Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1289

It was a castle built on a huge chestnut-shaped rock.

The picture reflected by the red crystal panel is indeed such a scene.

It was just that the rock castle was flying, and the flying speed was fast, biting behind the fire tree silver flower.

Around the castle circled 8 pieces of spar crystals, each of which was dazzled with majestic thoughts.

While Hongying controlled the fire tree silver flower, Hongying watched the castle in the picture diligently. Even when she heard Luo’s rush to the center control room, she didn’t turn her attention away.

“what’s the situation?”

Luo depressed the surprise, quickly walked to the side of Hongying, raised her head slightly, and stared at the rock castle in the picture.

“Has been attacked.”

Hong Ying said concisely.

Luo was shocked. He knew something about the formidable power of large ancient relics. As long as the Energy problem was solved, it was only a matter of time to destroy any of the 6 continents.

Now, this castle-like ancient relic has attacked the fire tree and silver flower. It is difficult to imagine the consequences of the collision of two large ancient relics. This is not as simple as two fighters fighting in the air …

“That thing is also an ancient relic?”


“you know?”


“Why attack the fire tree silver flower?”

“do not know.”

“Did you accidentally provoke it?”

“do not know.”

Red shadow brows frowned. He knew that the flying castle was a large ancient relic of the Rasfa family, and the Rasfa was the most powerful family among humanoids.

Of course, if there is a conflict of interest, even if the other party is a Resfa family, Hongying will not fool them.

But the problem came. He was convinced that he had no disputes with the Risfar family. He usually did not commit river water, but he did not know why the Risfar family suddenly attacked the fire tree silver flower.

In the case of unknown reasons, the only reason that can be thought of is the greed of the Ristaff tribe **, with the growth of the forces, in an attempt to snatch the large ancient relics in the tribe-fire tree silver flower.

If this is the case, it can only be said that the Risfa family is really inflated, and they do not look at the gatekeepers.

Red Shadow can think of Luo, naturally.

What large ancient relics represent to higher life, Luo is clear.

[It happens at this time …]

Luo sighed in his heart. It would be nice if this happened after they boarded the World Tree.

Now, based on the content of the transaction, he said that no accident can be caused by the fire tree silver flower, which is equivalent to saying that they and the gatekeeper family are grasshoppers on a rope.

At this time, Luo didn’t know that the flying castle was a member of the Resfa tribe, and the reason for attacking the fire tree silver flower was also to him.

He only thought that the man who drove the flying castle attacked mostly to capture the fire tree silver flower.

“Is there a way to get rid of it? That thing looks very not to be trifled with.”

Luo’s tone is very bad. After all, standing on his side is just like the innocent people caught up.

“If you run away, you may not be caught up, but if the other party bites, I worry that the existing Energy will not keep up with consumption.”

Hongying heard the dissatisfaction in Luo’s tone, but he was helpless. Who knew that the Riesfa family who controlled the castle would suddenly come to trouble.

Luo heard that his brows were deeply locked, and he could only hope that the energy of the fire tree and silver flower could support the chase of the flying castle. He also hoped that the castle would not be entangled like a crazy dog.

As for the Energy issue, there is a core energy body stored in the 4-dimensional apartment, but Luo will not easily take it out. After all, the incident of being attacked has nothing to do with them, and the transaction content does not include [come on].

“I heard Dong said that the large ancient relics nowadays are basically controlled by humans, right?”

“Yes, the humanoids who are pursuing us are the Resfas, and the strongest group of humanoids, huh, it’s better now, do we consider our tribe as prey …”

Hong Ying’s expression was extremely cold, and the air field covering the strong body inadvertently exuded a little anger and killing intent.

On Luo’s side, it was a little dumbfounded.

“Red Shadow, you, you just said the Resfa tribe? This castle is the ancient relic of the Resfa tribe?”



Luo couldn’t help but be silent, cold sweat was seeping from his forehead.

It was thought that this castle came from the fire tree and silver flowers of the gatekeepers. Now it seems …

If they really came at them, the gatekeepers and the fire tree silver flower would instead become innocent people.


Luo frowned, cautiously glanced at the intensive manipulation of the red shadow of the fire tree silver flower, and hesitated to show it off.

Forget it, now we are grasshoppers on a rope. There is no need to talk about such a trivial matter.

Luo found a reason to convince himself, and decided to set aside [the reason for the attack] temporarily.

In other words, how did the Resfa family find themselves?

It is relieved to think that the gatekeepers also have special abilities such as spear flowers.

Presumably, there are those who have the [tracking type] ability in the Resfa family.

Fortunately, the fire tree silver flower has been put on, and then it is unthinkable.

Although there is a [4-dimensional apartment], a refuge that can be hid anytime, anywhere, but as long as the [tracking ability] of the Risfars is always there, they can only hide in the 4-dimensional apartment for their entire lives.

“Suppose the Resfa family is coming towards us. From the point of attacking the fire tree silver flower, the hatred value is quite high. Then, if you don’t solve this problem, don’t mention boarding the World Tree, and you usually explore the dark continents. It’s a problem. “

Luo bowed his head slightly, rubbing his chin, making it difficult to hide.

“Otherwise, take this opportunity to use the fire tree silver flower’s ability to prevent future trouble.”

Thinking of this, Luo suddenly looked up, looked towards the unknowing red shadow.

“Hongying, what would you do if the other party was desperate?”

“Fight back.”

Hong Ying without the slightest hesitation Kaidou.

Luo immediately gave a thumbs up, praising: “My most admired person in my life is the person with the bones, so I will spare no effort to support you.”


Hong Ying looked back at Luo strangely, not understanding why Luo’s attitude suddenly changed.

“Wait, what is that?”

Luo was about to help, and suddenly saw the castle in the picture chasing after it.

The lamellar spar hovering around the castle turned out Energy gradually and concentrated in one place.

“The other party is saving Energy and preparing for the next attack, but … if it is to snatch the Fire Tree Silver Flower, it should not be so high. After all, the destroyed thing will not have the value of snatching.”

Eyes at Flying Castle has once again saved Energy, and there is a puzzling color in the red shadow’s eyes.


At this moment, Luo chose to remain silent, and realized the madness of the Ristaff.

is it possible that, the large-scale god character trap set in the Medu Sha forest has caused serious damage to the Ristaff?

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