Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 185

In the dark field, the two breaths are similar, the same cold and evil, so that everyone in the temple misjudged.

They thought that the breath that erupted from the mind field was the thought of Shuang Ji, but it was not, so the cognition of the thought of Shuang Ji was improved by another level.

Suddenly erupted, and suddenly stopped, like the momentum when the sword was raised, the silence behind the sword.

Although they couldn’t see what was happening in the field, they also came to the conclusion that Luo was mostly killed by Strength, which broke out from Shuang Ji.

“You can only give up.”

Uncle Li entire group stared at the dark notion of turbulent not just, like a behemoth, ruthlessly blocked their financial path.

Including Bi Siji and An Tongmu also gave up the idea of ​​giving up. Their strength is strong enough, so it is clear that this post-mortem idea has no reason at all.

In the face of this idea, they have no countermeasures, unless there is a more powerful Deminist division to cooperate with Luo.

No … no need to give up, now is a good time!

When the thought of giving up came to mind, they turned away.

At about the same time, all of them suddenly looked towards the jewel pendant and side stone harp of the body of Swaki.

After leaving the body after death, Shuang Ji became a cold body, no longer threatening, and the dark field seemed to be digesting Luo swallowed in the stomach, without paying attention to them.

in other words… now is a good time to take away the stone harp and gem pendant!

These two distinct things are worthless. If you get them, this trip will not come for nothing!


Except for Bi Siji, everyone suddenly moved, and wanted to take the opportunity to take away the stone harp and gem pendant while the thought was not yet directed at them!

“Greedy blinds their eyes and is the root cause of many deaths.” Bi Siji did not move, she just calmly looked at the actions of others.

That thought did not target them, and now it is indeed a chance to take away treasure, but the strongest one can laugh to the end.

When An Tongmu blocked the stone gate and Li Shu attacked An Tongmu with thoughts, the dispute sown seeds. According to the current situation, if the weak side does not discern the situation, it will only put itself to death.

As a bystander, Bi Siji can only regret Li Shu’s behavior. The regret is more like a pity.

Her regret was that Li Shu lost his way between the electric light flint and chose the cake buried with bombs.

Zeng Renpai gave up numerous bomb cakes and chose only a few safe cakes. This practice has been persisted for decades, and until now, he has failed!

An Tongmu looks at 3 people who rushed ahead, smiled coldly, and rushed to Uncle Li.

He also liked the gem pendant and the stone harp, and even the body of Shuang Ji, but he was calmer than Uncle Li, instead of rushing toward the baby immediately, but towards Uncle Li.

Attracted by a rare opportunity for 1000 years, Li Shu’s decision-making error, and the price is life.

Powerful mental fluctuations came from behind. Suddenly, Uncle Li was cold and had no time to mobilize his energy defense and turned his head reluctantly.

What greeted me was a large fan full of energy.

One second? No, it’s not a second.

This is the time before death.

Uncle Li thought like this, and even when the desperate mood could be presented in the future, his consciousness plunged into darkness.

Ka-cha !

Rupee and Aya were startled, and when they looked back, they saw An Tongmu covering his uncle’s face with his left hand, and twisted his head with brute force.

“Uncle Li!” The two uttered a panic.

An Tongmu squeezed Uncle Li’s head with his hands and slid his feet against the ground for a distance, showing a cold smile to the two people, and his teeth were white and cold.


After half a ring, blood arrow squirted into the sky from Uncle Li’s neck, and his fat body fell forward to the ground.


Rupee and Aya glared at Attong.

“You still need money, but this multiple-choice question is very simple. What do you think?”

An Tongmu squeezed his left hand sharply, and Uncle Li’s head exploded like a watermelon.

Looks at this scene, the rupee and Aya’s body suddenly trembled, and immediately without the slightest hesitation rushed towards the harp and gem pendant.

Seeing the choices made by the two people, An Tongmu coldly snorted, and his left hand slammed, and the blood contaminated by the palm was thrown to the ground, and then chased to the two people.

The reason why he first killed Uncle Li was very simple, that is, to unlock the right hand seal.

3 people in this brief moment, each with their own plans, are heading towards treasure.

“Grab it, anyway, it’s Mine’s tears.”

Bi Siji embraced his arms and calmly looked at what happened in the temple.

“It’s a pity that kid, he died before the rating was over, President, this is not my passive work.”

She thought silently.

Everyone thought Luo was dead, but Luo wasn’t dead.

He was now aggressive and didn’t know that people outside were snatching the stone harp and gem pendant.

The damage that Nianchang caused to him at first, after the breath that came out of the book, disappeared out of thin air, and then he was sure he was in an illusion.

The deafening cheers rang through the black and white sky.

Luo stood on the top of a building, and the sights he saw were all black and white.

This is a prosperous ancient city. The crowd is flowing on the street. Many people are holding flowers and throwing their eyes towards the center of Main Street.

In the center of Main Street, a long man and horse walked slowly from the other side of the street. The crowds on both sides were looking towards the leading horsemen, cheering loudly, and the people who were close were the Flowers were thrown away.

There is no half-person in the house on the side of the street 2. Even if it is crowded on the street, no one stands on the balcony or roof of the house.

Luo looks at the woman on horseback, and then she tilted her head and looked towards Shiji, not far away.

This is the same person, but the difference is that, on the horse, Shuangji, wearing a soldier armor, has a solemn expression, like a Martial Goddess.

Not far away, this girl is lightly makeup, wearing red-based clothes, like a girl about to marry, but also that girl in the tomb.

Finally, Luo looked towards, a black cat-like creature from Ghost Spirit Essence levitating in front of him.

The creature’s silver pupil was staring at him tightly, and the gaze, like the food in the looks at plate, was pondering where to go.

Luo didn’t know if the creature could be called a cat, it just looked alike.

The size of this creature is not as long as that of a normal domestic cat, and it is completely black. Only the eyes are silver, and the overall appearance is cat-like, and there are different points.

He has long pointed ears, a cat’s pupil is silver, no nose and beard, and three spikes protruding from the cheek 2 seem to replace the beard. His mouth is pinched in the black fur and is not easy to see.

In addition to the special eyes, the slender tail is also peculiar, twice the length of the body, and rolled into a spiral.

This black cat was drilled out of the book, and it is also the culprit that emits that evil breath.

After he appeared, Luo was dragged into the illusion, and after that, Luo felt that the cat might treat him as food.

Maybe it’s also the cat’s sake, and Shuangji, who is not far from the roof, only whispers there, exuding a strong hostility, but not attacking him.

“what is happening…!”

Luo was confused.

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