Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 149

After the gunman fell to the ground and couldn’t move, Meteor City had no chance when he slashed the bullet from Luo.

Unfortunately, the style of Meteor City just happened to hit the south wall without turning back.

It’s okay to use gas field to knock down most of the men, or use a rusty knife to cut off the ammunition. There is no reason for Elders to let Luo leave Ente City.

When Luo pointed at them, there was no need for the Elders to give orders. The accompanying Mind Power members rushed to Luo actively to create opportunities for the Elders.

3 Mind Power people have just touched the existence of the threshold. They have not developed their own ideas and can only use Qi to do things that ordinary people cannot.

Any Mind Power person can crush the strongest grade of ordinary person as long as he can make good use of gas, so even a 3rd-rate Mind Power person has its value.

However, in the face of higher-level opponents, the value reflected in the ordinary person body will be worthless.

Zambia knows when and what to do. Melee is her weakness, and her mission has been completed, just turning around and leaving without the slightest hesitation.

As Sambika turned around, Luo looked at the 20 or so Mind Power men who rushed over, withdrew the long sword, and mouthed Kakuzu raise upwards.

“It’s my first time hacking with a knife.”

Meaningless murmurs got into the ears of everyone present.

In the case of unknown, Luo suddenly slashed in front of the empty person, which is the cross-cutting in the basic Sword Technique.


A crescent-shaped sword qi emerged from the body of the sword, cutting to the Mind Power who rushed.

Invisibly, those who stepped into the Mind Power range of 20 meters were unresponsive, and were chopped in half by sword qi.

Where the elbow is close to the chest, that’s where sword qi rages past.

As a result, not only the body was divided into two halves, the double-handed below the elbow was also broken.


Mind Power men stopped the momentum of forward rush, with a puzzled expression on their faces.

Their upper body and arms fell to the ground, and the lower body stood strangely on the ground, not at all falling.

No blood, no screams, because they didn’t feel pain.

Time seemed to be stagnant, and there was silence on the court.

The doubts on the faces of the energy-minded people who fell to the ground seemed to be sarcastic on the ground.

In a face-to-face, the only combatable power left was all planted, and Luo just slashed.

Saab and Kit were deadlocked. They wanted to find a suitable opportunity while their siege to Luo, but just took a step, all of them were cut off with one stroke.

“Emitter’s thoughts …?”

On the top of the building, Marshall saw the score and shook his body unconsciously. It was precisely because he was Emitter that he could understand the terrifying aspect of that slash.

When sword qi came out, not only Marshall, but also Saab and Kitt saw it. It was a crescent-shaped mantra, and the length range was not small. From the perspective of the effect, it was different from the impact characteristics of Marshall mantra. , The characteristic of air cutting is extremely sharp.

Elders can see the word qi because they have practiced at home and have enough apparent energy from within the body. Even if they don’t focus on the eyes, they can see the obvious energy.

But the men are not the same. Their practice is not yet home, and they need to deliberately separate a part of the Qi to gather in their eyes in order to see the Qi cut from the sword.

When they rushed to Luo, they distributed most of their energy on the four limbs, so when Luo cut a knife, they could not see the Qi, but they could feel the existence of Qi, but could not respond.

It’s one thing to be able to feel it, it’s another thing to be able to avoid it. Their failure lies in their lack of cultivation and their lack of sensitivity to qi.

Although Luo’s sword qi can easily cut off their defenses, there are also disadvantages, that is, the existence of Qi Qiao is explosive, which belongs to the type of positive attack and cannot be tricked.

Those with a certain level of Mind Power do not need to see sword qi, but can also avoid sword qi by virtue of their sensitivity to qi.

“What is his ability?” Cold sweat oozed on his face, and the sword qi should be Emitter’s ability, but what is the ability to stop Bullets and defense grenades? Also, how could a person who was cut off by a knife still be alive without bleeding.

Kitt’s eyes were cold, didn’t expect that many, but whispered, “Cover me.”

You don’t need to say anything, you know each other’s thoughts and how to cooperate.

If you don’t want to give up, then die in the end.

Hearing Kit’s whisper, Shabber calmed down his emotions and gritted his teeth towards Luo.

He is an Enhancer, and his thoughts are suitable for rushing forward. If he is here, he will actually cooperate better.

If a creature is used to describe Saab’s mind, it is a turtle.

The shield of self-improvement, which is his idea, is famous for its defensive power, but the Attack Power is too weak, and only with the paired destroyer who cooperates with the Seoul, can he exert formidable power.

As long as Douer planted the sun and moon in his body, all he had to do was approach the enemy.

Protecting yourself with a shield and using Self-destruction as a means of harming the enemy can turn him into a human flesh bomb that is used a lot. In popular terms, it is a non-bad inflatable doll.

However, Killer has already died in Luo’s hands, naturally it is possible to cooperate with him to exert formidable power. Right now, all he can do is cooperate with Kitt ’s idea, the main role is to attract Luo’s attention.

Shadow games … this is Kitt’s idea.

What Manipulator is terrifying is the fulfillment of conditions. Once the conditions are fulfilled, it is a trump card in the sense.

Saab has seen Luo’s strength, but it is not without opportunities that neither his shield nor Marshall’s long-range attacks can beat Luo, but also Kit’s shadow game.

The key to victory is to help Kit achieve the conditions of the shadow game, then the battle will be won.

Luo didn’t know what the Elders were about. When Saber rushed in fearlessly, he cut off a knife at the same time.

Sword qi shoots out, heading for SAB.

“Can’t dodge. Only with determination to resist all damage can the shield’s formidable power be brought out!”

It can be clearly seen that the sword qi cut by Luo can be avoided, but the existence of the self-improving shield is meant to resist damage. Once there is a thought of retreating, it will lose its meaning.

He wants to be a team that can’t be beaten, the purpose is to attract Luo’s attention

“Can’t hide! Can’t hide!”

A few words of self-muttering flashed through his mind, and then, the belated screams touched his nerves.

The men who were chopped into two and a half by sword qi, just like the soul turned back, screamed in despair at this time.

There was a hint of timidity in Shaber’s eyes, he stopped suddenly, his upper body leaned back, and avoided the sword qi.

He escaped, but was happy that everything did not raise.

The word qi just cut off the pictures of his men easily, making him lose his absolute confidence.

Seeing that Saber had escaped from sword qi, Luo’s expression was calm, so he had to cut it again.

Those who are able to read 1000 strange and 100 strange, can solve the enemy without getting close, then there is no need to get close.

Judging from SAB ’s rushing action, his idea may be a close-up Attack Type, so use sword qi to attack at medium and long distances.

Just as Luo was about to get started, Marshall’s 3 rounds came again.

3 rounds is the maximum number of rounds he can send in one attack.

The target he aimed at was not Luo, but the ground in front of Luo.

However, Luo seemed to clearly understand his purpose, took 2 steps forward, and cut off 3 ammunition with his sword.

That split second, Marshall expression is ugly.

That’s not only the ammunition, but also the formidable power of the ammunition!

He saw that the formidable power formed by the ammunition cut into two and a half became weaker, not the original formidable power of his ammunition!

The point is not that the ammunition was cut off again, but that he clearly aimed at the ground, in order to shake the dust and cover Luo’s vision, thus creating favorable conditions for Saab and Kit.

However, Luo deliberately chopped forward the ammunition, weakening the formidable power of the ammunition, making it impossible to shake the dust.

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