Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1242

The sand and gravel fell at a slow speed, and as the area of ​​the transparent Crystal layer exposed by the urn increased, the black cat further saw the appearance of the person in the [coffin].

He is a man with short black hair and a yellowish complexion. The officer 5 is very perfunctory and can no longer be described by ordinary 2 characters.

This appearance is the kind that you may inadvertently see and then forget for a few seconds.

However, there are still some striking features in this ordinary face that can no longer be ordinary.

For example, each side of Mouth 2 is lined with a string of silver beads from small to large, with 7 beads each, running from the lips to the cheeks below the earlobe.

Apart from this, there is also a string of silver beads on the forehead, lined up with tiny wing structures.

The sand and gravel continued to slide downwards, revealing the man’s red fruit body, until the key parts were exposed, and no clothing was seen, except that the double-handed placed on the chest was holding a copy of about 8-inch silver-white book.

When the sand and gravel fell to his knees, Luo they came to the black cat and stared at the humans in the coffin.

Gaze swept back and forth over the human body, and finally stopped at the silver-white book held in double-handed.

Thoughts condensed like substance float on books.

It can be clearly seen that the thinking power comes from the book and has nothing to do with this human being.

After a while, Luo looked down towards the black cat and said calmly, “How did you get it out?”

The black cat pointed at the ground and explained: “I just saw a silver thread on the ground and touched my hand, but accidentally broke it, and then the coffin suddenly popped out.”

“Silver wire?”

Luo Wenyan carefully looked down at the ground, not at all what thin line was found, only a half-broken bone.

Although he didn’t find a thin line, he knew that the black cat didn’t lie or exaggerate.

Gaze shifted and refocused on the silver and white books in the [coffin].

As far as the first impression is concerned, it is indeed no different from a coffin, except that the space in the coffin is very narrow, and the “corpse” placed inside seems to fit the length exactly, and it seems to be stuffed in So it got stuck.

So much so that the coffin was erected, but the human being inside it was standing upright without moving.

Of course, Luo’s focus will only be on that energetic silver and white book.

If you say, there is a treasure here.

Well, for now, it may be the book in the coffin.

Although nothing can be seen from the appearance, the substantive thinking will not lie.

Even if the book is useless, it can be used as a [fuel] to supplement the Energy tank. Judging by this fluctuation in thinking power, it should increase a lot.

“Inside this person, should be dead?”

I glanced closer, from this person body, she could not feel a little bit alive.

“It’s dead or alive. Open it and look understood.”

Luo doesn’t think that the person in the coffin is alive, but no one knows what will happen in the next second.

“Get it done.”

King couldn’t wait to see what that book was.

According to the information that Gou once revealed, almost all the books written by ancient humans were destroyed by the restorers during that big cleansing. Even the most amazing reserve [Prophecy Tree] did not escape and was destroyed. .

So much so that it is harder to find an ancient book now than heavenly ascension.

After all, regardless of how difficult it is to save, the availability of books is a problem.

Now, they finally see a book that has been preserved for a long time.

Luo is also looking forward to this book. After taking precautions, he immediately started to open the coffin.

For a moment, Luo opened the coffin lid, not at all the expected stench, but the mental power emanating from the books waved up, forming a huge aura, covering the coffin.

“So strong aura.”

Kim eyebrow raised.

When I looked through the Crystal layer, there was only an overly solid sense. Now when I open the coffin lid, the air mass diffuses, and it forms such a conspicuous air field.

Dong Fulisi stared silently at the book, looking thoughtful.

UC book alliance, he subconsciously associated this book with the restorer, but the area of ​​the book is very different, so he rejected it.

If the restorer is ruled out, then he came to the Dark Continent for 100 years, traveled a long distance ancient vestige, or is the uc book alliance.

Of course, even with the surrounding bones as a reference, it is not entirely certain that this book is the product of Far Ancient Era.

He is also very interested in the content of the book.

However, if there is text in the book, there is a great possibility that it will be consistent with the text inside the low platform.

In that case, the inability to interpret the text is tantamount to meaninglessness.

Luo They were very close to the coffin, and they were trapped in the aura, as if a weightless stone was pressed on their shoulders. However, although this aura was surging, it was not offensive.

Several people stared at each other.

After a while, Luo extend the hand and picked up the silver book, and the air field floating around it fluctuated with it.

The book is small and exquisite, but it is quite heavy to start with. Consider it, at least it is more than ten catties.

The cover of the book is blank, with no text or patterns, and the tentacles are cold, not like paper, but more like metal.

Luo put the book in his other hand and opened the pages.

First page, blank.

Page 2, blank.

Page 3, blank

Blank, blank …

Turned several pages in a row, all blank.

Aside, Kim and they were also looking at, and suddenly frowned slightly.

Luo didn’t believe that all the pages were blank. After turning to the last page, I finally saw the pattern on the pages, but it was an antique hourglass with a silver eye with a slit open in the middle and a dark brown bracket. On the top are all reliefs such as claws and sharp teeth.

Moreover, they clearly saw that the sand inside the hourglass was flowing.

Looks at the dynamic hourglass on the page, Luo couldn’t figure out what this book was.

The white smoke font only gives the option of whether to absorb, not at all gives the identification result, and there is no clue around it. As for the text in the corpse and the low platform, it cannot be linked to this book.

It’s a pity that Sheila is not here, otherwise she can let Sheila’s beast appraise the book on the spot.

“Dong, what do you think?”

Luo handed the book to Dong, who took it and flipped through it.

“Perhaps related to the restorer.”

Dong Fulisi flipped and said.

Luo does not deny the possibility, but can only say that it is very low.

After seeing for a moment, Dong Fulisi gave nothing to Jin.

After watching gold, nothing was found.

“Stow away first and go back to Sheila for identification.”

Luo handed the book to the black cat, who opened his mouth and swallowed it.

Suddenly, there was a short rumbling sound around.

Looking up all around, I saw a coffin rising from the ground, and the rock above the surface was fading down.

At the same time, a giant pillar carved with relief was raised in the center, and numerous thin silver wires extended from the pillar body and landed on the heart in the surrounding bones.

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