Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1281

All indications indicate that the big black cat with a huge body and cuddly cooing is most likely the black cat’s … son.

That’s right.

The probability is very, very high.

As a party, the black cat, even if it is unwilling to admit it, must be defeated by reality.

“He … really my son ?!”

The black cat looks at that big black cat with a complex look.

The mood of being a daddy is really 100 flavors, and it is difficult to accurately taste the taste.

But the problem is, are n’t all babies cutie?

How long did it take and how did it grow up?

What did he feed him during this time?

Is it breastfeeding? Or something else?

But you ca n’t eat it! !! !!

The black cat thought wildly, and one after another sweat beads slipped from his head.

Everyone’s eyes could not help but circulate between the black cat and the temporarily unknown big cat body.

For a moment, even Luo, who had previously been distracted by the body of the restorer, looked at the big black cat.

From the appearance point of view, there are 5 60% similarity. The key is that the big black cat also has a pair of silver eyes.

Black cats don’t seem to be very old, and they look very lively and naive.

The smoky goo seemed a little helpless, and tried his best to soothe the big black cat, trying to calm the big black cat.

Everyone looked silently at this scene, and Hong Ying went straight to the center of the room.

No one spoke, and the atmosphere in the room became slightly weird.

After a moment, the black cat gathered courage and came to Go.

“He, he is mine …”


“Ah? I haven’t finished talking yet!

Guru’s quick and firm denial made the black cat sting for a moment, but also made him realize that the big black cat was his son.

That’s right, son.

Male and female, he can tell at a glance.

The black cat quickly sorted out the complex 10000-point emotions in his heart. After adjusting his mood, the loving-looking towards crystallized love, that is, the big black cat.


Oncoming was the huge cat’s palm.


The black cat slapped the black cat on the ground with one palm.

The cat’s palm of that hu hu even completely covered the body of the black cat, which shows how obvious the difference in body shape between the two sides is.


The big black cat stared at his palm with an innocent and lovely look, without even realizing what he had just done.

Aside, the smoky arm that Gu stretched out stiffened in the air, but failed to stop the son’s behavior.

“Forget it, black cats can’t die anyway.”

Gou found himself a reason to open and aboveboard, and did not intend to stop the treasured son.

Thinking about it, she also knew that treasured son regarded black cat as a toy.

The black cat was crushed under the palm of the flesh, and this kind of thoughtless slapping couldn’t hurt him at all.

However, this palm hurt his heart.

“I’m your dear !!!”

Of course, the black cat roared out directly, just shouting in his heart.

Not far away, Luo glanced at the big black cat, sighed softly, and walked towards the red shadow.

Anyway, he doesn’t intend to get involved in the black cat’s housework. From the perspective of the way black cats and Goo got along, it must be Go, who has the initiative, now there is a child, if they can get together, the black cat’s day Definitely going to be uncomfortable.

“This kind of thing … is unlikely to happen.”

Luo thought silently in his heart.

He knows the reason why the gatekeepers cooperate with them, and the black cat is the most critical species in this cooperation … No, as a bargaining chip, it is obviously unrealistic to want to share something with Gu.

It’s just that the black cat can exert such useful value. As a Master, Luo is very pleased.

Thinking of this, Luo looked at the members of the gatekeeper family standing like statues in the room. The appearance template was basically Beastman, but I was fortunate enough to have seen Gou’s Beastman Shape Transformation before. It was charming and moving.

But the members of the gatekeepers …

“Uh, it’s different than imagined.”

Luo linked Gou’s Beastman Shape Transformation state to the members of the gatekeeper family now seeing it. To be honest, it is slightly more difficult to accurately distinguish the male and female.

The only thing that catches the eye is …

Luo glanced slightly, and fell on the side of the red shadow spear.

Of all the members of the female gatekeeper family, this Demon Beast can be made with Beastman’s muzzle on equal terms. It belongs to the aesthetics that humans can accept.

“Are six?”

Keeping in mind the number of female members of the gatekeeper family, Luo came to the red shadow behind, looked up slightly, and looked towards the stone book entwined by tree roots on the platform.

There is no doubt that the stone book is the body of the restorer.

Strangely enough, the response given by the white-smoke font was so bland that it was so close.

If you think about it, it should be because the Energy tank is full and there is no demand, so the response will fade.

I don’t know if it was affected by the white smoke font. When Luo saw the corpse of the restorer, he felt nothing at all. The more important reason was that Luo knew that he could not move the corpse of the restorer.

“There is no ‘energy body’ necessary for large-scale ancient relics here, only the body of the restorer … in other words, can the body of the restorer be used instead of the ‘energy body’?”

There was a flash of thought in Luo’s eyes, remembering the energy body currently being placed in the 4-dimensional apartment, which was snatched from the black stone family wearing a white mask.

The rest of the team did not pay constant attention to the black cat’s breath, came to Luo’s side, observed the environment in the room, and at the same time looked at the members of the gatekeeper family.

All the gatekeepers who can use mindpower freely are all Kakuzu colors that are not to be trifled with.

Now, they are preparing to conclude cooperation with the gatekeepers.

Hong Ying stepped up the stairs and came to the stone writing, facing back to Luo entire group, said solemnly: “We will talk about the cooperation later, now we have to leave here first.”

The words didn’t fall, he reached down and pressed on the stone book, and gave control instructions.


The floor trembled slightly, and everyone in the central control room could keenly feel that the fire tree silver flower was taking off.

At the same time, they were always surprised by the red shadow’s reaction, as if staying in the stones pile for a second, it would be more dangerous.

But in fact, the ghosts in the stones pile were basically solved by Luo.

“Do you think we are a bit overwhelmed?”

The smoky goo came to the crowd, and as for her treasured son, the black cat played with him.

Luo glanced, slightly nodded.

“Oh.” Sneered, differentiatedly said: “What you got out of it, but it will attract some terrifying existence, do not want to be affected, of course, you must leave as soon as possible.”

“But those ghosts have …” Tonpa hesitantly said.


Goo looks towards the red crystal panel that transmits the picture in real time, and the tone is very firm.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and couldn’t figure out what was going on.

“Why, haven’t you been here on the dark continent for a long time, haven’t you met a ‘Scavenger’ once? They are omnipresent.”

When they heard Goo’s words, everyone expressed changed.

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