Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1231


Of course there is.

Once the black energy in the Energy slot is exhausted, Luo will become a paper tiger within a second.

However, outsiders have no way of knowing all the information in the white smoke font space.

Luo fell to the ground, and without his support, Akali’s unrecognizable body fell to the ground, like a rag bag discarded at will.

Behind, Jin Jinren looked silently at Luo’s back.

Even if they didn’t see Luo’s positive look, they could feel Luo’s anger, almost undisguised, just want to vent the anger smoothly.

At the same time, he was surprised at the sudden outbreak of Strength by Luo, which could crush such a powerful enemy.

“The true face of black mind … what is it?”

His eyes were shocked and solemn.

She could tell that Luo’s strength in her battle with humanoids was based on that black mind.

Although Luo used superb skills in the battle, he was still inseparable from the formidable power of the black mind.

The point is, when Luo dealt with silver-haired women before, he hadn’t exaggerated so much.

Mi Tong and Tick, who had a confrontation with Dong Fuli, also heard the unusually screaming sound of Akali before his death, and his heart was shaken, but there was no time to pay attention to the situation of Akali and Gale.

For Luo’s cognition, he stayed at the scene where the tempered film was dropped by Crush.

Now, Mi Tong and Tick have no thoughts about other things.

Because, in a sense, the East R & F who deal with them is more difficult to deal with.

Especially the shadowy thoughts, just like clay, can freely transform many forms to achieve both offensive and defensive effects, making their frequent harassment attacks useless.

Although Tick didn’t have the energy to pay attention to Akali’s situation, but this was the first time he heard Akali’s screaming cry, and the result must not be optimistic.

“This is the 7-Star Risk Card …”

Tick ​​gritted his teeth. No matter how the situation deviated, he still had to do his best to do something. Even if he failed to do something, even if he died with remorse, clansman would avenge them.

Enlightenment is good, but light alone does not change much.

The pressure exerted by Dong Fuli is gradually increasing.

On the other side, soon after Luo landed, he continued to attack the gale.

After several fights, he probably knew the power of gale.

Subjectively, the gale ability is biased towards Emitter, in fact it is Transmuter.

The real horror is not that amazing amount of exaggerated mental power, but the transformed wind mass can with no difficulty slice a top Enhancer Power player instantly.

In addition, the apparent amount of gale is a gap that human beings can’t cross, even if there is no skill at all, it can also kill a top Mind Power person alive.

Without the means of Special, the gap between humans and humanoids is really not a tiny bit.

After roughly grasping the characteristics of the gale’s ability, for Luo, this one-on-one battle is basically no suspense.

As long as you make good use of the black mind, not only can you offset the natural advantages of the gale, but you can also strike up to kill the gale, just like the tempered membrane and Akali.

Slaughtering two humans in a row brought the aura of Luo’s attack to its peak.

The gale felt the oncoming pressure in vain, and this stance was instantly uncomfortable. It was as if a Diamond was trying to bully Bronze, and Bronze turned over and held Diamond on the ground.

The obvious contrast that can affect the body and spiritual makes the mentality of Gale somewhat unbalanced.

It’s just that the gale is not obediently surrender.

Luo, who was facing the front, felt the pressure of the gale, but he was unambiguous. It released the maximum amount of air, covered the body, and turned into a hedgehog-like wind group armor.

“If you want to hurt him, you have to bypass the power of the new moon!”

The gale looked dignified. After the distance between the two sides was close, they threw away several wind groups to harass Luo.

At this point, Jin and they had retreated far enough, Luo had no need to resist the damage, and easily escaped the several thoughts thrown by the strong wind, and then suddenly accelerated, stepping into the dead line of the strong wind instantly.

black Nianli moves at will, and spreads out in the shape of the realm, turning into an oval, inky black ball, moved towards the wind under the hood.

The gale avoided the situation, stepping on the wind group, and receding several positions backward, avoiding the field ball formed by the black mind.

Luo didn’t chase it immediately, but patted it on the dark field ball.


The field ball shattered into dozens of black wheatmans, firing into the strong wind that was moving backwards.

Eyes look at many black Maimang, the gale has no room to escape, but can only be forced to defend.

He quickly curled his body, reducing the area under attack, while dispatching the wind group armor covering the body, focusing in advance on the trajectory of several Maimani flying.

A total of 4 Maimangs hit his body.

To be precise, it hit him on the condensed wind mass arranged in front of him in advance.

“bang bang ……!”

The collision of black mind and the wind group still caused a violent explosion.

There were 4 bursts in close proximity, immediately blowing out the strong wind.

Although it was only slightly injured, it was covered in dirt.

Seeing the collision of black mental force with the wind mass again, Luo’s eyelids drooped, realizing that remote means could no longer be used.

Because the gale is not the weak, and has enough power to deal with long-range attacks.

This is the second, and most importantly, the long-range attack consisting of black mentality can at most only trigger a serial explosion.

The explosion of formidable power alone is actually very strong, but it can only cause a little damage to the gale, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is useless.

In addition, black mental power is used a little bit, even if you use it with great care, you have to use ideas.

“You can only find a way to be close and then … a critical strike.”

Between thought changes, Luo converged on black thoughts, turned offense into defense, and concentrated his thoughts on his feet.

Then he flew out like a ghost.


Luo’s sudden speed made Liefeng’s heart shake slightly.

Unlike Luo, Gale has the potential energy to support his extravagance.

Eyes at Luo speeded up so suddenly that the gale conditionally released many wind masses, blocking all the trajectories of Luo.

As the number of wind masses increases, so does the formidable power.

Seeing the gale’s response, Luo thought lightly paused and thought of something.

“When did I … abandon the Mind Power battle to win?”

“When did you start … accustomed to meet force with force?”

“Is it because the enemies we met have exaggerated energy after coming to the dark continent?”

Suddenly a glimmer of light appeared in Luo’s eyes.

He suddenly laughed.

The black power flowing in the body, like starlight, converged on his palm.


black mind is spattered like a raindrop pear.

For a moment, it was difficult to count the needle-shaped black thoughts, galloping away, turning into the Shape Transformation state in the air, and turning into a sheet of film, covering many wind masses from the attack.

Between that moment, the wind mass covered by the black film exploded one after another.

The air wave pushing forward, rolling a lot of smoke and dust, moved towards the position where the gale was swept away.

Luo’s body protruded into the smoke and dust, and then used [Absolutely], which closed the fine pores perfectly, hiding the breath in the smoke and dust.

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