Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1304

Luo is confident, but never overdosing.

The ore-covered area of ​​this Risfa person is not as good as that of the young Risfa person, but it is more prominent in the same race.

If the area covered by the ore is really related to strength, then the strength of this Risfard person will definitely be among the best.

In addition, there is also acuity.

Obviously, they didn’t get too close, and they had a good convergence of breath, but they were still noticed by this Risfa person.

Luo was ready to fight. The black cat was not there, but it had little effect.

At the other end of the hallway, a Risfa person named Spinel looked coldly at Luo, who was bearing the power of the New Moon, and hesitated.

The people of repute in Risfa are mostly 2 characters. There is no difference in surname, but members with excellent strength will be recognized by all clansman. For example, Spinel, his nickname in the clan is [锐 铳], It is a manifestation of strength, and the [energy regeneration body] like red beads is a joke.

At present, excluding the nickname of Hongzhu, there are eleven members in the clan who have nicknames. There were originally thirteen members, but two of them died recently.

The nickname is usually formed according to the characteristics of the parties. Although there are special cases, the spinel is called sharp, which indicates that he belongs to the Emitter type to a large extent, but Luo has no way of knowing it.

The reason why Spinel is hesitant is that he is very confident in his attack. In addition, in an environment such as a corridor that maximizes the long-range attack hit rate, he is worried that the next attack will kill Luo.

After all, the main idea is to catch alive.

It’s just that it should be boldness of execution stems from superb skill? At this moment, the human with the power of the new moon dared to act alone.

“As a matter of safety, temporarily adjust the output rate to 50%.”

Sudden thoughts floating on the spinel body suddenly shrank by half.

This scene was seen by Luo, his heart was surprised, and moved towards the wall in case of urgent needs.

Suddenly, Luo saw the spine’s double-handed 5 fingers spread out, and they touched up and down one by one. There was a sense of sight of the turtle style qigong gesture style.

Eyes glanced over the spinel’s ore nails, and raised an eyebrow, and saw the visible power of the naked eye of the spinel body, gathering at ten slow speeds to the ore nails, and then converging between the palms.

what’s the situation?

Normally, even Emitter Mind Power people basically use the fine pores to mobilize the thinking of within the body, and then directly release it to form an attack method.

But the spinel is better. One step is taken by others. First, the mind is released to the ore nails, and then the ore nails are passed between the palms.

Although it is not clear why Spinel is doing so much, as a powerhouse, there must be a reason to do it. Maybe it is to increase formidable power …

Luo has some speculation, directly linking Spinel’s waste of time with vow restrictions.

Eyes at if there is no concentration of thoughts next to the spinel, Luo distributes the thoughts on the four limbs, staying still, and waits for the spinel to release the attack before deciding whether to evade or counterattack.


A majestic blast of thought waves shot from the spinel’s palms, filling the entire corridor in an instant.

Luo’s eyes reflected the turbulent mental shock wave, not at all as strong as imagined.

The pre-action is so complicated, but there is only such formidable power? what happened?

White light came first, and Luo was full of black question marks.

Before thinking too much, Luo quickly mobilized the black mind, never regressed, and met the shock wave of mind that filled the entire corridor.

If it is just this formidable power, there is no need to break the wall to avoid this all-around Covert Emitter attack, but to face it directly and seize the opportunity of counterattack.

Black’s thoughts quickly flowed from the arm to the palm, combined with the white thoughts, and put into a long knife shaped close to Allah.

The black and white rays of light hovered towards the blade body like a thread, showing an ominous breath.

Luo’s eyes were stricken with thunder, and he slashed open the mind shock wave to protect his body from attack.


The spinel looked stunned, and had expected that the attack would be blocked, but didn’t expect this would be the case, quickly mobilize the mind and prepare for melee combat.

However, the speed of Luo’s increase through black mental power can be described as explosive, so fast that it can only leave a string of afterimage in the spine’s eyes.


Luo threw away away a field chanting.

Spinel had two arms with two forks, and aimed at the field with a risfite ore, intending to stand down.

Realm Smash hits the Risfa ore on the spinel’s arm, but expands like bubbles, covering the spinel’s body.

For a moment, the spinel became sluggish like a bog.

After using the field to limit the spine’s movement, Luo drove the knife to the point of the spine and tried to kill it.

At the critical moment, the spinel burst into thought, broke free of control, and barely deflected the body.

“Chī! ”

A handful of palms soared into the sky.

Luo, carrying blade light, crossed the spinel body.

It was supposed to be a stab at the key, but was hurriedly avoided by Spinel.

However, the attack is not over.

Luo stopped abruptly, and on the other side, Spinel turned back despite the injury, and the intact palm facing Luo, quickly gathered his thoughts, but also put it out first, then gathered on the ore nails.

With one more step, the timing of release is obviously a bit laborious.

“Although I don’t know why you are doing this, you are too slow.”

Luo did not turn around, and while withdrawing the long-bodied sword, General White jade became visible at behind, and moved towards the Spinel to split the knife.

The long knife containing black power was cut off, and Spinel was shocked. He immediately turned the palm, but it was too late. It was mainly because Luo’s freemable realm was horrible, and the speed at which the attack time was switched was always matched.

The white jade’s long knife cut through the spinel’s palm without any hindrance, and then cut diagonally across the body and fell.


The blade finally fell to the ground, while Spinel’s horrified expression solidified, and a blood line across his body slowly emerged.

Luo left without looking back, but his heart was full of doubts.

The sudden reduction of half of the apparent energy, and the extra effort to transfer style, is really to increase formidable power?

In a corridor environment, shouldn’t it be to increase the hit rate?

Do not understand.

Luo shook the head, leave this place quickly.

In the corridor, the spinel that was cut into two and a half by one stab has not sighed, and opened his eyes wide at looks at Luo, leaving the back, his face full of unwillingness and remorse.

“Spinel, why don’t you release life strength directly. Doing so doesn’t increase formidable power?”

“Because it’s handsome, you see, when life strength particles are collected on the nails, aren’t they dazzling?”


The memories of the past came to mind, Spinel closed his eyes unwillingly, and just swallowed.

After a while, a Rasfa humanoid team chased and saw the spinel’s body.

“Master Rui !!!!”

“How come, even Master Ruiyu …!”

Seeing the spinel’s body, the people of Risfa were shocked. If it weren’t for the fact, how could they believe that the spinel with the top battle strength of [other name] would be killed in such a short time.

Even if it can’t resist the attack of that human, it won’t be so cold soon!

At the same time, Hongzhu, who also has a different name, is fighting in a bloody battle, and is trapped in a siege by a 100-man squad. She doesn’t care about injuries at all.

The unreliable warfare method and the bloody body exuded an amazing momentum invisibly, and it also trampled on the inherent impressions of the people in the surrounding Risfa.

The young same race right now is really just … an energy regenerator?

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