Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 170

You don’t need to look at the data displayed by the white smoke font, you can also know that the value is rising, that is only after absorbing a small part of the increase, and there are many ideas on the stone gate.

When Luo absorbed the Little Black snake that had taken the initiative to climb up, and stepped back cautiously, the remaining black gas on the stone gate, like the flame of gasoline, raged wildly, baring fangs and brandishing claws.

It seems to be confined to a limited range, otherwise you will have to pounce on Luo.

Looks at that boiling thought, Luo is unmoved.

He knew that the thoughts on the stone gate could strengthen his strength, but he was very cautious, and did not rush to absorb all the thoughts. This was a decision he made after seeing 2 bad luck eggs attacked by the thoughts.

It’s like the idea of ​​little black snakes, which can cause physical damage to the human body, and … also more terrifying effect.

Luo ignored the thoughts in the state of rage, and looked back towards the two bad luck eggs attacked by the stone gate thoughts. It did not die, but it looked as if some of the yang was sucked by the fairy.

The skin is dull, the flesh is slightly sunken, the face is dull, and some hair is added to the hair.

This is the change in just ten seconds for two bad luck eggs.

Everyone looks at those two bad luck eggs, groaning silently, with different expressions on their faces.

“Luo, are you sure?”

Uncle Li only glanced at two bad luck eggs casually, and he turned to looked towards Luo.


Luo replied briefly, it was easy to absorb part of the thought just now, and there should be no problem after that.

Hearing Luo’s words, Uncle Li sighed in relief, even if there were no two bad luck eggs to demonstrate, he also knew the terrifying of the thoughts on the stone gate. Except for the special teacher, the ordinary Mind Power were powerless.

Bi Siji was surrounded by double-handed and looked at Luo with interest.

A lot of people know about the suicide teacher, but few people have seen it.

In this regard, Bisji has a certain understanding.

There are very few mind-eliminating teachers, and usually rely on the assistance of mind-behaviour, or make tedious preparations, even some ceremony, but Luo seems to be very easy to get rid of the mind. It’s as simple as reading.

You know, that idea seems to be not to be trifled with, and the side is explanation. Luo’s level of dismemberment is quite awesome.

Bi Siji’s evaluation in his heart is the same as that of An Tongmu. Therefore, after seeing Luo get rid of the thought that was wrapped around the bad luck egg body, he quickly converged to laugh at him.

2 People didn’t realize that the thought of disappearing was actually absorbed by Luo.

The thought on the stone gate seemed to have consciousness, because Luo rescued 2 prey and devoured a part of it, and it didn’t calm down after boiling.

The emanating field caused the Mind Power people to condense, and the ordinary person could not see the idea of ​​baring fangs and brandishing claws, but just felt a cold breath coming from the stone gate, making them feel all over. Cold.

Under the watchful eye of everyone, Luo stood still for a while, and slowly walked towards the stone gate.

Countless small black breaths, like a small snake, suddenly rushed to Luo.

Looks at the thought that comes in the air, Luo looks calm, and let the snake-like thoughts entangle the body, intertwined with the air floating on the body.

In the eyes of Bisji and the others, what they saw was a stream of black air flowing through the Luo body, forming black and white with the volume of white light.

Luo silently started the ability of white smoke fonts, absorbing the thoughts coming from the stone gate with the speed visible by naked eye.

At the same time, the values ​​of the 6 major series are slowly rising …

This trip … has been worthwhile.

Luo looks at the value of the beating, I feel that the volume within the body is increasing.


Another inexplicable strong wind rose, blowing Luo’s short black hair, as if the last mourn of that powerful thought.

Bi Siji’s score is clear. As the strong wind came, the thoughts on the stone gate became weaker and weaker. The whole process of removing thoughts … was very clear.

“It’s done.” Uncle Li thought to himself, finally removing this biggest obstacle.

After a while, Luo absorbed the ideas on the stone gate Thoroughly. The data of the 6 major departments increased to 29%, which is about to break through the 30 mark. Moreover, the total amount of his current within the body has reached the edge of the first-class hunter.

Fighting with maximum output can also support for almost an hour.

“You can come over.” After dismissing the thought, Luo said, turned around and picked up Allah, then squatted beside the stone gate and observed the relief on the stone gate.

At first seeing this stone carving, Luo had a hard time imagining that this would be the entrance to a mausoleum, because the relief on the stone gate exuded a sense of despair and fierce.

Unlike those of Palo City, which are mainly exquisite styles, the reliefs on the two stone gates are more like graffiti made by small children, but they also roughly sculpt the shape and the meaning they want to express.

The relief on the left door is land. There are many little people with various weapons standing on it. There are many plants and animals around, and some simple woods and mountains.

The relief on the door on the right is the sea, a heaven overflowing giant wave is about to shoot at people on the land, and there are many non-descript monsters in the waves, a tusks roar.

The sky above the huge waves is also a pile of unknown monsters with wings.

In terms of volume ratio, the volume of the monster in the waves and the sky is not comparable to humans.

When Luo was observing the relief of the stone gate, the people around him had already come closer, looking at the two stone gates on the ground, with different thoughts.

What most people think of is how much money this stone gate can get from those who are rich, and only those who think about the relief pattern are Luo.

“Is this really the entrance to …

Luo thought silently, extending the hand gently touching the relief, and the information jumping out of his mind suddenly made him complexion slightly changed.

There is no explanation, only one line.

Year: Unknown.

The strange phenomenon shook Luo’s heart.

“Good job!” Rupee came over and patted Luo’s shoulder happily.

Uncle Li just gave a thumbs up. Although he didn’t say anything, his appreciation was beyond words.

This stone gate is the most difficult obstacle. They would rather face a powerful Mind Power person than face the thoughts left on the stone gate. Simply cannot start.

Fortunately, I met Luo and removed this obstacle, but the treasure in the mausoleum may not be so easy to get, and the next thing is the business!

“Come over here and open the door first.” Uncle Li shouted from those around.

Everyone heard the words and came over to help.

Luo suppressed the turbulent emotion, stood up silently, walked aside, and vacated the position, leaving Uncle Li and the others busy to open the stone gate.

Perhaps because of the white smoke font, Luo paid more attention to the relief pattern on the stone gate.

The year is unknown, is it over 1000 years or longer?

“Wow! You are amazing!”

When Luo was thinking, a slightly surprised female voice came from her ear, which was Bisji.

He tilted his head and saw Bisji’s double-handed handshake, looking at him with an admiring look, that lovely expression really made people feel affectionate.

Suddenly, Luo only felt a chill in his heart, and his body even shook slightly.


Luo quickly stabilized his emotions without showing anything strange, but he was thinking: Oops, was Bisji eyeed?

Although Bi Siji is a good person, he can’t stand it. It is troublesome.

Quite calm …

Seeing Luo’s reaction, Bi Siji’s eyes turned, and when he was about to say something, there was a booming sound next to it, but the stone gate was opened.

Perhaps it was because the mood to enter the tomb was too urgent, which led to Uncle Li and the others being efficient enough.

On the ground, two stone gates were erected to reveal the dark hollow, and the decaying dust was sent up by the breeze.

“It’s windy …” Uncle Li whispered, and then said to the crowd, “Get ready.”

The stone gate is open, but you have to do a series of preparations before going down, such as height test, rope …

“In case of 10000, put on a gas mask first.”

Uncle Li said, he just took out a gas mask from his bag and put it on his face.

Luo and Bisji did not wear gas masks, and everyone who looked at was already wearing gas masks, and immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

This is awkward …


Thanks for the reward. There is an extra guardian and the host is very open.

First pay off the monthly ticket plus change, and then return the bonus plus change.

Here, ask for a monthly pass. The attractiveness of the purple pig on the monthly pass list is about to be torn off, Yamei Butterfly!

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