Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1269

Going deeper into the green, the number of nerve fiber bundles has become more and more, convoluted into a huge hollow area of ​​irregular shape, hidden in the lush canopy.

The equally amazing amount of 7-color luster is like the electric current visible by naked eye, flowing back and forth on the ground and walls surrounded by fiber bundles.

If these nerve fiber bundles are regarded as wires, the hollow area constructed by them will be the most messy computer room in the world.

And this computer room exudes a horror that is enough to make any creature frighten.

Even if you don’t feel the breath, simply focusing on the horror of the nerve fiber bundles is enough to indicate the threat. Here, it is impossible to count the number of nerve fiber bundles.

Thanks also to the mental fibers of the nerve fibers, each of them has its own way, not concentrated in one place. Otherwise, the coercion created by the mental forces can scare the creatures in a wide area.

In fact, it is at the top of the World Tree, which is an umbrella-shaped canopy. It is not affected by high-altitude climate and the environment. It is like a 10000-year-old mountain that stands quietly in the sun.

And above the trunk of about 1000 meters under the canopy, there are only a few platforms on which there are several creatures with explosive tables.

They can stand out from such a fierce assassination. The strength can be seen in Madara, and naturally they will not be intimidated by that breath.

Even if it is better than them, it is far away from the canopy for a distance of more than 1000 meters, and the terrifying breath emitted from the canopy only covers a range of about 500 metres.

But because of fear, creatures occupying a side World on the World Tree would rather abandon the more [fertile] position and also double the [safety distance].

After all, can it be a fool to stand at such a height?

Just look up, and the 7 colorful streamers flowing under the canopy alone is a barrier that can never be passed, let alone other phenomena that are obviously dangerous.

[It’s fine here. 】

Creatures with the same views abound in this height area.

They regard the canopy above as a restricted area, and the idea of ​​seeing true content will not occur.

What you can see from time to time is the 7 rainbow lights flowing through the canopy. When standing still, the rainbow of different thicknesses is gorgeous and dangerous.

Where the canopy is, there is a boundary that cannot be crossed.

No one can see the inside of the canopy, and the scenery above the canopy.

The area above this boundary is a true life-limiting zone. Even the most powerful flying creatures cannot break through the planned [life boundary].

Therefore, in the long history of the dark continent, there is no record of the top of the World Tree, and it is also possible to know the existence of the Crystal brain and countless nerve fiber bundles.

There may be faint physical sensors to [those that exist], but there are only a few special cases, and their sensors are faint and fuzzy, so they lack a clear understanding.

Demon Beasts, such as Red Shadow and Green Shadow, who are born with strange Innate Skills, are life forms that can spy on some truth.

What they saw was a pair of [eyes] observing 10000 things.

They feel not at all wrong.

The nerve fiber bundle shuttled in the canopy drives the mind, forming a [complex computer room], condensing the infinite amount of mind in one place, and then a part of the mind is continuously vaporized, like water vapor upward Ascension, through the ceiling made of nerve fiber bundles, to the tree crown.

Those steam-like thoughts are slightly gliding with blue light, floating and floating, as if pulled by some kind of Strength, converging into the shape of a Mobius ring in the air.

The shape of the dialysis and the slightly glimmering blue light make it like a jellyfish that is slowly glowing in the deep ocean. It is uncertain and has no clear physical sense.

In the middle of the ring on the left and right sides of the Mobius ring, two groups of vortices gathered towards the middle position, each condensing a translucent eyeball, light blue, and the color of the sky was still significantly different.

The pair of light blue translucent eyes hangs in the hollow area on the left and right sides of the Mobius ring, and the king comes to the highest place …

The eyes are composed of light blue intellect, which is illusive, like light effect projection.

The direction of the eye’s gaze switches at all times. Because the shape is made of rays of light, the eyeballs will not look out of sync when switching the direction of looking at Kakuzu.

Below that projection-like light effect, a complex structure of unknown text flows through, much like garbled characters in a computer program.

Each text is as large as a playground. If you enlarge the text by a factor of 100, you can see a series of photos in each stroke, like photos taken with the camera constantly pressing the shutter.

In the turbulence of countless pictures, the pictures of the Resfa family in the caves of the Medu Sha forest can be seen vaguely.

Strangely, the other pictures are moving fast, while the pictures about the Resfa family are still. Between them, in front of those still pictures, the projection has 1000 miniature eyes and 10000 tiny eyes. Observe and analyze the screen.

To be more precise, it should be paying attention to the dying breath in the picture that is going to disappear like shredded tobacco.

That’s the breath of Luo’s mental power. When the trap is triggered by the Resfa clan, it only stays for a short time, then turns into a mindless power, and finally disappears into the air.

【variable? 】

[A lifeless person? 】


[People who don’t exist? 】


[Invisible …]

【variable. 】

For the first time in a will that could not be seen by naked eye, doubts arose.

The pale blue rays of light eyes slowly rotating in the ring became extremely cold in vain.


After leaving the Medu Sha Forest, Luo’s team walked for half a month in the direction of World Tree.

The reason for not choosing a vehicle named “Black Cat” is to reduce the risk of being attacked.

If there is a map of [monster distribution density], from any location on the dark continent, as long as you go straight in the direction of the World Tree, you can see some signs from the map.

The density of terrestrial creatures distributed around the World Tree is more prominent, but not yet full of presence.

Compared to the distribution density of terrestrial organisms, the area with the World Tree as the center point spreading towards all around, the distribution density of flying organisms can be said to have reached a level worthy of vigilance.

In other words, the closer you are to the location of the World Tree, the danger of being in airspace is much higher than the risk on land.

This is a judgment made by Luo based on his own experience and then combining the information provided by TOFLEX.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, Luo not at all chooses [empty road].

While reducing risk, travel speed is naturally affected.

At present, it is normal rather than hurried speed. To go to the World Tree location, it will take at least 3 months.

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