Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 127

There are two types of Overlord Level creatures in the jungle of Amalo, namely the butterfly Madara Giant Snake and the hand-to-hand tyrant bear.

Luo’s target is hand-to-hand bears. According to information, hand-to-hand bears often move near lakes. It is impossible to determine how many hand-to-hand bears are in the jungle of Yamalo, but only a small number.

The hand paw bears that can easily pat people into meat sauce are ingredients that can be included in level b. Similarly, it is not an exaggeration to consider the hand paw bears as creatures with difficulty level b.

As it moved forward, the sky gradually darkened.

The dense forest at night will become more dangerous, and the field of vision will be limited, making more creatures good at sneak attacks more dangerous.

Since entering the dense forest, excluding countless poison insect snake ants, there are more than a dozen rare beasts who actively initiate sneak attacks on Luo, all of which have been counter-strikes to kill.

Luo has tried to scare away rare animals with momentum, but the results were not ideal. Of the dozen or so rare animals that came, only 2 or 3 were scared away.

It may be that he is not strong enough at present, or it may be that the rare beasts in the jungle of Yamalo are generally too cruel.

In the state of fullness, Luo’s demand for food is very low, and he can only discard the rare carcasses killed along the road.

At the same time, a thought came into being.

Can you improve the ability of books, develop the ability to store corpses, or open a refrigerator-like Mind Power.

In this way, you can store or remove ingredients anytime, anywhere.

If you think about it this way, it is very difficult to do it. Actually, the hand of God can store fresh ingredients in books, which can be cumbersome and unexpected.

At night, the sound of crickets in the dense forest never stopped, a ray of moonlight passing through the gaps between the branches and leaves, like a stage light beam, projected into the forest.

Luo used his ability to easily build a small tree house on top of the canopy, and then crushed the red stones that were dug into a powder and sprinkled it on the edge of the tree house.

He has already tried poison insects, which seem to hate the composition of red stones, and they just hate it, but they have not yet resisted it.

Scattering the powder on the edge of the tree house can barely play a role, and it is better than nothing.

After getting it done, Luo was lying in the tree house, looking at the moonlight pouring from the outside, looking slightly lazy.

The tall tall tree was deliberately selected, and the tree house was built above the lush foliage. Forcibly a forest-view room was created in the dangerous dense forest.

If you do n’t have the hand of God, let alone build a tree house in such a position, it is very labor-intensive to collect the materials alone. Easy.

Luo rolled over, facing the other side, and stretched out a hand moved towards the wooden wall to make a round empty window on the wooden wall.

Through the window, you can see the Red Pudding Mountain in the distance.

At this time, most of the candidates on the top of the mountain have taken the spaceship to the next test location.

“Go back to Mavando when you find the ingredients, then go straight back to Meteor City to get the knife.”

Luo whispered to himself, leaning his left hand on the back of his head, raised his right hand, and between the fluctuations of his reading power, black and white books appeared in his hand.

In the rectangular black frame on the cover, the picture of Jesus’ crucifixion has not changed, but there have been some changes elsewhere.

Below the picture is a string of white numbers: 1o68.

In addition to the number changes, countless white slender veins have been added to the dark book cover, like a breathing lamp. It looks like a breathing blood capillary vessel. What is the sense of sight.

The book cover is like obsidian, giving off a light effect, like an enhanced enchantment item in the game.

Quietly gazing at the changing books, a moment later, Luo flipped his hands over and removed the books, not too concerned.

Today, many people were saved. At the same time that the number of book pages broke 1000, it also took a lot of energy. This is why Luo gave up the idea of ​​rushing to the night.

Close your eyes slowly, and after a while, you will fall asleep.

At this moment, no matter how many humans are in the dense forest, I am afraid that no one can be more comfortable than Luo.

Early in the morning the next morning, the mist engulfed the jungle of Yamalo.

Luo got up, looking at the endless mist of mist, as if standing on the white clouds.

“If you remember correctly, this is the direction.”

The fog obscured the vision, so Luo could not see the location of the lake, and could only rely on memory to confirm the direction.

Out of the tree house, Luo jumped straight down, landed steadily, and went in the direction that he saw.

The mist lingered around the body, carrying the smell of rotten leaves and rotten leaves in the moist.

When Luo was on his way, he found a tree full of purple berries.

Berries grow in clusters, like grapes, but each one is the size of a chestnut.

Luo plucked a large bunch from the tree and ate it while walking.

The berries are sweet and sour, with a refreshing taste. They taste much like blueberries, but they are sweeter than sour and have a lot of water.

Taking this bunch of fruit as a breakfast solution, Luo alone walked in the forest and headed for the lake.

Perhaps the creatures in the dense forest are more aggressive. Along the way, Luo encountered many attacks, all of which were resolved by one after another.

At noon, he roasted a rabbit leg that was bigger than his whole body for lunch, and hurried after eating.

After the fog was lost, Luo always climbed to the top of the tree to confirm the direction from time to time, so he approached the lake step by step.

When Luo was about to reach the lake in the middle of the jungle of Yamalo, suddenly, several human screams came from the front, full of despair.

Next, the deafening beast roar overshadowed the screams of humans. The sound was so loud that the birds and beasts took off, even the leaves were trembling slightly.

“Ahead …”

Hearing this powerful roar, God Luo was unmoved and rushed towards the direction of the sound.

Soon, the woods in front showed white light, which was bright, and the open space was not far from the explanation.

Luo speeded up and rushed out of the woods to the open space on the shore of the lake. Before seeing the situation on site, he felt a slight tremor first.


A black behemoth was standing by the lake, roaring with a large mouth full of fangs, and the sound wave even rippled above the lake.

Luo looked towards The behemoth was a bear-shaped creature about 2 meters tall, covered with thick black fur, and had a huge inverted 3 Kakuzu-shaped mark on his chest.

Bear-shaped creatures have thick, long arms that look like ape arms, and they seem to bend down slightly so that their palms can touch the ground.

The pair of bear hands are very similar to human palms, with 5 hands, but the back of the palm is a raised meat bag.

“Bear bears!”

Seeing the long arms and the hairless 3 Kakuzu mark on his chest, Luo recognized the identity of the black bear.

At this point, 7 8 people moved towards him, male and female, and generally young.

The grizzly chased this group of people, and each step made them shake the ground.

Between the runs, he fished his hand forward and caught a man running in the back.

The man screamed immediately after being caught.

Ignoring that scream, the bear screamed, biting off the man’s upper body, the scream screamed, the blood viscera spilled to the ground.

It was like a snack, stuffing the man’s lower body into his mouth, Paulie chewing, and then the bear continued to chase the human ahead.

Luo saw the covered head and sneaked away like a rat, and noticed a woman, who was the woman who had previously looked for them in the village of Yamalo, and the dirt helmet was too conspicuous.

When Luo saw the people, the other party noticed him.

The woman who did n’t know her name also recognized Luo, and suddenly made a swearing, sighing: “Come, one more funeral.” … friends who read, you can search “”, you can immediately find this site.

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