Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1271

The faint green fire hung quietly in the air, but exuded a hint of coldness.

The sudden appearance of Ghost Fire was only a ball, and the miserable green fire was not enough to illuminate the entire rock path.

Everyone gazed at the sudden emergence of Ghost Fire. Although they did not feel the danger, they still carefully kept their body and mind in a state of tension.

Ghost Fire is only the size of a basketball and is a rootless fire, but the fire is not weak.


Luo looked at the hostile Ghost Fire and whispered a question to Tonpa.

Tonpa shook the head, said solemnly: “Before this thing became apparent, I didn’t realize it at all, simply came out of thin air.”

“is it鈥︹€?#8221;

Luo thoughtful expression, with his alertness, he did not detect the existence of Ghost Fire in advance, and it was still so close.

“The fire is mindless, and it doesn’t seem to be a threat.”

Nobunaga’s eyes glowed with unique shimmer, but he glanced up and down at Ghost Fire.

Not just him, the others also immediately observed Ghost Fire with condensate.

As Nobunaga said, this Ghost Fire body has no traces of mentality, just like ordinary flames, without any threat.

“It is worth noting that the threat is not felt.”

Bi Siji carefully reminded her that there was a certain amount of mental strength in her feet, and she could respond at any time.

The more ordinary things appear in strange places, the more need to pay attention and vigilance.

“How to rectify, extinguish or just ignore it?”

Uvogin glanced at his companions and was stopped by a cluster of Ghost Fire, which did not fit his personality.

“Test it out first.”

Luo said, raising his index finger, a small cluster of thoughts dancing on his fingertips.


flicks to shoot with the finger, Nian Li flew out and hit Ghost Fire body.

In the short burst of air, Ghost Fire shattered in the air and turned into clusters of faint green flames 4 scattered on the ground, without being immediately extinguished, but slowly burning on the ground.

Everyone looked at dozens of small clusters of fire burning on the ground. No one spoke. The slightest sound in the rock path was audible.

This Ghost Fire is thoughtless and fragile.

Even with a small amount of mental energy, it should be easy to defeat.

Suddenly, a cluster of green Ghost Fires popped out of the air again out of the air, and then, just like the chain reaction, clusters of Ghost Fire popped up and clustered out of order in the air, high and low.

Ten clusters, 100 clusters …

Within a few seconds, hundreds of Ghost Fires popped out of the rock within a vacuum.

Suddenly, the inside of the rock path was filled with the miserable green rays of light.

Mutation without warning, not at all gave everyone a moment’s panic, all calmly looking at this Ghost Fire that popped up suddenly.

“No temperature, no mind …”

Luo holds the field tightly and is ready to release at any time, but in this case, it is not enough to let him go.

“Although the number is large, it is not really a threat. The question is, how did these Ghost Fires come out?”

Luo tilted her head towards Tonpa.

Perceiving Luo’s gaze, Tonpa turned to Luo shook the head again.

Luo retracted his gaze, and he also spread his thoughts, but before Ghost Fire came out, he did n鈥檛 notice anything unusual, and he could n鈥檛 detect it with Tonpa’s sensitivity, let alone his roundness. .

“Does it appear out of thin air … even if it is the ability of the nature of space, in the split second that comes out, no matter how short the time is, there will still be traces of mental energy.”

Luo thought in silence, and immediately looked towards his teammates.

Like him, every teammate is confused and has no idea how these Ghost Fires came out under their eyes.

Anyway, this is too weird.

“Keep going?” King asked.

These Ghost Fires are indeed weird, but there is no need to waste time here.


Luo nodded, a ball of thought condensed on the palm of his hand, and immediately dropped into the air.

Everyone couldn’t help but look towards that chanting. Just use Ning on the eyes to see a chanting line connected between the chanting and Luo’s palm.

Use a slightly invisible thought line as the hub of [Control] …

Jin and the others guessed silently, reminiscent of the [pore and spinal fluid] that Luo had taken before.

The spinal fluid should only increase Luo’s potential air volume and the upper limit of the apparent air volume, instead of enhancing mental control?

Everyone silently looks at the thoughts. The thoughts turned into the shape of dandelions in a short time, and indeed, as they had guessed, that tiny thought line indeed possessed the ability to transmit [control].

This kind of control ability feels beyond the scope of human beings.

If Machi is in control …

Uvogin and Nobunaga glanced at Machi.

Is that kind of thing possible?

No, absolutely impossible.

The real monster has always been called Luo.

As the thoughts floated, the dandelion-shaped thought ball exploded silently, and a string of whisker-like thoughts shot out all around.

Every thought seems to have been set with flight trajectories, as many as 100, but they passed through the crowd’s location, hitting the Ghost Fire floating in the air with precision.

It’s almost a split second thing. The hundreds of clusters of Ghost Fire suspended in the air were smashed by wire-like thoughts at the same time and turned into fine flames.

For a moment, the flames were pouring down to the ground like rain, still not immediately extinguished, but continued to burn.

Everyone couldn’t help but look surprised at Luo, thinking that in such a short period of time, Luo not only made the best use of the control, but even wrote down the number of Ghost Fire?

As the client, Luo only felt that he had done a trivial thing, so didn’t expect his teammates to be surprised by this kind of thing.

Maybe even Luo himself didn’t expect that since his mental ability reached the peak, he would have a feeling of where water flows, a canal is formed when performing some super-fine operations, and feel as normal as drinking water.

This is the kind of feeling that a skilled craftsman who has been immersed in a certain field for decades will often experience.

No matter how complicated the operation is, it is rooted in the memory of every part of the body, just like drinking water.

Luo is now in such a realm.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is already invincible on the 6 continents.

The main reason is that the pore and spine fluid that did not know who made it and how it stayed in the telescopic space presented a brand new road for Luo, adding more space for improvement.

A large number of Ghost Fires were defeated, and the remaining small flames were still burning.

The crowd waited for about 5 minutes, seeing the small flames go out, and Ghost Fire no longer appeared in the air, that is, habitually checked whether the flames left any traces.

The results are still there.

Ghost Fire is different from ordinary flames and does not leave any focal marks on the ground.

However, a weak chill remained.

Luo looked at many places in detail and found no further.


Still can’t figure out the details of those Ghost Fire, when the matter has been revealed.

The crowd maintained their formation and continued to explore the rocky maze.

Although those Ghost Fires didn’t cause any trouble for the team, everyone increased their alert slightly.

More than half an hour after Luo left, the sand on the rocky ground trembled in vain, and after a while, they gathered like a quicksand toward a place.

When the amount of sand gathered has become enough, it is slowly pinched into a fox about the size of a trolley, standing upright.

This fox stands upright like humans, with black feet all over it. Only the hair on his head is as green and green as the Ghost Fire that just appeared, including those narrow eyes and glittering green pupils.

Under the streamlined back, there are a pair of split tails, like the antennas, each tilted up and hung on the left and right sides.

The fox is now behind, timidly watching Luo in the direction they left, and the miserable green eyes are filled with deep fear.

“Is that guy too scary? Where did he come from?”

The fox bowed its head slightly, his eyes glittering.

The monster in his words is undoubtedly Luo.

The Ghost Fire that came out of nowhere is his own skill, and the purpose is to test the strength of uninvited guests.

At the cost of [eliminating formidable power] in exchange for the feature of [no trace], this is the origin of the Ghost Fire controlled by the fox.

As a qualified [Cheating Master], means such as Ghost Fire are, for him, Trivial Tricks.

As long as he doesn’t want to be found, he will never be found.

Of course, this is what he thinks.

“This is a barren land, these guys … is it because good genius came in here, or is it for my treasure?”

The fox looked up sharply and glanced at the height of the rock wall to the apex. Based on his judgment of Kakuzu, the group of humans who broke into the stones pile obviously had the ability to walk [the eaves], so there was no need Wasting time here.

“If it really comes for treasure …!”

Thinking of this, the green hair on the head of the fox suddenly ignited a fierce green flame, exuding the momentum of out of the ordinary, and the muscles near the tip of the nose were fiercely squeezed together, making the mouth grin and revealing fangs.

The look, like the fangs that are guarding the food, is very scary.

“But never mind.”

Suddenly, the fierce and embarrassing expression was taken back in split second, and turned into a harmless to humans and animals expression.

“So horrible guy, it’s better not to provoke.”

The fox fell into contemplation, the green flames on his head slowly extinguished, and the dangling tail of an antenna like a fork seemed to be fueling his thinking ability.

Suddenly, the fox opened his eyelids suddenly, revealing a glimpse of harboring malicious intentions.

“If you lead these guys to the west … hehe.”

The fox thought, squinting his eyes, like a fox who stole a chicken, even though he was originally a fox.

“It’s so decided. As long as I don’t show up, even if that guy is terrible, he will never find me, and I just need to sneak in and act, and I can use this group of guys to solve the few idiots on the west!

“Well, perfect plan!”

The fox clapped his hands violently, and the green flames on his head burned again.

This time it was the flame effect caused by excitement.

It’s always his style to think of doing it.

The fox jumped up, made a diving posture, and hit the ground.

A moment of light sound, when his body touched the rock, he suddenly turned into a small pinch of sand and disappeared without a trace.

At this point, Luo’s team had gone forward for more than half an hour. Under Tonpa’s guidance, although they had detoured a lot, they were able to ensure that the path went straight.

From entering the Rocky Maze to the present, there is no other discovery except Ghost Fire, which was encountered before.

Here, there is only sand and stones, no trace of life can be seen, and even a small grass cannot be found.

The reason for choosing to explore is, on the one hand, to be curious about it, and on the other hand, to see if there is something available here.

It is a pity that so far nothing has been gained.

Eyes at also 2 It was about to dawn in 3 hours. Luo thought that even if there was no gain at all, he would not be disadvantaged, so he would not take the “empty road”.

Exploring to the present, he himself is a bit skeptical that he is wasting time, and Lao Bai at first is full of interest, and now he has no passion at all.

Originally, the person who most wanted to find something out of the chaotic maze was the oldest and most motivated.

Luo entire group crosses a long rock track and turns to the next rock track.

In the field of vision, there is still a barren rock road.

“It seems to be getting colder.”

Bruna was more sensitive to the temperature, but she only noticed that the temperature had become lower by turning a road.

After hearing Bruna’s words, others felt it carefully, only that the temperature did not all change.

However, they knew that Bruna’s judgment was correct, but only the change in temperature did not stop them from watching.

The team continued to move forward. After about ten minutes, they did feel that the temperature had become lower, and the slightest chill lingered on the skin.


Tonpa frowned as he marched.


Luo asked in time.

“Ghost Fire appears again,” Tonpa frowned.


The crowd frowned and looked towards Tonpa.

There was no trace of Ghost Fire in sight.

“Not here, but about a hundred miles and fifty meters away.”

“Can you be specific?”

The black cat turned over Byakugan.


Tonpa nodded, re-reporting report: “Go to the left ten meters, turn right, then another 20 meters, turn left, about 30 metres will go to the fork, go straight in the middle 4 ten meters, you will reach a crossroad, turn at this time Left, then … “

“stop and stop!”

The black cat glared at Tonpa.

“It’s up to you.”

Tonpa seriously looks at black cat.


The black cat was dumb.

“Lead the way and see what happens,” Luo said.

“it is good.”

Tonpa complied, lead the way.

After a while, there were new Ghost Fires coming out of the Sensor, and there were a lot of them, about ten, and they were scattered.

Tonpa spoke up the discovery.

Luo thought for a moment, and discussed with them again, and decided to follow Ghost Fire to find out.

Although the purpose of those Ghost Fires appeared to be to lead them to somewhere, but the so-called boldness of execution stems from superb skill, Luo followed Ghost Fire’s intentions and wanted to see what Ghost Fire did.

After walking for about 40 minutes, the crowd came to a [bottle gourd-shaped] area, and they stood at the bottle gourd mouth.

Looking forward, it is a broad rocky field. Through the moonlight everywhere, the ground can see the cold air visible by naked eyes, giving the first impression, like the cold air in the morgue.

In the middle of the lingering cold air, there was a light blue unidentified creature huddled. Because it was curled up, it was impossible to determine a clear volume, but it was estimated that it was not much larger.

It seemed to be aware of the arrival of the uninvited guest, and the creature entangled in the cold moved a little.

In the white cold, a pair of green eyes suddenly appeared.

Then, the creature seemed to breathe, and a thin layer of ice formed on the ground.

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