Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1307

I once tested 100% of formidable power in Yinmai. At that time, the most intuitive impression was destruction, ripping mountains, and even ripping the sea.

At that time, the test site was relatively open, with the sky visible and the sky visible, so there was ample space to accommodate the released Energy. Now, it is in a room …

As a result, Yu Wei of sword qi spread to Luo.

Although you don’t have to worry about getting hurt, you will waste some black thoughts.

The black arc rages around 4 and the devastating Energy continues to expand all around.

With the protection of the field, Luo is still safe, but the rays of light are too rich to observe the situation of the Ristaff.

At the same time, Luo felt like he forgot something …

Energy was raging violently, and the entire floor shook violently.

Above, in the room where the blood of the stump fell to the ground, the two parties fighting each other subconsciously stopped their hands, and opened the distance.

Red beads and hostile same races looked at the floor below with a thrilling look.

They can’t see what’s going on below, but they can feel the energy waves passing through the wall.

A strong Strength full of destruction!

What happened next?

The people of Risfa were shocked. What they could determine was that this Strength must come from the enemy.

There was a gleam of light in the eyes of Red Bead, and he suddenly crushed his heart with his bare hands.

She seemed to guess what the source of this Strength was, but at this moment, there was nothing else in her head.

“Ha ha ha …!”

After a brief pause, she laughed wildly and continued to kill the same races.

Kill all, kill all!

Only thoughts left, but that’s it.

The lowest level of the castle.

“This Strength…”

The upper body of Hongying was stained with blood from a Ristaff, and looked rather embarrassed.

Under the cover of his companions, he retracted his hands and looked up at the ceiling in astonishment.

“It’s Luo.”

Goo in human and animal form came to a firm conclusion.

Red Shadow couldn’t help but glance at it, maybe it was an illusion, and sometimes he felt that Goo was closer to the humans of Luo.

In the field, on the other hand, the Swiss person was also expression changed, and was shocked by the unknown Strength fluctuations. Some of the Swiss person even stopped subconsciously, staring at the direction where the Strength was.

“It’s Luo!”

Golden Eyes was slightly tight, and also guessed that the source of Strength was Luo.

Now that Luo is fighting with all his might, planning Luo has reached the most critical step.

Thinking of this, Kim looked towards Bi Siji, and found that the other’s eyes also looked over.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them looked towards the rear of the sergeant, at this time, the sergeant was looking thoughtful looks at the ceiling, while Uvogin and Nobunaga not at all stopped and focused on attacking the Ristaff.

Even if they could guess Luo’s situation, what they could do was quite limited.

“At this time, I can only say sorry to you, Luo.”

King and Bisjid rejoined the war group, and at the same time converged on their own conservative.

In order to reduce the pressure on Luo’s side, all they can do is to do everything they can to kill the enemy.

As for Luo’s previous instructions, he was left behind.

4 Dimension Apartment.

Nick’s left and right eyes emit rays of light, each projecting a picture on the wall.

At this point, one of the pictures became a shady one, and the other picture was the battlefield where Kim was.

“Small Fox was given again by Luo …”

Looks at the interrupted black screen, Nick’s face is bitter.

As long as the destructive force exceeds the [rules], he can easily destroy the Small Fox beast. In this case, he is also impossible to go to the scene and install the Small Fox beast.

“I don’t know what happened to Boss, but I’m anxious.”

Bu Ha Ling walked around uncomfortably, his worries became clear.

He wanted to participate in the battle, but was suppressed by Luo.

As for the reason, he knew it.

However, after all, he positioned himself as a combatant. At this time, he could only look at at the 4-dimensional apartment, which is naturally uncomfortable.

“Don’t go, Luo will be fine.”

Nobu frowned at at, as if he was suffering from ADHD, his words were full of absolute confidence.

Luo is already his belief, and in his heart, Luo is invincible.

“Small Fox is affected, isn’t Mr. Black Cat …”

Bruna stood on Saling’s shoulder, worried.

“To be honest, I am more worried about black cats.”

“Uh, it sounds reasonable.”

Old white touch the chin.

Being interrupted by Bruna, she was still worried about Luo’s people, but actually began to worry about the current situation of the black cat.

Now that Small Fox has lost his mind, the black cat must not be spared, and I don’t know how he is doing now.


In the battlefield, everyone is in a dangerous building, and there is a risk of death at any time, and even Luo is not surprised.

Inside the hall, sword qi dissipated, but close and numerous cracks like spiderwebs were left on the walls and ceilings of all around, and countless grit fell from the cracks, as if the ceiling would collapse in the next second.

Near the entrance of the central control room, the smooth incision corpses were scattered into arrows, and even the blood spouting out was thin, like arrows, drawing a line of blood with full force.

At this time, there were no Resfas who were hit by sword qi directly, and stared at Luo who was crouching on the ground with a horrified look.

Within just a few seconds, the same races of the lively dragon and animated tiger that had just turned into corpses.

Bi Kakuzu had Rin in mind, realizing that he had seriously underestimated Luo’s stretchability.

He knew that Luo could use the power of the new moon freely, but absolutely didn’t expect Luo to throw such a terrifying new moon’s power, which was far beyond the upper limit of the apparent capacity.

How exactly did it happen?

he does not know.

There are 4 cracks in the hall, showing on the verge of collapse.

Luo slowly got up. Compared to the wolverine-like wolverines full of risfahs, his body couldn’t even see the dust.

“Are there many left?”

Looks at more than 20 Swiss people who are in peace. Luo has some regrets, but after all, it is 50% of the output. Fortunately, 100% of it is not extracted, otherwise the ancient relics of this castle may not be maintained.

“Yes, the black cat … forget it, just live.”

Luo suddenly remembered what he had just forgotten. In the Sensor, the black cat was still alive, so he ignored it.

Hold the Golden Cudgel and mop.

One end of the club head scratched across the cracked floor, making a harsh noise.

Luo walked slowly, and at the same time, he kept putting pressure on the remaining Resfarns.

The blow just now can be said to dispel the power of Resfards. Now, all you need to do is to end it. The result of this battle is self-evident.

However, even if the Risfa people here are resolved, the remaining number should also be quite a lot, but that is something to consider later.

It ’s a pity … The full amount of black mentality that I just collected a while ago is estimated to be squandered.

[General white jade]

The mighty general returned and returned, manifesting himself behind Luo.

Seeing General White Jade, the people of Risfa face changed.

The devastating blow just now was so vivid that they didn’t immediately notice the difference between General White Jade.

Only Kakuzu was the only one who noticed that the black streaks on General white jade’s body were reduced.

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