainful eyes, enduring the injury and pain, said with a sneer: “Only him? I will kill him by then!”

From Bisji’s words, An Tongmu knew that he had no mortal danger for the time being, because Bisji seemed to want himself to be a touchstone for Luo a year later.

This seemed to him a joke. It was only one year, not to mention Mind Power skills. The physical quality of that little ghost alone was not enough to make up for in one year.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Luo immediately understood that Bisji was planning to take him as an apprentice, and then let him win An Tongmu one year later.

Luo did not know why Bi Siji suddenly wanted to accept him, but this is a good thing. At least after experiencing the battle with An Tongmu, he clearly recognized his shortcomings, and Bi Siji was a famous teacher, so he could not use it. Go crooked.

The thought that Bi Siji actually took the initiative to stretch his thighs, Luo secretly ecstatically, at this time when he did not hold his thighs to wait, but in the next second, Bi Siji made his face pale.

“Kill then.”

Bisji calmly said: “You can’t blame others for being killed if you are weak.”

That being said, what she wants to do may not be the case at that time.

An Tongmu coldly snorted, difficult to change posture, sat up from the ground, said solemnly: “I will make you regret that you did not kill me today.”

“You are actually stingy.”

Hearing this sentence, Bi Siji reacted very coldly. She saw that An Tongmu knew she would not kill him, so she dared to speak like this.

She didn’t care, she looked towards Luo more than ten meters away, and said, “Have you heard?”

“Heared.” Luo was honestly like a good child. Bisji had exposed his real body, and he couldn’t pretend not to be understood.

There is no need to say at this time, Bi Siji crossed Luo and walked to the half-collapsed palace. One of the purposes for her to come to the mausoleum was for the tears of Shi Ji.

Seeing Bi Siji walking towards the scorpion’s corpse and the stone harp, Luo hurried to follow him. Now, An Tongmu was seriously injured, and he had lost his qualifications to compete for the corpse of Si ji.

Bi Siji stepped in front of the body of Si Jiji, and when he took a close look, there was a fascination in his eyes. It’s no wonder that An Tongmu and Luo were fighting for this corpse, with their identities, this well-preserved corpse The value is indeed inestimable, but she is only interested in that gemstone pendant.

She bent down to unravel the gem pendant, and took a closer look in her hand, she suddenly showed a fascination, compared with the gesture of talking to Andong Mu just now, it seems that they are not the same person.

Si Yanji’s tears were taken one step ahead of Siji, but Luo was not easy to start. Only when Bijiji focused on the gem pendant, he silently touched the stone harp and inhaled the above thoughts. the body.

The average is 36% … it’s only increased by about 1%, and the almost exhausted gas in the body has been slightly replenished.

Bi Siji admired for a moment, then put away the gem pendant politely, and then looked towards Luo, and asked, “What are you going to do with this corpse?”

“Treatment?” Luo asked, pulling his hand against the stone harp, wondering.

“Did you dare to fight with Antong Mu for this corpse, is it for money, or do you have a special habit of collecting corpses?” Bi Siji pouted, and she almost gave up Luo because of his unwise choice.

If Luo was fighting for mortal danger in order to satisfy her interests and hobbies, then she could understand it, because hunters are like this, but if it was for money, it would be a bit silly.

“None.” Luo shook the head.

“En?” Bisji puzzled.

“I just … don’t want her to be used even after her death, so she should be here instead of being a traded good.”

Luo stared quietly at the delicate face of Sigiriya, he could not explain it to Bisji, unless Bisji, like him, could roughly see through his life experience as a bystander.

But that is impossible, the entire world, only Luo has this ability, like the black cat said, he is indeed a special existence.

“That’s it?” Bi Siji opened his eyes.

“Um.” Luo turned his head and looked towards Bisji.

The two looked at each other for a while, and the atmosphere began to look weird. To be precise, the look of Bi Siji looked towards Luo gradually became weird.

“Stupid.” Bi Siji learns the reason Luo was fighting for the body, but she thinks that Luo is silly and her sensory impression is directly reversed.

Luo smiled awkwardly and scratched his head, not knowing what to say.

Bi Siji stood up, glanced sideways and looked at An Tong Mu, who was sitting on the ground in the distance, then looked towards Luo, and saw Luo walking towards the collapsed palace, his body slowly showing his air.

“What do you want?” Bi Siji asked.


Luo replied, using the remaining energy to create the realm range, covering the first half of the palace destroyed by Andongmu.

“Repair? This kid’s idea is a bit strange.” Bi Siji used Ning, saw Luo’s field, and thought of the book that Luo had summoned in the battle just now, and it’s unclear what Luo’s idea was.

As for Mr. Meng … But Bisji would not believe it now.

The territory covered the wreckage of the palace, Luo spiritual is highly concentrated, and with the current control power, repair should not be a problem.

He was thinking like this, with a thought, the building debris in the field flew up in the air, but they were regrouped.


looks at this scene, Bi Siji eyes shined, she felt like she had picked up treasure.

A picture popped out of my mind.

Holding a stick, she forced Luo to repair those broken and expensive gems!

Thinking of this, she suddenly laughed.

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