Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1287

Between the black cat and the goo, there is absolutely no result.

Not to mention the fact that if Luo chooses to give up, the black cat will disappear. Even if the black cat can successfully derive from Luo’s ability properties and become a separate individual, he will definitely not get the goo emotion.

Because the gatekeepers are different from the regular Demon Beast. Feelings such as love disappear with their deprived fertility.

Not to mention the other female gatekeepers, in the eyes, the black cat is just a simple fertility machine.

However, from a standpoint, Go and other female members of the gatekeeper family are also fertility machines like black cats, but they are completely voluntary in order for the race to flourish.

The fire flickered in the room.

Goo silent looks at Luo.

To her, or to her family, the black cat is unique and unmatched. Unfortunately, the black cat is a human beast, not a wild Demon Beast.

If the black cat is Demon Beast, then they will at all costs grab the black cat’s personal freedom, and then squeeze the value of the black cat.

Now, given Luo ’s own strength and some external factors, they can only cooperate with Luo to obtain the right to use the black cat.

Luo glanced at the burning tree roots on the wall, and immediately swept over the big black cat’s body, finally retracting his gaze, said with a smile: “Never disturb, you should almost be ready.”

Tone barely fell, Luo got up and was ready to leave.



Luo stopped when he heard the words and looked back at.

“Go back.”

Goo pointed at the heart placed on the table, which Luo brought back to her, which is why Luo would be in her room.

Returning the heart was originally one of the additional conditions of cooperation, but due to Luo’s strong performance in the negotiations, this additional condition was abolished.

So, he didn’t know why Luo had to return the heart in private, and didn’t plan to take it back.

“This is the mind of the stupid cat. I’m only responsible for delivery. As for how you handle it, it’s your business.”

After Luo said, he left the room.

Goo looks at the closed door, and after a moment, looked towards the heart of the table, silent.


The internal passage of the fire tree silver flower, the blossoming silver flower in full bloom, while bringing the fire light, also makes the temperature higher.

Luo walked through the passage and headed towards his room.

Originally, returning the heart was one of the conditions for cooperation. However, Luo Ying’s cooperative attitude made Luo very uncomfortable. In addition, Luo did not think that Hong Ying’s party had the qualifications for more conditions. Additional conditions include the conditions for returning the heart.

Then I fell in love with Goo’s black cat, and took this opportunity to make a request to return his heart to Goo.

After all, the black cat plays an important Kakuzu color in this cooperation, so the confidence to make a request is very sufficient.

Regarding this request, Luo didn’t feel anything, so he simply agreed to the black cat’s request, and made a special trip to send his heart to Go.

When he left the room, although Luo didn’t know why Gu refused to accept his heart, it had nothing to do with him, so he didn’t think about it.

Back in the room arranged by the gatekeepers, Luo lay down on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

This cooperation is maintained by pure contract spiritual, and controlling the heart of Goo is also a means of restraint, but because of the black cat’s request, Luo still returned the heart.

Of course, Luo is not worried that the gatekeepers will regret it. Now, he is in control of the 100% black energy tank. If some potential risks are not considered, it is not bad to use strong means to directly capture the fire tree silver flower.

But for now, let’s make this cooperation work for the time being.

At present, the mission of the black cat is to let the female members of the gatekeeper family conceive, and the fire tree silver flower will fly nonstop to the location of World Tree. Since the negotiation time is 3 months, the flight speed of the fire tree silver flower will be reduced accordingly.

The reason for this is to ensure that the fire tree silver flower can enable the black cat to complete 3 rounds of fertility planning before arriving at the World Tree.

“After taking the fire tree silver flower, the identification efficiency of Sheila’s side should be able to recover. However, look at the situation before deciding whether to let Uvogin and Nobunaga take spinal fluid in the near future.”

“Now there are also 9 spinal fluids that have not been identified. It will take at least one and a half months to fully identify them.”

“Hopefully, there will be some good products in the subsequent unidentified spinal fluid.”

Luo thought silently.

After half an hour, the door was opened.

The person who came in was Tonpa.

“Luo, are you asleep?”


Luo straightened his upper body, looked at Tonpa who entered the room, and asked, “How about arming?”

“I’m assured of doing things.” Tonpa compared with an ok gesture and walked quickly. “Many places outside are sweltering. I’m almost thirsty. Have you had a drink? Alcohol.

Luo heard that he had to take out wine from the black cat space to Tonpa, but when he felt the back of his hand, he realized that the black cat was working.

“Drink water.”

Luo pointed to the weird kettle on the room counter.


Tonpa walked to the counter, picked up the kettle, and sipped it directly.

Drink all the water in the kettle, and Tonpa makes a comfortable and comfortable sound.

“By the way, Saling and they have been visiting here for a long time. According to them, this fire tree silver flower does have an out of the ordinary place. After all, it is a large relic created by ancient humans. I think it ’s interesting just thinking about it, Luo, you Don’t go out and see? “

Tonpa lowered the kettle and looked towards Luo sitting on the bed.

“No hurry, I’ll go and see if I have time.” Luo shook the head.

“Okay, then I’ll go on alert.”

“Well, you have worked hard.”

Luo watched Tonpa leave the room.

The mission until now he confessed to Tonpa has not changed, that is to be on guard, in case of 10000.

After Tonpa left, Luo continued to lie down, then slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Three days later, the black cat came back with satisfaction. He was only responsible for getting the female members of the gatekeeper family to conceive, and then after they successfully gave birth to a child, they could start the second round.

“I don’t know if the child born this time will be a man or a woman. It would be nice if it was a woman.”

In the room, the black cat was energetic, and the rays of light in those eyes almost covered the silver flowers on the tree roots.

At this time, Luo was holding a quill pen, writing something in the book of the hand of God, and when he heard the words of the black cat, he looked up and looked away.

The black cat didn’t know anything at all. He jumped to the table and asked cheerfully: “Luo, do you think the child you are pregnant with is male or female?”


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