Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 187

The moment the Black and White World collapsed, Luo clearly felt that the ability to operate the obscure white smoke font was restored.

At first, when he thought that the winning ticket was in his possession, the strength shown by the post-mortem thought was beyond his expectation, and he gathered together to build a thought field to seal him.

At that time, he seemed to be sealed in a coffin that couldn’t be opened, and that thought didn’t know what to do, slowing down his speed of absorbing grievances in white smoke.

In that case, you need to completely absorb that idea in order to break free from the mind, but because the absorption speed becomes slow, even if he expands the field to resist, he is in a very dangerous situation.

The worst result is death. The ideal result is that he consumes a lot of energy to solve the post-mortem thoughts.

However, before the results came out, the black cat popped out of the book helped him to clear the siege, then ate half of his energy, and finally defeated Shuangji’s thoughts …

I thought it would take some effort to get rid of the idea of ​​Sergei, but the result was so simple.

“See you later.” After defeating the mind, the black cat left a sentence and turned into a black glow, attached to the blade of Allah covered in rust and other stains, and turned into a black scabbard with blossoms on it. Silver Flame pattern.

Pausing, it seemed to feel uncomfortable, and changed from the scabbard to black glow again. He got into Luo ’s right hand palm and left a silver flame tattoo on the back of his hand.

Luo didn’t have much time to think about it, the white smoke font was the idea of ​​Shuang Ji who began to absorb the power of resistance, breaking through 30% of the data and increasing at a faster speed.

At the same time, the not just field of thought in the hall began to shrink with the speed visible by naked eyes.

This scene, however, was noticed by Bi Siji, and suddenly looked strange, while An Tongmu they were fighting, but just spared a little bit of attention to the idea.

In the field of thought, Luo didn’t know what was happening outside. While absorbing the grievances, he still didn’t understand what the black cat was, and how was it related to the dark continent?

The black cat jumped out of the book of the hand of God. At that time, Luo only saw the turning black book pages. From the root, it should be his beast, but from the series of behaviors after the appearance of the black cat, Luo This was rejected.

“Is it really a creature of the dark continent? But why did it appear in this style?” Luo thought silently. He knew too little about the dark continent. If the black cat really came from the dark continent, wouldn’t the book of the hand of God be? Become a channel?

Luo shook her head slightly, at this moment, being sucked into the resentment of within the body, weaving the fragmented picture of each and everyone in Luo’s mind.

In this regard, Luo not at all was surprised. It should be the memory of Shuang Ji’s life. In this case, he had encountered it 2 or 3 times while absorbing ancient thoughts.

However, this time seems a little special, the memory picture is missing and Kakuzu is incomplete, and the number is not large.

The black cat ate half of his gas, and the final result was equivalent to that he consumed half of his gas and solved the idea of ​​Shuangji.

Judging from the results, the black cat helped him instead, because of that situation, in the end, I didn’t know how much energy I would have to wear off to reach the white smoke font to completely absorb the thoughts of Shuang Ji.

And … Since the black cat can be annoyed, why did he let the idea of ​​Shuangji escape, and with his ability to defeat the field, it should not be difficult to grab this cake, it feels like it is to follow the rules.

Luo crossed his right hand in front of his eyes. In the dark field of vision, he could clearly see the silver tattoo on the back of his hand.

“Forget it, don’t think about it for the time being.” He whispered to himself.

After a while, the pitch-black thought field in the temple completely disappeared, and Luo stood upright.

After absorbing the grievances, Luo accepted a lot of memory fragments and had a certain understanding of Shuang Ji.

At the same time, the departmental data exceeded 35%, and the total potential gas volume was significantly increased.

Fortunately, the black cat did not eat all his energy. If the energy was exhausted, what capital would he use to grab the stone harp and gem pendant?

“You are not dead.” Bi Siji was surprised to see Luo intact.

Hearing Bisji’s words, Luo’s face was slightly black, but he would not explain anything to Bisji, and instead looked towards the situation on the field, frowning.

In the distance, Uncle Li’s headless body was lying on the ground with blood flowing to the ground, and not far away in the other direction, Aya fell into a pile of stones and his life was unknown, while Antong and Rupee were facing each other.

Luo looked at the past and saw that the rupee body was gasping for breath, although it was not injured. A stamina of gas was about to be exhausted, and An Tongmu’s breathing was smooth, obviously he had the upper hand.

Looks at this scene, Luo knows it. I am afraid that when he was taken care of by Shuang Ji alone, Uncle Li wanted to take the opportunity to take away the stone harp and the gem pendant. As a result, there was a fight, and An Tongmu prevailed .

In the field of thought, the time to absorb the grievances should be less than 5 minutes, but the weak three-member group actually fell two, and the remaining one was already unsustainable.

“I didn’t notice him before, didn’t expect so strong!” Luo’s gaze fell on the deterrent energy of An Tongmu’s body, and there was a hint of grave expression in his eyes.

Bissy came to him and looked at him with a strange look.

At first he thought he was dead, and even removed such difficult thoughts, this kid’s means of removing thoughts is really powerful.

Luo, however, silently distanced himself and was wary of looking at Bisji.

Seeing Luo’s reaction, Bi Siji laughed absurdly, but it is understandable. After all, in order to get the prey he wanted, the hunter could use whatever means to lie on the ground of Uncle Li’s body, and Aya’s life and death over there is proof.

“If you’re scared, it’s too late to escape.” Bisji suggested.

Luo didn’t speak, even if An Tongmu showed strong strength, even if he knew the strength hidden by Bi Siji, at this moment, he escaped impossibly.

Not only because of the idea on the stone harp and gem pendant, but also because he has something to do.

Seeing that Luo was unmoved, Bijiji curl one’s lip and turned to look forward to the battle between Antong and Rupee. She knew that within ten seconds, Rupee had to fall.

When that dark thought field disappeared, An Tongmu no longer needed to be distracted, he looked at gasping for breath in rupees, said with a sneer: “Your thought is good, like a loach, but it is not offensive What’s the use? “

As soon as the voice fell, it rushed towards the ugly rupee.

An Tongmu’s Speed, Strength, and skills have exploded him. If it were not for the rhythm of life, he would not be able to support it for that long, and now he has reached the limit.

Rupee was desperate, but he did not want to give up.

Struggling to increase …

An Tongmu launched a fierce attack on the rupee. After 7 or 8 seconds, the stupa of the rupee was not supported, showing a clear weak spot.

An Tongmu caught this weak spot and patted his hand on Rupee’s chest. With the sound of a fracture, Rupee flew out, fiercely hit the wall, his mouth vomited blood, and he fell down.

After killing the rupee, An Tongmu glanced back at Luo and Bisji, and walked towards the stone harp and the body of Shuangji.

“You can’t beat him, don’t expect to grab the baby, run away honestly.” Bi Siji turned his head and looked towards Luo, who was quiet, and suggested again.

Luo was silent, and when he saw An Tongmu carrying Si Jingji’s body, he practiced silently, his energy surging.

“Stupid.” Bi Siji sighed helplessly.


An Tongmu looked towards Luo, indifferently said: “I only want these 2 and you can take whatever you want.”

“Leave the sergeant.” Luo was like Kaidou.

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