Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1285

Luo did not immediately ask what the [time limit] was, and he did not agree with the conditions proposed by Hong Ying.

From the standpoint of the gatekeepers, Luo can understand their motivation to establish a sequence for [the right to use], and the embarrassment that the gatekeepers are currently facing, I am afraid they ca n’t wait to tie the black cat to the chair as a pure Fertility machine.


Luo flashed the look of the big black cat in his mind.

From the perspective of acting style, the psychological age should still belong to the child’s stage, but the body shape and appearance can be regarded as a Demon Beast mature form.

After all, this is also a natural advantage of the Demon Beast family.

Pregnancy, birth, cultivation, growth.

A pregnant human female must go through at least 20 years to complete the process of giving birth to a child and let the child truly grows into an adult.

And the Demon Beast family …

Not to mention that it only takes about a month to get pregnant and use the black cat’s son as a reference. I am afraid that the time to grow to the mature form is very short. The specific time cannot be determined, but it is definitely much shorter than humans. a lot of.

For example, if the [use right] of the black cat is transferred to the gatekeepers and a rough deadline is set, then the gatekeepers will definitely try their best to reproduce their sons within the deadline.

But for the gatekeepers, there is still a more critical issue.

That is … there are not many female members of the gatekeepers.

Assuming Hongying has a general blueprint for the possible benefits, he will certainly not relax on the so-called [time limit] issue.

Of course, for Luo, regarding the gatekeepers’ use of [Black Cat], he himself does not care, and it is precisely the issue of [Term] that is the key to the key negotiation.

Before talking about cooperation, Luo felt that under the premise of each need, there were only a few things that could be considered.

It now seemed that he was thinking wrong.

The main thing is, based on the positions of both parties, Luo does not feel that the gatekeepers have the qualifications to raise conditions.

Facing Luo’s questioning, Hongying expressionless, said solemnly: “I will not budge on this condition.”

“is it……”

Luo squeezed his chin, differentially said: “Ask tentatively, what is the deadline you asked for …?”

“3 years.”

Hong Ying answered quickly, apparently already thinking about the joints.

If possible, he hoped the period would be ten or even permanent, but that was obviously unrealistic.

Moreover, even if it is 3 years, he does not think that this human being will readily agree, but it is only a price that can be [bargained] given under the premise that [will not cause resentment].


Luo reached out his index finger and tapped the lower stone table, which was directly rejected, without saying things like [Are you dreaming? 】, [This joke is not funny at all] can express emotions clearly.

Hongying silently looks at Luo, without further expression.

“It’s okay for the black cat to use it first, but the deadline is at most 3 months.”

Luo smiled.


Hong Ying frowned slightly.

Luo did not reject the conditions, but instead bargained for the price. This is the progress that Hongying would like to see, but the bargain is too ridiculous.

3 months … at most, only 3 rounds can be reproduced, which still does not count the time for successful pregnancy.

“Impossible, 3 months is too short.”

Red Shadow couldn’t hold back, and also throw an impossible.

Luo smiled softly, calmly said: “There is something I hope you can understand, the black cat is a necessary thing for you, and the fire tree silver flower is an indispensable thing for us. The weight of the two is not on a level, so, What qualifications do you have on the basis of cooperation? “

Luo’s tone was very rude.

Hongying’s eyes were dimmed, but there was no way to refute, because the information of their family’s sterilization had been grasped by Luo, and the black cat was indeed the only thing that could solve this matter. On the contrary, Luo they would go to World Tree and use the fire tree silver flower The root cause is reduced risk.

That is to say, they are not going to World Tree and they are not using fire tree silver flower. This is the weight difference between the two.

Around, Luo’s unwelcome tone and attitude made the members of the gatekeepers feel uncomfortable, so that the eyes of them looking towards Luo contained bad intentions, which caused a slight change in the atmosphere of the scene.

The gold entire group looked coldly towards the Demon Beast of the red shadow behind, and acted pressure on Demon Beast’s unconscious instinct, they only thought secretly in their hearts: they did not understand the rules.

Luo lifted his eyelids, his eyes turned towards the Demon Beasts of the red shadow behind, the body slowly revealed the black and white Rin, but the gas field, like a snake with fuzzy shapes, was looking at the Demon of the red shadow behind. Beasts.


The aura released by looks at Luo and consciously suppressed, the red shadow and the goo eyes changed slightly.

They were behind, and the Demon Beasts locked by Luo’s aura could not help but start to feel shocked.

The eyes that looked at the fish on the chopping board were as sharp as a knife, causing them to stagger the eyes that Luo looked at, and unconsciously, the back was already exuding cold sweat.

The overwhelming gap in the gas field made the members of the gatekeepers settle down instantly and did not dare to make another attempt.

However, Luo not at all withdrew the gas field. Although it was consciously suppressed, the extent of the gas field was still slowly expanding.

[If you understand this move as a demonstration, it does not matter to me. 】

Luo maintained a smile, dark eyes, but the dangerous rays of light bloomed wantonly.

The expression of red shadows became deeper and deeper, making it impossible to see the signs.

Goo glanced at the red shadow, and looked at Luo again.

She thought that the Chamber of Commerce was easy to resolve, but didn’t expect Red Shadow to temporarily propose so-called additional conditions.

At the same time, she masked the surprise and looked at Luo’s aura in silence.

After only a few months, this human has become stronger again …

[Ivy takes a tough attitude and means, it is not working here in Luo, I have made it clear to you in advance, Hong Ying …]

Goo lowered the double-handed under the table and twirled silently, very dissatisfied with the temporary change of the red shadow.

Luo smiled and stopped talking, while Hongying silently looked at Luo.

3 months……

What’s the point of such a short time?

Unless, the born clansman can have fertility … but is that possible?

Hong Ying soon realized that in this cooperation, he was indeed not qualified to discuss the conditions.

But he would not regret what he did.

“No room for negotiation?”


Luo is very determined.


Hongying was silent for a moment. In his expectation, one and a half to two years was almost acceptable.

But it’s useless to say …

If you say so many words, the human in front of it is probably amenable to coaxing but not coercion.

Although it was very uncomfortable for Luo, whether it was bitter or spicy, he had to swallow it one by one.

“Then my side … no more objections.”

Hong Ying thought it was quite simple after he figured it out.

However, the details of the cooperation still need to be supplemented, so this negotiation will not end on the spot with the parties’ nodded.

Subsequent consultations will basically not affect the approximate results.

After the negotiation was over, Luo called the black cat over, and then told the fact that the black cat was [chip].

“What !? No, I will never submit, gu gu! In this life, my body only recognizes you !!!”

The black cat was extremely righteous and serious, and he was so devoted to looking at Go that he almost took out his heart.

Silently looks at black cat.

After a while.


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