Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1300

The hatred in the room was still there, but there was a stronger killing intent.

An evil field Rin Ran’s aura floated in the red beads behind, looming bloodshot.

That is not the effect of the Qi field, but the real blood mixed in the Qi field.

At this time, the body of Red Pearl was undergoing some changes. The Ristaffite ore connected to the growth bar not at all stopped growing. Instead, it continued to expand the territory and tried to expand the area, but the Speed ​​slowed down.

The ore spreads to other parts of the red bead’s body. For every inch, the skin of the blood vessels will be squeezed, exuding some hot blood, and then leaving the body with the fluctuation of the gas field.

If there are bystanders, it is certain how painful the unimaginable ore spread will be.

However, the red bead sitting on the floor didn’t even react a little, just expressionless stared at the wooden door, as if her body that was suffering was not hers.

“Resfa ore’s regeneration speed is several times faster than before. Is that because of that?”

After all, her body is hers. Even if she can endure the pain of ore regeneration, she cannot ignore the extraordinary regeneration speed.

So far, only deepening the pain can increase the speed of ore regeneration. Speed ​​like now is unprecedented.

The only thing that can cause such a change is the small blade of grass left by the human.

It is the blade of grass that is the size of thumb nails to make your body recover quickly, but did n’t expect even the speed of ore regeneration.

“If I can survive …”

A grain of Go-sized risfah ore also grew on Red Bead’s face. She extended the hand and gently pressed on the small risf ore.

The ore is still growing and spreading. After a while, except for some parts of the body of the red bead, the rest of the body is covered with a layer of ore. It is placed in the Risfa clansman, and it is a freak.

When the growth stops, the aura of the red bead body becomes more powerful, less painful stimulation, and the tight nerves slowly relax.

If the coverage area of ​​the Resfar ore represents the strength of the Resfar class or the Innate Skill, then the ore coverage area of ​​the red bead body exceeds 90%, and even the face is covered by more than half, making the face almost hidden in the ore under.

There is no doubt that the theory of age corresponding strength does not apply to red beads.

The room was silent, and Red Bead bowed her head slightly.

A few minutes later, she suddenly looked up, and shot a substantial killing intent in her eyes.


The wooden door burst suddenly, and among the flying fragments, a sagittal black shadow passed by, hitting the face of the red beads directly.

Hongzhu raised her arm and held the foreign object flying towards her face with her bare hands, but it was a round-headed peg tangled with thought.

“Oh, ha ha ha!”

Looks at the round head nails in his hands, red beads laughed wildly, a terrible expression appeared on the immature face, but they were covered by the ore, and the emotions of red beads at this time could only be discerned by sound.

On the other side of the wooden door, three tall silhouettes are revealed in the smoke, but they are three powerful Risfars.

At the same time, the mind on the twelve tacks in the room flew into a stream like a stream towards one of the three Risfars.

“Has it evolved?”

Looks at the red beads that are almost full of ore all over the body.

“No, there are other odors left here. They were done by Incursio, but I don’t know what method was used to restore the red beads to this level in such a short time.”

The companion nearby noticed something strange.

“Don’t worry about that, stop the” energy regeneration body “first.”

The rest of the Swiss people did not even call Hongzhu’s name directly, and looked towards Hongzhu’s eyes, as if looking at a cow with sufficient milk, only caring how much milk the cow can produce.

3 people each minding their own business, their behaviors are full of superior confidence, as if not worried about the next battle.

The abrupt laughter of hatred and killing intent in the room suddenly stopped.

At the end of the split second, the red beads moved.

She picked up the two pegs near the ground, and came to the Ristif person using the pegs like a ghost.


The three Risfars responded very quickly, each mobilizing their minds, and sent the attack to Hongzhu in a tacit manner.

Changhong’s intellect was hit on an afterimage.


When the Resfard using the studs did not respond, a sudden shock came from the back of the neck.

“pu chi.”

The sharp spikes covered the blood through the neck.

“I don’t mind playing for a while.”

There was a sound of killing intent in the ears, a terrifying aura, and if the mountains were pressed on the three Risfar humanoid bodies.

“how is this possible……!”

Feeling the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down by Hongzhu, the three Risfa people showed a terrified expression.

What causes this change in red beads? Is it because of emotions?

The answer is unknown.

A wave of mental energy hit their backs like a wave.

Ten minutes later, the room was full of bloody limbs, and the air was filled with a strong bloody smell.

In the center of the room, a Risfa was lying on the ground with blood holes on his face and neck, and his limbs were nailed to death by twelve round heads. His death was very miserable.

Red Bead held the last peg in her hand and looked indifferently at the body on the ground.

The hatred was vented, but the killing intent was still rising.

“pu chi.”

Hongzhu threw away the round head nails in his hand, running through the body’s face, and immediately walked out of the room without turning his head back, the body swelled with an undisguised killing intent aura.

In another place, Luo gradually moved towards the central control room of the castle.

According to the information provided by Red Shadow, each large ancient relic has a room similar to the central control room, and most of the top members of the Risfa family will stay in the central control room.

Luo’s mission is a mobile individual. If possible, when the Red Shadow and the others attract most of the troops, he will go back and strike the enemy’s master on the spot.

It ’s just that the other party has a [tracking] mindset, and the chance of getting an opportunity is not high.

“Tracking type and control type, plus those Risfar people who met in the cave before, the opponent’s ability system may be perfect, and they can develop Mind Power of various properties.”

Luo squatted at Kakuzu in the corridor, separated the floor, and immediately jumped down.

“So, be vigilant when playing less and playing more. Once you have the ability to control, the consequences are unthinkable.”

Luo sorted down the information while sorting out information about the Resfa family.

As we get closer and closer to the ground, the fluctuation of mental power coming from under our feet becomes even more apparent.

Below, there are 3 battlefields. From the perspective of mental fluctuations, the fighting is fierce.

After all, this was a battle against the gatekeepers, and even the battle strength with pregnancy was sent out.

Luo crossed a corridor and came to a large room. Then he paused and glanced at the wavy thoughts that suddenly appeared from the air, without any harm, sticking to his body.

“It seems to be a tracking type of thought. Will it only show up when the distance is closer …”

Trying to cut the fine thoughts sticking to the body with the hand of God is useless.

I turned around and looked towards up ahead of the 3 gates. A bright aperture emerged from the surface of the body, and immediately turned into a semi-circle. It thundered all around, through the wall, and the space behind the door. Enclosed in it.


The thin thought circle suddenly spread out beyond 500 meters in diameter, and then, the speed of light retracted to within the body.

When the circle of thought was retracted within the body, up three doors were pushed open by violence, each and everyone of the tall Resfar mermaid walked into the room, and the one behind Luo was The hallway turns at Kakuzu and is also out of each and everyone risfa class.

Team potential!

Luo flashed forward and came to the place near the center of the room. Looks at the Raisfar people in a row in a short while, with a calm expression, and no consciousness as a cricket.

“2 100 50, in order to deal with me, really great generosity.”

[Circle], which was previously released, has detected the number of risfahs encircling it. There are 3 2 enemies coming in from 100 doors, and 50 enemies coming from behind.

The [tracking Mind Power] of the opponent has been hanging on his body, and the other party has been able to keep track of the track. The reason for this is that the problem has occurred until now, mostly because the terrain here has only two roads in front and back.

Although the specific effect of the [tracking Mind Power] is not clear, the concealment is so strong. In contrast, the accuracy will be greatly reduced, and it may only have the effect of locking the direction.

Luo is convinced of this, unless Resfarns can ignore the degree of [Vows and Constraints] like ancient humans.

“Every one is strong, you can’t hit the front, you can only break them one by one.”

Eyes glanced at the Risfa team in the room, and the apparent strength gathered together was like a dazzling sun. Fortunately, the other party did not have the ability of [cooperative type], otherwise who would turn it into a rope? Can’t take it anymore.

The people of Risfa who came to the room looked coldly at Luo, and the siege was done. Then they just had to go step by step to catch the human beings who had the power of the New Moon.

“I wanted to find you, didn’t expect you to come to your door.”

“Since you’re here, don’t deliberately retreat.”

Flint and light gray stood behind the team, and looked at Luo in the surrounding circle indifferently, as if looking at a pig and sheep to be slaughtered.

The thoughts that appeared in the air extended from their two bodies.

Luo naturally also immediately noticed where Nancy was, and was also confident that during the raid of First Wave, the two Risfars who maintained the [tracking ability] would strike to kill, but it was estimated that it would cost a little.

However, Luo had no plans to kill them.

The tracking Mind Power with weak accuracy may be able to use it.

Luo expressionless looks at Risfards who have finished standing, waiting for the opponent to act.

The two sides remained silent and did not speak for the time being, but the atmosphere became heavier.

Luo is calm, as if the Risfars around are all paper tigers, and the number of Risfars who are in absolute advantage is a bit suffocating. If it was not for the instructions to catch alive, I am afraid they would have swarmed up , Roll Luo into residue.

A few seconds later, a Risfa person shot, as if pushed to Bone Token, the whole team moved, and moved towards Luo overwhelmed.

In the split second where the enemy acted, Luo cut off the floor, his body fell freely, and fell to the lower floor. He immediately stretched out double-handed and pressed it on the cut-off slab. There was a surge of thought and a blink of God. Appears on the slate surface.

Luo left a piece of flint, and then recoiled.

On the upper floor, more than 2 risfahs flew into the air, and looked at Luo from the opening that was as narrow as the manhole cover of a sewer.

They are around the hole, big eyes staring at small eyes.

With their size, don’t even think about going through this hole.

“This cut …”

A Risfa person closer to the entrance of the cave looked at the smooth incision, and an astonished expression appeared in his eyes.

With the sturdiness of the castle, how strong Strength can make such a smooth cut, and the human was cutting the floor quietly without any battle.

How is it done?

“What are you doing? Chase?”

Someone shouted that they were not afraid that Luo would run away, and any enemies who broke into the castle should not think about going out again.

Several Risfars closer to the entrance of the cave condensed their minds on double-handed and were ready to work together to expand the entrance of the cave. At this moment, the god’s words written on the slate lit up a white light.

“Hū! ”

A slender Dragon Scroll Wind emerged from the god’s word, passed through the hole, and pushed the Ristaffs around.

At the same time, a spark appeared in Dragon Scroll Wind.

After half a ring, the sparks turned into a raging wave of flames, swallowing a bunch of Ristifs.

Underneath, Luo flashed to the entrance, immediately cut the ceiling slate, and returned to the upper floor.

The heat wave first assaults the senses, the rootless wave of flames is raging in the large room, each and everyone Risfa is strangely roaring in the flames.

Luo coldly smiled, summoned General White Jade directly, and mobilized black mentality, overlaid on General White Jade’s sword.

[First line foal! 】

The long sword dazzling around black power crossed, splitting the tide of flame into two halves, and dozens of Risfards who were caught in the blade light were not spared and were cut by two.

After a successful blow, Luo didn’t fall in love at all, threw away a piece of flint again, then jumped from the hole to the lower level, and then restored the hole to its original state.

As Luo had just left, the chase flew that was thrown away turned into a new wave of flames in the air, blocking the sight of the Ristaff.

The heat energy transformed by the chase flint cannot pose a fatal threat to Resfarns, but it can harass and block sight.

The Risfars in the room look at their companions who were cut off by two swords, all screaming.

Luo walked quickly on the lower floor, and released [Circle] at the same time, taking the situation above into [Eye].

“With the black mind, the kill line is still quite high.”

Luo quickly walked around to the other side of the room, still cut the slate, and came to the upper floor. While the Risfa people didn’t respond, he greeted out with a knife, and chopped a dozen Risfa people.

Just like stealing a chicken, Luo stepped back when he succeeded.

However, the same method does nothing.


The floor cracked and silhouettes jumped down.


Luo slightly smiled, receding backwards, widening the distance.

He found that the castle was very hard, and if used properly, he should be able to play with the enemy between applause.

However, the released circle shows that there are still a lot of Risfards in all directions below. They are moving towards the side to support them.

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