Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 156

When he received the phone call from Bu Hazhen, it was already evening and Luo was practicing Mind Power in his room.

Hearing that Buha said he was qualified, Luo asked with a smile: “How many candidates are qualified this year?”

“Ten six, but there is only one qualified newcomer.” Buhachi’s tone was quite proud.

“Well, you’re great.” Luo teased painlessly.

He didn’t hear the ridicule, and he paused, saying, “Da Baboon asked me a lot about you.”

“Who is that?”

Luo got up and walked to the window, looking at the night scene outside.

In a room somewhere.

He sat on the sofa with two people opposite him. One was a baboon, and the other was Netero President.

The phone’s sound is set to the maximum, and what Luo said, Da Baboon and Netero heard clearly.

Hearing Luo asked who it was, the baboon’s face suddenly turned black, and Netero was smiling.

Praha gave a glance at the baboon, and used the simplest introduction to make Luo instantly understand who the baboon is.

“That’s the examiner who came over to cook rice.”

Kakuzu twitched at the mouth of Da Ha Baboon when he heard the introduction of Bu Ha 剌 directly attacking the key point.

“Oh, that person.” Luo immediately thought that the examiner who had roasted pigskin with keen interest pleasure should be the Mind Power of Enhancer. That tooth, it was a little stressful to lift such a hard roasted pigskin. No.

“What did he ask?” Luo asked, wondering why Da Baboon asked about him.

“That’s how I relate to you and how I met. Also I talked about things in the jungle of Amaroo.” Baha’i honest Kaidou, paused, he cautiously asked: “Luo, I tell him Are you angry about these? “

“No, that’s not a big deal.” Luo replied, but frowned, thinking about why Da Baboon noticed him.

Hearing that Luo didn’t mind, Buha was relaxed. He is now a disciple of Da Baboon. For the Master’s problem, he is really not perfunctory. The key is that the Netero President is also there.

Bu Haohouhouhouhouhou is not stupid, he can see that Netero is coming to Luo, and he has just obtained a hunter license, Da Baboon came and said he wanted to teach him Mind Power, probably because of Luo.

This point, he was thinking wrong.

Netero did come towards Luo, but Da Baboon really saw his aptitude.

“By the way, I can’t go to you in a short time. I want to follow the cultivation of the baboon.” Buha said, looking towards Netero President, he was hesitant to tell Luo, Netero and baboon were both Listening to their 2 call next to it.

Taking note of the glances that Budha saw, Netero seemed to perceive Budha’s thoughts and smiled at him gently.

Can’t say it!

It was such a kind smile, but he seemed to be saying to Bahab: If he is exposed, he will not be good.

“He came to you?” Luo asked.


“Then you follow him well and cultivation, learn everything you can learn, and then come to teach me.”

“Ah? Teach you?”

Netero and Da Baboon also heard Luo’s words, and there was a doubt in their eyes.

“My thoughts are only half-dead, and the skills are not comprehensive enough. Since Da Baboon can be selected as an examiner, the strength should be good.” Luo explained: “In short, you can follow him to learn well, it will be fine for a long time.”

Luo didn’t know that Da Baboon and Netero were next to Buha. If he knew, he wouldn’t say that if he was killed.

Praha went back to God and said bitterly, “OK.”

He thought to himself that he had not been scared by Netero President’s smile just now, and it seemed that he had accidentally caught Luo.

“I’ll hang up if I’m okay, come on.” Luo said, and he was ready to hang up.

“Wait, there’s a thing!” Hearing that Luo was going to hang up, Bu Haji hurried to stay.

Luo just put down the phone, and when he heard Bu Ha’s words, he leaned the phone on his ear again and asked, “Say it.”

At this time, Bu Ha 剌 looked towards Netero President and felt extremely uncomfortable.

Before making this call, the Netero President said that when they finished speaking, he asked him to talk to Luo, but Luo just said that in front of the Netero President …

Netero scratched his beard and shook the head at Baha.

The meaning is obvious, just don’t plan to talk to Luo anymore.

Bha dazed for a moment, then immediately understood what Netero shook his head, which was actually the result he wanted to see.

“Oh, oh, it’s okay,” Buha said.

Luo didn’t know why, but didn’t delve into it. He just said that he would hang up and continue the Mind Power practice that he just interrupted.

Although there are shortcuts to take, he still maintains a fixed-time practice every day. After all, mosquitoes are no matter how small they are legs. Although the results of such a dull practice are faster, they are better than nothing.

Hanging up Luo’s phone, Bu Hayu exhaled, relieved a lot.

“President.” Da Baboon frowned.


Netero laughed a few times and swayed it, indifferently said: “Just do the right thing.”

“Hah …” Da Baboon smiled bitterly. He has been in the Hunters Association for more than ten years, and brought out several students, but this is the first time he has encountered this situation.

Since meeting Luo, it has refreshed him a lot for the first time.

Obviously there is that hard strength to pass the test, but he has to take the initiative to quit, even if he thought that Luo was a master of Mind Power, he turned out to ask his friends to follow the examiner to learn it, and then teach him.

What’s going on here?

He looked at Luo at such a young age, and thought that Luo must be a well-known Mind Power master.


Netero jumped off the sofa and reached out to pats the shoulders of the baboon, hoho said with a smile: “It is fun to be full of accidents in life …”

After speaking, I was walking towards the door, leaving the baboons and Bhabha who were stunned. Listening to the words of President, the baboons even forgot to care about the President and called him a gorilla.

After leaving the room, Netero walked in the corridor with his back on his back and whispered: “It hasn’t been refined yet, it’s good to be young …

Netero came to the hunter to test the final level after the event was over, just in time for the end of the explanation.

However, when he arrived at the venue, he didn’t see the person he wanted to see, which is why the baboon and Netero were on the side when Phhadang called Luo after getting his license.

No matter which field, who will not refuse the fresh blood of the rising star, in Netero’s view, Luo may be the next gold, join the hunter test as a newcomer, and become the new blood that cannot be ignored.

Unfortunately, Luo dropped out of the test for no apparent reason, but joining the Hunters Association is a license.

Netero wants to get in touch with Luo through Buha, but didn’t expect Luo seems to be self-taught, so things become more interesting.

The moment he asked Buha to hang up, he made plans.

Obviously, it takes a lot of energy and time to contact and carve out. In his current status, it is not easy to free up that many energy and time.

Find out what Luo is doing before you plan.

Of course, he doesn’t have to go out in person, there are still suitable candidates.

… ..

At the same time, Illumi returned to Blight Mountain.

After leaving from Meteor City, he had to go back to the withering mountain directly, but he took a commission, so he turned the road halfway to complete it, and he hasn’t come home until now.

In short, just leave the clothes for mother intact.

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