Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 167

Encountering a treasure house and not being able to enter it, how painful is it for greedy lovers of money?

Suffering from the difficulty of finding a suitable teacher, Li Shu and the others’ team has been unable to enter the tomb of Legendary Shiji tomb.

Now, accidentally found a collaborator who meets the standards, but tells them that they are young teachers, and they are not very old.

So suddenly, not at all the kind of travel far and wide looking for something, only to return and find it easily.

Do you believe it?

Uncle Li said he didn’t believe much, including Aya and Rupee.

Their three people quickly pulled away the surprise on their faces, and looked towards Luo’s eyes full of disbelief.

Dementia is a very rare profession. As far as they know, it is the decade teacher in the Hunters Association and can be counted on one’s fingers. If you want to hire the decade teacher in the association, the price is not small.

For just a short while, the three of them thought about yesterday’s evil door, and suddenly looked at each other with a sharp heart, but still remained skeptical.

Seeing the reactions of the three people below, Luo knew that they didn’t believe it, which was not surprising.

He got up, leaped down with Allah, carried Allah on his shoulders, and said, “Why don’t you believe?”

“It’s hard to believe,” Li Shu honestly said.

“We’ve been searching for so long. I didn’t find one. You said that you were the only one who believes. Is there a ghost?” Aya double-handed with a small waist, his mood was a little hot pepper. .

“You can’t find it, is it related to me?” Luo looks at her, asking in confusion.

Aya stared at her eyes, paused for a moment, and thought carefully, as if it did not matter.

“It’s time to turn on this handsome guy!”

Rupee suddenly jumped out, turned familiarly for 3 and a half circles, sideways compared to the signature position, and shook his eyebrows a few times, like a creeping black caterpillar.

Hearing him, including Luo, all three people look at him.

Facing the eyes of everyone, Rupee said with a smile: “Isn’t it the undergraduate, just try it understood?”

Luo looks at him, wait for the next.

Uncle Li and Aya thought of Rupee’s thoughts, both of them with a stunned expression.

Ruby said: “This handsome guy ’s thoughts can turn qi into notes and bless on the target body. If you know how to get rid of your thoughts, you can try it.”

The rhythm of life, this is the idea of ​​the rupee, and this is just one of the effects that ability can produce. The more powerful part, he impossible revealed.

Luo nodded, said, “Try it.”

The easiest way to convince the other party is the result he wants to see.

Rupee looked towards Aya, before speaking, he heard Aya abandon and said, “Go!”

“…” Ruby thought wrongly, I didn’t say anything!

Uncle Li looks at 2 people, sighs softly, and asks: “Rupee, let me come.”

As soon as Rupee heard it, he also took out the earplugs from his pocket and squeezed them into the auricle. The volume of air within the body spurted onto the body surface, covering the whole body, and then turned into a pulsating note.

He drove the notes around the palm of his hand, then walked in front of Uncle Li, double-handed pressed on Uncle Li’s thigh, and then released his hand, only to see that a green note pattern was left on each of Uncle Li’s legs.

“You can start.” Rupee looked towards Luo, the talisman seal he left on his uncle’s thigh, which can affect the coordination of his uncle’s thigh, which lasts only 30% of the time, and the effect is not good.

This is the effect of mindfulness, he will not report it stupidly, just let Luo start thinking about it.

Uncle Li glanced at the notes on his legs and didn’t move around, waiting for Luo to read it.

Notes … Music-related thoughts?

Luo thought silently, walked in front of Li Shu, stretched out his left hand, and the amount of energy appeared on the palm of his hand. Before he started to do so, he realized that Li Shu’s body was slightly tight.

This is a normal phenomenon, and Luo didn’t care. He took a note of the talisman seal on Uncle Li’s thigh, with no difficulty, the notes were separated and scattered in the air.

Looks at this scene. Uncle Li’s three-person complexion changed slightly, and then he was ecstatic.

At this moment, they really feel the feeling of walking around the iron shoes without hiding, only to return and find it easily.

“You really do remember!” Aya lingered. She always thought that the image of the teacher should be a little old godwife, how could it be a little ghost.


Luo looked calm, forming a strong contrast with the surprise of Li Shu and the three.

“Is the condition complete? When will you go in?” Luo asked.

Uncle Li reluctantly calmed his emotions and said, “It’s going to be tomorrow at the latest, and I’ll tell others to come and gather.”

“When is tomorrow? Where will we meet?” Luo was in a hurry now. He had been looking for a month, not a day like this.

“Tomorrow at ten o’clock tomorrow,” Uncle Li said.

“Okay, see you later.”

Knowing the time and place for the assembly, ** turned around crisply, waved his hands behind the 3 people, walked to the edge of the cliff, and then jumped down.

Gelu Mountain is quite special, and it is not difficult to climb up. For Mind Power, it is easy to jump.

Seeing Luo leaving so swiftly, he didn’t ask anything, and the three of them were confused.

If they knew that Luo wasn’t interested in the possible treasures in the mausoleum, they should not be confused, and if Luo knew the entrance location, he would definitely go in alone.

“Starting work, calling everyone over.”

Uncle Li held up the frame, and glanced subconsciously at one of the 7 megaliths around him, then took out his mobile phone.

“Oh! This handsome guy’s blood is boiling!”

Ruby smiled excitedly when Uncle Li took out his mobile phone to contact members.

After waiting so long, I can finally go to the mausoleum to check it out. If it goes well, I can spend the rest of my life extravagantly.

Ayati raised the shoulder strap of the large backpack. Unlike the rupee’s excitement, she is actually a little nervous with a hot personality.

Uncle Li dialed out on the phone and it took some time to complete the notification.

“Go back and get ready.”

After the notice, Uncle Li returned to the residence with 3 people downhill to prepare for tomorrow’s action.

The next day, before ten o’clock, Luo took Allah to Mount Gru.

When he came to the top of the mountain, the uncle Li 3 was already on it, and all 3 were wearing a lot of equipment.

Seeing Luo only brought a blade, Uncle Li was surprised.

“Where’s your gear?” Aya asked silently.

Luo heard that, extending the hand into his pocket, he pulled out a flashlight, and also several spare batteries.

“Just here.”

Luo shook the flashlight, said with a slight smile.

Actually there were some objects like lighters that he didn’t take out.

“… “

looks at that flashlight, 3 people are speechless.

“Are you here to play?”

In this sentence, Aya didn’t say it in the end, anyway, Luo could get rid of the entrance thought.

Luo didn’t care what they thought, he just found a stone and sat up, waiting for others to come over.

Seeing Luo being so calm, Li Shu could only forcefully think that Luo was a boldness of execution stems from superb skill.

When there were less than ten minutes left at ten o’clock, Personnel 6 continued to arrive.

Luo observes everyone on the top of the mountain with a condensed eye. Basically, they are ordinary people. There are only 4 Mind Power people, and the level seems not good.

According to the number of Uncle Li, there were already 22 people present, that is, also 2 did not come.

At this time, someone climbed up the mountain again. Luo looked intently. He was a rather handsome man, but he was an ordinary person.


After the handsome man went up the mountain, behind quickly caught up with someone.

Luo was thinking about the arrival of the people, and when he saw the man who came up with the handsome man, he was suddenly stunned.

“Why is she here?” Luo was surprised.

After going up the mountain, Bisji also saw Luo sitting on the stone.

“Why is he here?” Bi Siji thought unexpectedly.

At this time, Luo not at all noticed Uncle Li’s face, he thought that Bisji was also a member, so he was quite surprised.

“Who is this girl?”

Uncle Li looks at Bisji, who was born with eyes, and finally looked towards that handsome man.

Kakuzu twitched at the sight of Uncle Li’s eyes.

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