Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 137

Luo catches his fist with his left hand, and Uvogin and Machi know that Luo is not left-handed.

As they ran forward, Luo didn’t stop, and he was also getting stronger.

How far is the gap from each other … you won’t know without a try.

Is it still being left behind, or is it pulling the gap very close, or to the point where they are side by side.

“Go, 101st field, I won’t lose again!”

Uvogin converged and laughed, and when he walked out of the house, he would pull Luo to the landfill to do something, regardless of whether the moon was bright enough tonight.

He knelt 100 times in Luo’s hands, and his penance became stronger in a few months. As it should be by rights, to find a place, he had to win a victory from Luo anyway.

Luo, however, slaps Uvogin’s hand without saying a word. If there is any joke in this battle, let alone 2 games, 101 games are possible.

Even if Allah has a Sambica backing tomorrow, it will not be easy to be willful tonight.

“Don’t fight.” After slapting Uvogin’s hand, Luo refused directly.

Uvogin retracted his hand and didn’t care, just chuckled and said, “This can’t help you!”

The impatient expression and tone can be seen as a robust man who has been abstinent for decades and suddenly sees a lithe and graceful woman.

“If you don’t fight Uvogin, he’s going to be endless for a while.” Machi folded his arms and watched the excitement.

Luo flipped Byakugan over and said, “It’s okay to say one game, will this product be satisfied without a 4-5 game base?”

“So too,” Machi nodded agreed.

Paused, a hint of slyness flashed in her eyes, and suddenly Uvogin looked towards be eager to have a try, saying: “Uvogin, Luo just told me that only if he wins, he will agree to join the tour.”

Not only is it not enough lively, but also add fuel to the fire.

Oh? “Uvogin’s expression suddenly became serious, so it seemed that there was another reason why he couldn’t lose.

“Machi!” Luo stared at Machi, who had nothing to do with himself.

“I’ll call someone else, you two can fight slowly.” Machi threw Luo back directly, and waved as he turned and left.

She took a few steps and stopped again, facing her back, reminding him, “Yes, Luo only said that when he proposed that condition, there were no rules for a few games, so … you can play 100 games with him. “

After speaking, Kakuzu raised her mouth upward, took a step, and soon disappeared into the sight of everyone.

Luo looks at Machi’s direction of departure, and I really want to give Machi a Palm Blade.

“ka ka.”

Uvogin squeezed the thick finger bone and said seriously: “Let’s go, let me tie the record first.”

Equalize your uncle! That was 100 games!

Luo tilted his head and looked towards Uvogin, who handed him the bag and said, “Hold it.”

Uvogin glanced at the big bag that didn’t know what was in it, and thought Luo agreed to go to the landfill with him, just to put things in his house first, or simply take them over.

“Wait for me, soon.”

After taking the bag, Uvogin turned back into the house, but fortunately the door was large enough to pass easily.

When Uvogin came into the house with a cloth bag, Luo shuddered. He was going to show Uvogin what was inside and then persuaded. As a result, Uvogin took the cloth bag and went back into the house.

After a while, Uvogin put out the bag and walked out, and couldn’t wait to say: “Help you put it, go to the landfill, don’t fret.”

As he spoke, he glanced at the taciturn Sambica and said, “Is this your friend? Do you want to follow?”

Sambika just looks at Luo. If Luo promised to fight Uvogin, she would definitely follow.

“Uvogin.” Luo scratched his cheek.

“En?” Uvogin looks at Luo.

“Now I have two choices for you,” Luo said seriously.

“You said,” Uvogin said.


After half an hour.

Machi led other members to Uvogin’s house, but accidentally found that Uvogin was sitting on the sofa in the living room, and Sambika, who was with Luo, was also sitting on the sofa.

“Uvogin?” Machi walked into the house, and everyone else came in.

“Come here.” Uvogin looks at everyone, waving his hand to say hello.

Sambika looked towards the door, and silently looked at the people of Phantom Troupe, and she only treated them as Luo’s friends.

Not only Chrollo, Pakunoda, Nobunaga, but even Feitan and Franklin, whom Luo had never met, came. When they entered the house, they noticed the outsider Sambika.

“You didn’t fight?” Machi frowned slightly, and she made that judgment from the state of Uvogin’s body.

“Luo said to fight again in 2 days, I agreed.” Uvogin said without thinking.

“It’s not like your style.” Machi stared at Uvogin.

Uvogin touched his head and said, “I also want to fight immediately, but I won’t have to eat like that at night. It will take 2 days anyway, and patience will pass.”

“… “

Hearing what was eaten, Machi vaguely guessed what the reason was, and it could stop Uvogin’s fight, and it was only Luo’s food.

“What are you talking about? What about Luo?” Nobunaga took a dozen beers and looked around. No Luo was found.

“This is it.”

Luo was in the kitchen and heard the sound coming from the living room. He opened the kitchen door and leaned on the edge of the door.

After persuading Uvogin with dinner, he came to Uvogin’s kitchen to make a Buddha jump over the wall. After almost processing it, he heard the movement soon after he opened the fire and knew that it was Machi that they were back.

In addition to the Machi people, there are 2 more “faces”.

Feitan and Franklin …?

Luo looked at Feitan and Franklin who met for the first time. These two are also members of Phantom Troupe, and their strength is only strong.

Feitan hit black casual clothes, with a fair complexion, black bangs leaning to the left, and sharp eyebrows, much like fox eyes.

Franklin is stronger than Uvogin, with short black hair, a square face, and a thick face.

Noting Luo’s gaze, Franklin also looked at Luo and didn’t meet him, but when he heard it, from the evaluation of several of them by Uvogin, it was worth paying attention to.

Feitan was not as peaceful as Franklin, looking at Luo with a piercing gaze.

To Feitan’s piercing eyes, Luo actually didn’t care too much. He retracted his gaze and looked towards Nobunaga. He raised his eyebrows suddenly and shouted, “Are you infected by the idiot of Uvogin?”

Because when Nobunaga saw Luo, he put down a handful of beer in his hand, and then he took out a long knife.

After a few months of departure, it is no longer Wooden Sword, but a real knife.

“Don’t take me and Uvogin’s idiot on on equal terms.” Pointing at Luo, Nobunaga curl one’s lip.

“Then what knife do you pull?” Luo looks at the knife in his hand.

“If I were you, don’t say anything nonsense, give him a knife first.” Uvogin was also not angry when he was scolded by two people as an idiot, but a wave of low-key assists.

However, when he saw Nobunaga abruptly returning the sword to her sheath, she casually glanced at Uvogin, and then said indifferently: “I am different from you.”

The implication is that you will do this, but I will not, because I am not an idiot!

Seeing Nobunaga retracting the sword, Luo was slightly relaxed. At this moment, Machi glanced at him, as if to say: luck, you can avoid it.

Luo moved towards She blinked, indicating that everything was under control, and the latter threw him the back of his head and sat on the sofa.

Uvogin and Nobunaga seemed to be in trouble again, but ignored Luo.

Sambika doesn’t speak much, and she finds these people’s styles very interesting.

Chrollo looked quietly at Luo, with calm water in his eyes. Seeing Luo look over, he was lightly nodded.

It’s good that Luo came back before they left Meteor City.

Originally, Luo was also one of his favorite members.

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