Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1274

The fox could only look away at Luo and the others, digging the rock, and could do nothing.

The deep sense of weakness made him very uncomfortable.

“Sure enough, it came for ‘treasure’ …”

“Abominable, according to this digging method, ‘Yin Qi’ will definitely leak in a large area!”

“I can’t just let them act wilfully, I must stop them …”

“But if I rashly show up, I will definitely be destroyed by the” yang “of this group.”

“What can I do? I can only look at this, can’t I do anything?”

A gloomy and uncertain expression appeared on the face of the fox, his teeth clenched, and he wished that the group of humans who were standing in the “darkest place” disappeared out of thin air.

“Abominable, abominable !!!”

The fox finally managed to suppress the mood, and there were some signs of a volcanic eruption.

Angry, unwilling, helpless …

Many emotions merged into one ball, making his expression abnormal.

Yin Qi is the [Important Energy] that his family depends on and can continue to strengthen. From a human standpoint, [Yin Qi] in the eyes of a fox is actually [Complaint]. Although it is slightly different, the essence is the same.

The “yang” in the eyes of the fox is the “mind” in human cognition, which is also equivalent to the “life strength” or the “supreme strength of yang” in the eyes of the gatekeepers.

Different races have different names, but basically all have the same origin.

The stones pile here is a barren land where birds do not shit. There is no water source, no animals and plants. If the existence of foxes is excluded, it is a restricted area of ​​life. Even if you dig the ground 3 feet here, you can find it impossible here. An insect.

Such a place, even the kind of biological race with [wandering nature], will not settle in such a place to develop.

Scarce resources are one thing, and terrain without protection is another.

Therefore, the life that is really willing to wander in the stones pile usually has a purpose, for example, a fox is born with a race of [Assimilation Grievance Innate Skill].

A race similar to this is a natural [Demon Beast]. Even a world as wide as the Dark Continent belongs to a very small and very rare race.

In the eyes of the aboriginal creatures such as foxes, once a strange creature breaks in, there is a great possibility that they will come towards [Yin Qi] buried under the ground.

It is easy to see the clear motivation, which is why the weasel launched an attack on Luo and the others without saying a word, that is, it is not allowed for others to touch or share resources. 6 The same goes for the humans who waged wars in order to seize resources.

The fox belongs to the more cautious type, so it wasn’t him who was killed by Luo’s stick, but the relatively inflated weasel.

“Yes, the reason why that guy can solve the idiot curse so easily is definitely because he has the same ability as us.”

The fox was suddenly thinking of this stubbornness in the extreme unease.

In the past, in order to fight for the site, he slaughtered with many creatures with [Assimilation Grievance Mind Power]. If it was not because of the Assimilation Grievance Innate Skill, then he is also impossibly insisted until now, and has been [dead] After the grievance] was killed.

But then, he was puzzled again.

If these people have the same ability as them, then shouldn’t they be digging like that?

Once the large gap is pried open, [Yin Qi] buried under this rocky ground will be lost in a large area. It won’t take long for such a good [Treasure Ground] to become a wasteland.

This is not good news for any race that can assimilate grievances.

“Muff, they didn’t realize it …?”

“So, if I don’t show any hostility and then remind them, maybe there’s no danger?”

The fox’s thoughts turned quickly.

He is assuming that Luo is the same kind of [Assimilation Grievance Innate Skill], so as long as his [reminder] is good for Luo, it is 100 good for no harm.

After all, every creature with this kind of Innate Skill is impossibly eaten into a fat.

[Yin Qi] under this mass grave post is like a large water tank filled with water. As long as they drink by little, they can one day drink the water inside, and like Luo, Just smash the water tank and drink a limited amount of water in one breath, which is Yin Qi.

And, because it is a big mouthful of water, there is also the possibility of being strangled or strangled.

Of course, the fox can also not remind Luo, and then they may be killed by a large amount of [Yin Qi] coming out, but this will not do any good to the fox.

Even after Luo was drowned by [Yin Qi], the fox would lose the treasure of assimilating Yin Qi for a long time.

After thinking about the joints, the fox thought that he was dead horizontally and vertically.

As soon as the thoughts became clear, the foxes disappeared from the ink, and the eye-blocking method was lifted directly, appearing in Tonpa’s alert range.

“There is a situation!”

The split second when the fox appeared, Tonpa immediately noticed it, and suddenly looked towards the rock wall on the left several hundred meters away.

The others heard Tonpa’s reminder and immediately stopped the movement at hand, following the direction Tonpa was looking at.

Then, they all saw a black body, green hair on their heads, and stood upright … fox.

The sudden appearance of the fox not at all showed hostility and even exposed a pair of harmless to humans and animals, so the nerves of everyone were not too tight.

“Is that a fox?”

The black cat gazed at the fox that popped up, and then glanced at Nick subconsciously.

not just black cat, Uvogin, they also looked at Nick subconsciously.


Glancing at that many companions, Nick’s mouth Kakuzu twitched slightly.

Rather than being regarded as a fox by his companions, he is more willing to consider himself a human.

It’s just that appearance and genes determine everything …

Although within the body has human genes, the genes of Chimera Ants and foxes still account for the bulk, otherwise he would not look like a fox.

The crowd was staring at the fox that emerged out of thin air. At this moment, the fox was in a mess in the wind, and his heart seemed to have 10000 fuck your mother passing by.

He didn’t show up until he figured out the joints, but he forgot the most important thing! !! !!

Only considering that Luo is the same kind with Mind Power, but did not consider the lack of language.

“How is this good?”

The muscles on the fox’s face shuddered, and there was an urge to turn around and run away, but the machine was locked …

“In short, make yourself look harmless.”

Thinking of it, the fox held up double-handed.

It was like a wanted man surrounded by a group of police and forced to surrender.

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