Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 132

Ordinary person loses his energy at all times. In the eyes of Mind Power, countless thin lines of energy rise from the body of the ordinary person and rise upward, then scattered between Heaven and Earth.

That air line is equivalent to wool, it is very subtle.

After Sha Xia ate the bear’s paw, the escaped air lines became thicker.

Luo didn’t notice this. After all, he would n’t be obsessed with observing an ordinary person, and the parties would not even notice it. He just felt that his body was warming up and was very comfortable.

After Luo’s paw was eaten, Luo’s energy in the body was obviously replenished. He thought about it and decided to leave immediately.

“It’s time to go, and I’ll send you back to the village of Yamalo.” Luo picked up the remaining bear paws and stood up.

Regarding the storage of bear’s paw, it is really a difficult problem.

In fact, the bear’s paw full of energy can be stored for a period of time without worrying about decay, so Luo need not worry about this.

The difficulty in obtaining the liver of the guinea pig is c, which is one level worse than the bear’s paw, but the energy value between the two is not just one level worse.

The difficulty of obtaining is attributed to the difficulty of obtaining. You can agree with the taste, but you can’t confuse the value of the ingredients themselves. This is why Luo’s consumption of rags only increased by 0.2%, while the consumption of bear’s paw increased by 3%.

The spiny dolphins can only be regarded as a kind of Sea Beast at most, and the tyrannosaurus bears are a member of the Demon Beast group. It is not an exaggeration to identify them as the descendants of the creatures on the dark continent.

The strength and size of the two are also the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Hearing Luo’s decision to leave immediately, Sha Xia 2 who had just finished the bear’s paw said nothing to put down the spoon and got up to be ready to leave at any time.

Her nerves are a little rough, but not stupid, knowing that Luo is her current security guarantee, so even if there is not enough rest, as long as Luo says to set off immediately, she will cooperate without the slightest hesitation.

Seeing that Sha Xia had no complaints, Luo was still quite satisfied. If she would take a break from her identity, Luo would not be accompanied.

On departure, Luo climbed to the top of the tree, using the Red Pudding Mountain and the Yamalo River as reference objects, and after setting the direction, he set off directly.

As the sun rises and sunsets, I will inevitably encounter many rare beasts on the way to the village of Yamalo. It is much more frequent than when I came here.

No matter how many rare beasts come, when facing Luo, they all pay the price of life.

Luo used the identification ability of white smoke to identify the value of this group of rare beasts, all of which are outside the d level. After eating, the value of the ability is almost not increased. There is no value. At most, it is not necessary to actively find food.

Originally thought that bringing Sha Xia would lead to reduced travel efficiency, but after traveling all the way, Luo found that he underestimated Sha Xia.

Special was when Sha Xia used a saber to kill the forest lone wolf that sneak attacked from behind, Luo’s impression of her changed.

Those who dare to break into the jungle of Yamalo, after all, still have 2 brushes.

Now think about it, if it wasn’t for Sha Xia’s ability, she would have been the first group of victims when she was chased by a tyrannical bear, and she would not live to the end.

After a few days of trek, the two returned safely to the Amalo jungle.

After reaching the goal, Luo bid farewell to Sha Xia.

“Leave a contact number.” Before leaving, Sha Xia asked Luo for the number.

The unknown monster under the lake gave her a great shock. She wanted to give up the target caused by the missing father. However, after seeing Luo’s Strength in the past few days, she raised hope again.

What kind of feeling is that, if described in words, it is like someone who is in front of you and chokes all potential threats in the cradle.

On a 4 day and 4 night trek, Luo walked ahead, blocking almost all threats, and making the danger in the jungle of Amaroo like a child’s play.

It is this experience and feeling that makes Sha Xia see hope again.

Qualification, Strength …

She doesn’t have any of them now, especially Strength. It’s not worth talking about in front of that monster, but you can hire someone to help her out.

Luo is such a person, but she has no capital to hire Luo now.

Not right now, doesn’t mean it won’t work in the future.

So she wanted Luo’s contact method, and she would come to contact Luo when she had capital someday.

Hearing Sha Xia’s request, Luo hesitated. Instead of reporting the number, he asked, “reason.”

It is just strangers coming together by chance with Sha Xia. Although I don’t hate this swearing and grinning woman, I never thought of continuing to have deep friendships.

“I don’t want to give up looking for Gold City.” Sha Xiadao reasoned.

“Does this have anything to do with me?” Luo asked.

Sha Xia earnestly said: “Of course it is related, you are strong, so I need you to go with me, of course, I will pay you a satisfactory remuneration, and when I raise enough funds, I will contact you.”

“You saw terrifying of an unknown species under the lake, but didn’t want to give up?” Luo stared at the firmness in Sha Xia’s amber eyes.

“This is my lifelong wish.” Sha Xia firmly Kaidou.

Luo didn’t hesitate this time, leaving Sha Xia his contact number to bid farewell to her.

During the past few days of the trip, he got more detailed Gold City clues from Sha Xia, and after Sha Xia explained, she determined that Gold City was inextricably linked to the lake.

In order to find the city of Gold, a thorough exploration of the lake is necessary, and she firmly believes this, which is why she is there.

Of course, this determination is equally unfounded.

If it weren’t for the unknown species emerging from the lake, Luo’s interest in Void 缥缈 ‘s Gold City would be the same. Now it is different. In the future, Sha Xia may really agree to come over.

After being separated from Sha Xia, Luo went to the village of Yamalo to change some spices, and then set foot on the sailing boat to Mavando.

After boarding the boat, Luo looked back to the edge of the dense forest on the shore, and then looked back silently.

Six days later, the ship reached the small port of Mavando.

Luo carried the bear’s paw on his shoulder in a cloth bag. After getting the bear’s paw, he found that the freshness of the bear’s paw has not decreased even without freezing, but it is not clear how long this state can last.

After disembarking, Luo went straight to Grandma’s home.

When I came to Mei Lin’s house, I saw Mei Lin and Sambika sitting at the door of the house woven with fishing nets, as if the fishing nets in the entire fishing village were to be woven by Mei Lin, and they never stopped once a day.

Seeing Luo return, Sambica and Melin were both startled.

It only took about 20 days to pass. Except for the round trip time, the hunter test actually started in about a week. It is reasonable to end it soon, but Luo returned.

Zambia was surprised because she believed that Luo could get a hunter license, so she would conclude that the hunter test had ended when Luo returned.

“This year’s hunter test is really short.” Sambika looks at Luo.

Mei Lin squinted her eyes. She also felt that Luo should be able to get a license, but this was too fast and unreasonable.

“The hunter test should not be over.”

Luo carrying a bag and walking to Sambica.

“Ah?” Sambika looked up towards Luo, and after understanding the meaning, asked: “Are you eliminated?”

“That’s right.” Luo smiled nodded.

Zambia heard an expression of unbelievable expression, and Mei Lin was surprised.

“Is it so difficult this year?” Zambia asked.

Luo touched his chin and said seriously: “It’s okay, the first level is climbing, it’s very easy. The second level is very similar to the sumo match, and the subsequent levels are not clear, because I was in the second level. quit.”

Zambia was stupid when he heard that. Luo lost in the sumo match? By the way, I did n’t see Bu Ha 剌. Is it lost to Bu Ha?

“You volunteered to abandon the test?” Mei Lin asked in confusion from the keyword “exit”.


Luo nodded.

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