Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1283

Two existences belonging to [Scavenger] come from two directions, respectively.

One was tangled up like hair, and the other was twisted up like silt.

The appearance and aura of both of them are exuding a chilling feeling.

It is just the picture seen through the red crystal panel, as if an indelible shadow is injected into the heart.

Although the visual impact is extremely strong, the reason for such an impact is that Luo has a certain degree of awareness of the existence of [Scavenger].

“Really … everywhere.”

Luo’s eyes contain grave expression. The fact is in front of him, and he can only agree with Gu just now. After all, the dark continent is so large, and these two scavengers came to the scene in such a short time …

Earlier, when I heard Hongying and Gu mentioned [monster], there was no special feeling or reaction.

Now, corresponding to the two scavengers coming quickly from afar, isn’t it strange that you feel chill …

You know, when the fire tree silver flower arrived here, they were still in the stones pile, and only considering the fait accompli that the beasts would be attracted to, never thought that a scavenger would come out of it.

In other words, in the code of conduct of scavengers, is a certain kind of Energy that is wanton outbreak also one of the existence that needs to be eliminated?

So, did the 100% outbreak that had been deliberately attempted under the premise of abundant energy carry the risk of attracting scavengers?

I do not know……

There is no way to figure this out.

Perhaps worse, how much grudge Energy can be used at one time can cause this scavenger’s worries.

By Luo brows tightly knit, his eyes shifted, and he swayed upstream of the red crystal panel, and then locked in the pouring energy column after half a ring.

Undoubtedly, the scavengers came from the grievances they poured out.

Because things like goals are also divided in size.

Compared to the energy column like Hao Yue’s brilliant resentment, the 100% resentment he just used is not as good as the rays of light of a star.

Presumably, Hongying and Gou knew that the scavenger came to complain about the Energy pillar, so when they saw the scavenger coming in the direction of their side, the response was very calm, even calm.

[As long as you stay away from Origin ‘, it will be fine. 】

It is as it should be by rights to have this kind of thought.

Luo glanced at his teammates without a trace. At first, he was shocked and a little flustered, but then realized that when the scavenger was leaving for the Energy column, he calmed down.

“It’s more chilling than the dark shadows I’ve seen before.” Tonpa mood grave.

“Anyway, just avoid it.”

Nick glanced at the red shadow standing in front of the restorer’s body.

The fact is the same. When seeing the scavenger, Hong Ying quickly controlled the fire tree silver flower to avoid immediately, and moved toward the opposite direction.

Moreover, he was well prepared for the appearance of the scavenger.

The appearance of the scavenger caused the atmosphere of the room to stagnate for a short time, but the natural sense of security brought by the fire tree silver flower can dilute a little panic and tension.

“and many more.”

In the key node of the gradual change of atmosphere, Luo, as a guest, was very inappropriate to speak out.

The control of Red Shadow, not at all, has changed due to Luo’s voice.

However, as what was about to become an important partner, Hongying did not completely ignore it, and looked back towards Luo.

“Was the scavenger coming for that grudge? So, as long as we don’t take the initiative to provoke them, is it OK to wait and see here?”

“What do you want to say?”

Hongying understands 6 languages ​​of the mainland, and it ’s not difficult to communicate.

“I want to … take this opportunity to see the capabilities of these two scavengers.”

When saying this, Luo not at all looked at the red shadow, but looked at the two scavengers on the crystal panel.

In a sense, the scavengers who are active throughout the dark continent can also be classified as [disaster], and Luo, as explorers of the dark continent, will they encounter a scavenger again in the future. Hard to say.

In this case, how can you miss the rare opportunity to observe the scene.

“Luo …”

Some members of the team apparently didn’t expect this, and they were quite surprised at looking towards Luo.

“Is this a request?”

Hongying takes back the look of looked towards Luo, which is also the real-time transmission picture on the looked towards red crystal panel.


Luo answered quickly.

Then, Red Shadow also operated very quickly, making Fire Tree Silver Flower stop flying, hovering in the sky, and specially adjusted the Kakuzu degree to make the transmitted picture clearer.

“Patriarch, this …”

The existence of Red Shadow and Gu sincerely called monster is a good thing for the other members of the gatekeeper family. Therefore, naturally there is a bottomless fear, for fear of a mistake, it will lead to destruction. Sexual blow.

They stand in such a position and have such an attitude. Therefore, from the bottom of their hearts, they think that the action of Red Shadow is extremely risky.

However, Red Shadow is their patriarch, and the decision made by patriarch, right or wrong, as a member of the clan, can only be supported unconditionally.

[See the ability of scavengers …]

Smoky Goo glanced at Luo who focused on the transmission screen.

The fire tree silver flower stopped, and the two scavengers from afar, can’t wait to pounce on the pillar of resentment Energy in the mass grave.

The first thing to approach the Energy Pillar was the unidentified object that seemed to be entangled with hair, just like the long hair bridge of female ghosts commonly seen in ghost movies, and that hair quickly rolled into a long Braid, piercing Energy pillar.

The long black braid collided with the mourning Energy column.


The sorrowful Energy Pillar that went straight to the sky suddenly became very unstable, and countless fine sorrows fell to the ground like a shower.

At the same time, the long hair lashes that were tied up were also cracked, and the unclear hair was spread out all around, as if a large cloud moved towards the rocky ground.

A lot of fine grievances spilled from the Energy column were caught by 4 scattered hairs at the same time. At the same time, the unclear black hairs touched the rocks of different heights.

In that moment, the rocks that are too hard to be underestimated have turned into pieces like tofu and fell to the ground.

The attack of the black hair group’s dropping from the sky, not at all, resolved the Grieving Energy Pillar from its roots, but significantly weakened the Power of Grieving Energy Pillar.

And just then, the pink silt flying in the sky also fell from the sky.

When the black hairs 4 were scattered on the ground and squirmed and had not yet been recovered, the pink silt completely wrapped the mourning Energy column, and suddenly it seemed to be ballooning constantly into the air, and it was inflating rapidly.

Not only that, the range of hair, mud, and grievances is filled with a large number of mental fluctuations, which is indeed a disaster.

The collision between the scavenger and the substantial Energy produced the corresponding phenomenon.

“Also … resentment !?”

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