Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 162

Babu forest is very large, and the risk is not enough to be included in the evaluation criteria. It is a very suitable place for camping picnics.

In 4 seasons a year, in addition to the tourists who come to visit, they can always see the Outsiders who are eager to dig tombs and make a fortune. They carry complete equipment and sway in the forest or at the foot of the mountain.

The Title of the grave digger is very unpleasant. They are more willing to call themselves treasure hunters in private. After all, the local officials are also willing to support them.

The local authorities are willing to support it, but also want to get a lot of benefits at a slight price. Not only that, they also specifically listed several regulations to restrict the treasure hunters.

Among the many treasure hunters, there are a lot of patience familiar faces, and more are new faces that are constantly changing.

Every year, many people give up, and new treasure hunters will also flood in. Some of them are quite famous, and there are regular hunters.

It was a big cake that no one intended to draw, and many people came at it.

People only know that the tomb that is not yet alive bears the wealth of unimaginable, even if the tomb is not a rare gem that is world-famous at the time, it is an antiquities, and it can be sold on the black market for a good price.

Most of the treasure hunters who came with the mentality of winning a big prize were mostly defeated after paying a lot of energy. The change of position when they left would make them laugh at the persistent old faces.

How many years, the ground has been dug 3 feet here, but nothing was found. Even if the ancient book confirmed the existence of the mausoleum in many ways, it is one of the basis for judgment.

Despite this, new faces into the pit continue to flow every year.

I know that there are pits, but I still have to fill them in. The mentality of winning a big prize is actually the same as buying a lottery ticket.

Luo is one of the new faces. During this time, I met many people, and many people noticed Luo.

At first, they thought that Luo was only a tourist who came to Babu Forest, but after many eye contact, they vaguely guessed that Luo ’s motive for coming to the forest might be the same as them, but Luo body only carried a long knife wrapped in white cloth. , Without related equipment, people feel more like playing tickets.

The scope of the treasure hunter’s exploration in the forest is not fixed. Only a small number of people have targeted a certain area. A group of people Luo met in Gelu are the treasure hunters who are eyeing Glu.

Gru Mountain is one of the 3 mountains in Babu Forest, and it is also the largest one. It is the closest to the ruins of the city of Palo.

It was through the clues of Fording ’s letter that Luo set his sights on Mount Grew, but he did not know where other treasure hunters got the clue from Glu.

“In the information found, Fordine and Sturgeon, one was a slightly famous artist at the time, and the other was the famous female City Lord.”

“One on the ground and one on the sky.”

“If it weren’t for the chanter’s heart, the letter would have been like a delusion of unrequited love.”

“I only knew this secret because of the identification function of white smoke fonts. Where did this group get information from?”

Luo stood on the top of Mount Gru, facing the icy cold wind of Rin, looking at the sparse forest underneath. He could take a deep look and even see the treasure hunters in the forest.

He can notice many people, and others can notice him.

During this time, he wandered around the Grew Mountain several times, and there were several times up and down. He didn’t see any reason, and couldn’t find any traces of artificial construction.

Near the foot of the mountain and even in the forest, there are many deep pits dug by treasure hunters and put in China’s saying that they are robberies, but they are all failed robberies, dug deep and nothing.

The so-called forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds.

There are a lot of amateur treasure hunters casually catching them. They are generally martial arts and usually use more direct violence.

Wherever I go, I feel suspicious. If he cares, picking up a shovel is digging. Fortunately, there are local official regulations. This group of people dare not go too far. They just dig holes and most people will bury them.

In general, many meaningless scenes are staged in this forest all the time. Sadly, people who come here are always happy.

Not only are there many traces left by the pirate caves, there are also many traces on the mountain walls close to the ground. It is estimated that if it is not restricted by local authorities, there should be a lot of treasure hunters hunting.

Luo also thought of using the power of God’s hand to make a hole in the Glu Mountain, but the operation was too difficult.

“It’s still too optimistic. There are many people who come here, but they didn’t even find the entrance to the Tomb of Sergei. Perhaps this clue is false.”

The shape of Mount Geluo is like spring bamboo shoots. A layer of rock envelops a layer of rock. As it reaches the top, the area becomes smaller.

The shape of the mountain body caused a lot of steep overhangs in the middle of the Geluo Mountain. On the protruding rock block, an unknown tree was planted in the rock formation, and the number was not large.

From a distance, the green tree looks like a decorative plate in a large plate.

The place where Luo is located is the top of the Geluo Mountain, and there are not many places to settle, because there are many prominent huge stones on the top of the mountain.

For many days, he followed the trail of the Glu Mountain. Although there were many cliffs on the mountain that had not been surveyed, nothing had made Luo suspicious of Fording’s letter.

If there were no information about the whereabouts of the dark sonata on the Internet, Luo would have been discouraged and discarded the solo version of the harp.

Fragments from Fording’s memory can go wrong, something that Luo has never understood.

“If you can’t find it for a while … then dig the mountain!”

Luo felt fierce for a while. Digging the mountain was not that simple. Even with the hand of God, it is not easy to make a tunnel from top to bottom. Moreover, even if a tunnel is built, the position is wrong. It’s just busy.

In addition to digging mountains, also digging …

I thought that I could exercise Mind Power by the way, maybe in the end I would really dig a hole for Grew Mountain.

Luo got up from the rock block and prepared to go down the cliff and go to a place where he hadn’t surveyed.

He was about to move, suddenly stopped, looked towards the edge of the mountain 20 meters away from the right, he heard the sound of climbing, and someone came up, and not just one.

After a moment, a dark-skinned hand was pressed against the edge of the overhang, the knuckles were thick, and the finger bone was prominent.

Immediately afterwards, a green cauliflower head popped up first. If it was not the hand that came up first, it looked like a cauliflower suddenly growing near the overhanging wall.

Looks at that deep green cauliflower hairstyle that protrudes from the edge of the overhang, Luo mouth Kakuzu pulls slightly.

After the cauliflower head appeared more than half, a pair of crayon shin-chan’s thick eyebrows were drilled up, followed by a pair of exaggerated black sunglasses.

Before Luo had time to see his face clearly, the man’s arm was exerted, and his head was only half stretched out. I didn’t know where to borrow the force, so he jumped up vigorously.

After landing, the comer rotated several times in place. After stopping, he turned to his side, double-handed, and then pointed at Luo immediately.

“Laddie, am I handsome?”

“…” Luo.

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