Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1267

Eyes appeared out of thin air.

When it comes to eyes, it may be more appropriate to use the word “eyeball”.

The pair of eyeballs looks down, with a diameter of more than 20 meters, which is huge.

The pupils in the eyeballs were dark like an abyss, and the eyes were covered with countless bloodshots, which looked quite daunting when viewed recently.

Powerful thoughts swelled above the 2 eyes, as if the sun suddenly appeared in the night, extremely prominent.

However, Bi Kakuzu and others who were disrupted by the trap of the gods were completely unaware of the existence of eyeballs.

As the powerful ring-shaped air blade invaded, the energy of the God trap seemed to disappear, so that the glare released by at first disappeared in the split second.

The light in the cave suddenly dimmed, and only a few feather fossils floated in the air, emitting faint rays of light.

In the sunken pit, a shallow layer of blood pool accumulated in a short period of time, and in the pool of blood, many Risfards were crooked.

“oh la la !”

Bi Kakuzu suddenly got up from the pool of blood, her face was full of anger, her mind was affected by emotions, and she was in a state of violent fluctuation.

“Abominable human…”

Feeling that there is only a pinch of tail left in the air from the breath of human thought, how could Bi Kakuzu not understand them, and suddenly gnashing teeth.

The trap was first glare, then geography, forcing them into the dead alley, and then eating a giant circular air blade across the cave, but compared to these obvious trap effects, they were not concealed by them. Sex is the factor that makes them both shocked and angry.

When he fell, even Kakuzu subconsciously mobilized his mind to gather in his lower limbs, let alone other people.

Also in that split second, the giant ring air blade crossed and chopped on their upper body.

I don’t know how many companions managed to prevent it, but judging from the amount of bleeding in this shallow pit, the situation is obviously not optimistic.

Kakuzu rises behind, his clansman also rises one after another, but the skinless hound that can rise up, but only a small part.

Obviously, the blood in the pit is mostly skinless hounds, otherwise there will not be that many.

“Check for injuries immediately.”

Bi Kakuzu glanced at his companion who stood up and immediately left the shallow pit.

He jumped up to the edge of the shallow pit, and the flint and light gray that had been on standby in the passage immediately greeted them, leaving a little shock on their faces.

“Patriarch, was that …?”

“It’s a trap set by that group of humans, no doubt it’s for us.”

Bi Kakuzu’s tone is full of Rin’s winter-like killing intent.

“However, the formidable power of the trap obviously exceeds the upper limit that humans can control, and we have no trace of the Sensor’s power to the moon.” The rough-looking vermiculite revealed deep doubts.

As spectators, the two of them could see clearly at the time, thinking that the upper limit of human capabilities was an impossible trap for setting up formidable power.

“They used the spell array.”

Bi Kakuzu looked back at the broken and damaged giant god character. Although he didn’t want to admit it, the group of humans did have 2 brushes.

“What about you? Ability is interrupted?”

Aya Kakuzu looks back, looking towards ocher and gray light.

“Yes, in the situation just now, we couldn’t focus on spiritual.”

“Then start again.”


Vermiculite and Light Ash immediately begin their second ability launch.

Bi Kakuzu bypassed the shallow pit and checked the environment around all around.

A short while later, he found a charred stone below the edge of the shallow pit.

He picked up the stone, even though he couldn’t discern any features in appearance, but just touched it, he recognized that the ore was the evolutionary thing of their tribe, the risfa ore.

Bi Kakuzu stared down at the scorched ore, her eyes widened, and a possibility appeared in her head.

It was thought that the group of humans used the spell array to set such a powerful trap of formidable power, but the real key point was the Resfa ore.

In other words, the group of humans took the ore from their body as a trap material.

“Patriarch, the casualties turned out, a total of 11 companions unfortunately died, and the number of hounds dropped sharply from 216 to 42.”

A similarly tall Risfa person came to Bi Kakuzu behind and briefly reported the results of the casualties.

While other humans and hounds have left the shallow pit, the procession is not far away.

According to the report of this class of people, only death and no injuries were found.

It can be seen that most of the defense of Resfars depends on the mentality mobilized from the ore. If the defense can be mobilized in time, then it can be harmless in the face of powerful attacks, but if it is not successful If you prevent it, you may take a fatal blow.


Listening to the casualties, Bi Kakuzu’s eyes were full of anger.


He smashed the empty Ristaff ore that Energy had consumed.

“You … are dead!”

Bi Kakuzu looks at the ashes stuck to the palm of his hand, as if the ashes of his companions, but the group of human beings use their ashes to deal with them.

Killing intent full of aura, hovering around Bi Kakuzu’s body.

Other people silently look at Bi Kakuzu, and their hearts are full of boiling killing intent.

Despite being angry, Bi Kakuzu did not lose his calm.

Based on this huge formidable power trap array, you can see the heritage of the group of humans. At least, the accomplishments of the spell array are certainly not low.

In addition, the group of humans know how to use risfa ore, and explanation has members who are familiar with risfa ore, or they have some identification ability.

Anyway, the killing intent that Bi Kakuzu was provoked needs to be vented, except for the human who has the power of the new moon, the rest of the humans are on the list of kills.

In the cave, Resfards regrouped the queue, and near the entrance of the tunnel, vermiculite and light ash were launching their abilities. As a precondition for tracking.

From beginning to end, no humanoid noticed a pair of huge eyes hanging above them.

Theoretically, even if their Sensor can’t reach those eyes, even if they didn’t look up towards the top of the hole, the dazzling rays of light scattered from the eyeball body wave at this moment is equivalent to the dazzling sunlight.

However, every kind of person seems to choose to turn a blind eye. Instead of not seeing the bright rays of light, they have not noticed the huge eyeballs full of sense of existence.

If there is an onlooker who can see both of them at the same time, I will definitely think that this is quite a strange phenomenon.

The eyeballs hanging down from the top of the cave are not standing still, the pupils as dark as the abyss are always turning, watching the situation around all around carefully, it seems that they do not miss any small changes.

The slight lingering spirit left by Luo was seen by that eye at the last moment of disappearance.

Suddenly, a shimmer of light lit up in the abyss-like lacquered Kurome hole.

The distraction of the mind, even when using Ning, may not be able to see clearly.

However, in the vision of this pair of eyes, the mental energy left by Luo seemed to be magnified several times, and he could see it clearly.

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