Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1228

Foreign body evolution refers to the forced integration of life with external things. It requires not only strong mentality, but also long-term cultivation and transformation.

From the process to the end, success is life, failure is death.

The success rate and time are determined according to the nature and similarity of the [external thing], but there is no clear value in it. Once it is decided to use foreign matter to evolve, it is equal to luck.

If the base of a group is large enough, you can frequently perform [foreign body evolution], as long as it can succeed, it is equivalent to creating a Bloodline seed.

Since ancient times, how many humans have given up trying to [foreign body evolution], how many humans have fallen on the way of [foreign body evolution], and the humans that finally stand out are coming through the Corpse Mountain Blood Sea.

They walked the long road made of blood and bones, then continued Strength to the next generation, and finally achieved the humanoid group.

The gale is a well-known figure among them, and the evolutionary foreign body they choose is an ore capable of storing life strength.

In the eyes of many creatures who know this thing, this ore is like a time bomb, or a mine, and it explodes at the touch of a button.

Because, this kind of ore will store life strength uncontrolled internally, and once they are shocked by foreign objects, the life strength stored inside will burst.

The creatures who are familiar with this kind of ore have no idea how to use it. Only a group of human beings have a whimsical wish to integrate this ore into the body and transform it into their own Strength, which is the origin of the gale.

After the fusion, and after a long period of potential evolution, the Gale family successfully merged the ore and successfully continued the Bloodline. Not only that, in the long evolution, the family also overcome the shortcomings of the ore and turned to the advantages .

The ore that grows and grows together with the body will increase the storage capacity of life strength as the volume increases.

Therefore, the gale has a trait, that is, the older the members, or the larger the members, the stronger the strength that can be driven.

They have overcome the shortcomings of ore exploding, optimized the advantages of ore’s ability to store life strength, and mastered how to release energy storage.

This is the benefit of [foreign body evolution].

In the eyes of a few people in the gale, Dong Fulishi is also a beneficiary of [foreign body evolution]. The black scales and strong defense power that grow on the body are the proof.

“Toughened film, it’s up to you.”

The gale slowly opened double-handed, and the turbulent thoughts turned into sharp winds, hovering quickly around his body.

Tempered film 2 didn’t say anything, rushed to Dong Fuli, not at all because he was easily cut off his arm by Dong Fuli before.


looks at the toughened membrane to charge, Gale turned his head and glanced at Dick.

“The risk level is 5 stars.”

Tick ​​was holding a card, facing the gale.

“Are 5 stars … Let’s meet 5 stars for the first time.”


Just after the gale, the deafening sound of the protrusions inside the cave was caused by the tempered membrane with an angry expression of Kongou and the meeting force with force from Dong Fuli.

The rest of the class are looked towards the toughened film and the battle circle where Dong Fulisi is fighting.

Akali Cao Cao stopped the blood on the wound, and immediately turned into a streamer, went to the edge of the battle circle, and sought for support opportunities.

Another person with a weak sense of presence also stepped forward, pinpointed the gap, and was ready to support the tempered film at any time.

On the court, only the strong wind and Tick were far away from the war.

Dick looks at the card in his hand and whispered: “We are indeed the first 5-Star level risk card, so the battle loss rate may be more than 50% Gundam.”

“50%.” The strong air-cooled condensation looked at Dong Fulisi, which gradually suppressed the tempered film, said solemnly: “His strength is worthy of this high risk.”

“Yes,” Tick sighed, helplessly said: “My star card was born to avoid risk, but every time I use it, most of them are forced to face the risk.”

The gale was speechless and controlled the wind group transformed by the mind, and its eyes reached the East Fuli in the battle circle.

His ability is to transform the mental nature into a sharp shape, which can be given to the wind group, the shape of the sword, and even the shape of a hammer.

As long as the spiritual force is more concentrated, the transformed mind becomes sharper.

In other words, he can accumulate Strength slowly, and then release a brain.

In the gale, the stronger members have the right to speak. Gale’s body is far inferior to the toughened film, but he can be the leader of the team because of his ability to accumulate momentum.

Although the gale can store the amount of mental power beyond imagination in the body ore, but like the number of human fine pores, the amount that can be released each time has a fixed value.

Unlike strong winds, his ability is to charge through stability and then release attacks that exceed the upper limit of the value.

This ability is very suitable for the characteristics of his family.

Therefore, he is not good in size to be able to serve as Captain of this team.

As long as the enemy does not know his ability, then he can use his teammate’s assistance to launch a fatal blow to the enemy after the accumulation is completed.

The gale was gaining momentum. Tick originally intended to go into the war circle to do something, but in case of 10000, he stayed near the gale, after all, there were a few people around.

Even if the ugly-looking human being is nothing but a loach, there is no threat. Actually, the sphere that is a bit like [ancient creation] is worth being vigilant.

While Dick was guarding the gale, he looked at the situation in the circle.

The toughened film that lost an arm was suppressed by fiercely, and although Akali was injured, the Attack Power showed no sign of decline, but even so, she failed to make a success in multiple sneak attacks.

As for the other companion, he also frequently attacked, but not only was Dong Fuli’s defense astounding, but his response was also dazzling.

“As long as the situation is stabilized, such as a strong wind, it is sufficient. However, is the tempered film the greatest risk of death …”

Tick ​​thought silently, and suddenly the card in his hand slowly became hot.

“Changes in risk?”

Tick’s eyes changed slightly and he immediately raised his hand and looked towards the card.

I saw the dazzling red light on the edge of the card, and the two stars that had been dim and dull lit up in vain.

“7, 7 stars … gale!”

Tick ​​said in a panic.

Hearing Tick’s panic, the gale’s momentum was stagnant, and his face was slightly ugly.

Tick ​​couldn’t control that many anymore. Holding the card, he panicked, “The wind and risk have become 7 stars.”


The gale heard a shock and almost turned over halfway, so that Strength, which had been difficult to accumulate, was retracted into the ore.

Just when they were surprised and puzzled, a burst of 2 colorful rays of light passed by them behind.

Suddenly, the two of them turned and looked towards the light curtain, simultaneously discolored.

The imprisoned light curtain containing the Strength of Rule is melting like Haruyuki, and …

“How dare you …!”

The gale glared with angrily eyes, looking at the black mind full of energy, each mentioning a group of Luo in each hand.

Those two groups are not his elder soul, but who can they be?

“Know what it means to never turn over forever? That’s it.”

Luo didn’t even care about the problem of language barriers. His expression was extremely cold. In the face of the strong wind and Tick, he tore the two thought groups apart and slowly sucked into the white smoke space.

Si si !

The chanting group hissed in despair.

When the gale caught sight, a violent killing intent erupted suddenly, and the wind mass that circled around him also grew several times in an instant.

That surging momentum was to let Jin He Siji, who had just come out of the light curtain, back out a few steps, but Luo, who was enveloped in black thought, was completely unaffected.

After seeing the gale’s response, Luo further confirmed the importance of the two chanting groups in their hands and their origin.

“The thought group released by the restorer after his death represents the soul of a certain creature, but no matter how powerful you were during your lifetime, after death you can only be absorbed by me … food.”

Luo flashed a lot of information in his mind, connected in an instant, and then became clear.

After the death of the soul-controlling restorer, the rosary that flew from the pages of the book, and one of them rushed to the rosary that was left after the death.

He knew that these meditation groups who broke free from the imprisonment of the restorers would find ways to resurrect and regenerate, and the rosary that was left over from ancient creations was one of them.

The most important thing in this hole is the rosary.


Luo looks at raging wind, but dare not to act blindly without thinking, the sneer on his face is even worse.

The desperate hissing of the Nantuan soul, and even the aura where the gale could not continue to hide, could not help but stop the battle on the East R & F side.

In this brief moment, the eyes of all the people present were all over the ensemble in the hands of Luo.

“That human being dares !!!”

The toughened film clenched the teeth, and several blood arrows splattered from the lips of Kakuzu.

He mobilized the mental power in the ore to maximize the impact on East Fuli, and then rushed to the gale regardless of the result, as well as the other two humanoids participating in the battle.

East Ricoh casually resisted the attack of the lower tempered film, and immediately looked towards Luo, who was holding two strands of thought, with an expression of interest on his face.

“That group is a grudge left over after death, but if it is a powerful species before life, it can retain the soul and consciousness, and thus seek the possibility of rebirth. Normally, if a creature of life strength Such grievances may become ‘stand-ins’. “

Dong Fuli’s eyes narrowed.

The “substitute” statement in the words is similar to the ghost in the ghost rumor, of course, the essence of the meaning is slightly different.

“So, that person is Luo you said?”

This sentence was spoken to the skeleton man who had already walked around.

“Well, but he gave me the feeling before, far less scary now.”

Skeletons converged into the coldness of the mind, and instead cautiously looked at the number of minds of the East Ricoh body.

Although he supported a wave, he was watching the game more often, so it is clear that the apparent strength of Dong Fulix has been reduced a lot during the battle, and it is not a “zero shot” to bear the many human attacks. No injuries. “

“That Strength is your nemesis.”

Dong Fulisi glanced down at the skeleton man.

Skeletons are speechless. What’s the truth?

The five groups of people held together, but in terms of standing, they happened to be pinched back and forth.

However, at this moment they have no intention to think about it.

“Gust, we have to do something!”

The tempered film stared at Luo angrily.

“Did you not see the 2 elders in the hands of that lower creature?”

Akali’s tone was filled with icy killing intent.

At this moment, the tempered film has no time to quarrel with Akali, directly tilted his head and looked towards a face full of angry wind, waiting for a response.

They knew the reason why the human being could control the “elder”, that is, the power of the new moon.

Can control and cause damage.

That’s why they refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases.

If that human being does not have the power of the new moon, then how can they stand still?

Humanoid refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, and dare not act to act blindly without thinking, but Luo did not intend to use this style to control the scene. The other’s anger.


Luo whispered to himself, full power activated the absorption capacity of the white smoke font.

The hissing of the soul of the Nantuan group came to an abrupt end, and it was so large that it was immediately sucked into Luo’s palm and disappeared without disappearing.

In the conscious space of the white smoke font, the black ability shua shua in the Energy slot is soaring.

The previous outbreak in the light curtain, although not a long time, caused Luo to waste 30% of Energy. After absorbing these two groups, Energy directly rose to 2%, which made Luo very surprised.

Seeingly at 2 “elders” disappeared, 5 humanoids were furious.

“courting death !”

The strip-shaped ore of the tempered membrane body suddenly burst out of vigor, stepped on it, and rushed to Luo suddenly.

Seeing this, Si Yanji realized the harp, and immediately struck and played, in one go.

The 7th tone of the sound, rush.

The sound of the piano turned into a group of blades, and it flew out in the air, chopped on the tempered film body, but they were shattered without success.

“Luo, we’re going to stay …”

Eyes at Stanley ’s most severe long-range offensive was crushed to pieces, and Kim Jong wanted to remind him, but saw Luo take the initiative to meet the toughened film coming from the charge.


Jin Yanmei, although knowing that Luo will not do things that are not sure, but that many of his teammates were seriously injured by humanoids, it is inevitable that Luo will take care of himself.

Thinking of this, King quickly motioned for Shuangji to retreat, and he also distanced himself, ready to use Mind Power to take Luo off the battlefield.

“Tempered film!”

Seeing that the tempered film lost its mind and rushed to the human who can use the power of the new moon, the gale’s eyes changed slightly, but there was no potential to stop the ability.

Akali left a cloud of smoke and followed it with a streamer.

Between the electro-optic flint, a curved thought wave condensed in front of the tempered membrane, covering him in front of him.


Among the thought waves, blood-stained lines appeared, exuding blood-reeking qi.

Facing the astonishing charge of the toughened membrane, Luo was not afraid, and mobilized the black thoughts without restraint, gathered in front of him, forming 9 thoughts like a fox tail.

[Sting of bees]

Luo controlled 9 long black tails, and suddenly stabbed at the tempered film body charged by the thunder.

Ka-cha !

The multiple stabs gathered at one point directly smashed the bloody thought wave in front of the tempered membrane.

Thought waves turned into fragments, flying around the trembling face of the tempered film.

The charge that came together was thus stopped.

Among the scarlet shards, a black silhouette approached quickly, but it was Luo.

He jumped up, came to the face of the tempered film, and then reached out his hand, pressed on the face of the tempered film, and used Lin Nie Sect’s soft power technique to inject black thought into the tempered film’s head.


The tempered film couldn’t understand the meaning of the short byte, and the consciousness was immediately extinguished by the black consciousness that burst from the eyes.


The tough body of the toughened film, and even the ore that is integrated with the **, all show a crack.

After a while, like leaked gas, countless black thoughts leaked from those cracks.

Ka-cha !

In this way, the tempered film was turned into fragments with no warning.

Luo converged and fell on the fragments of the toughened membrane body.

looks at this scene, Kim silently withdraws the ability.

“It’s so strong.”

This is a marvel from Skeletons.

Dong Fulisi frowned, surprised.

He had already faced the toughened membrane, and he knew the toughness of the toughened membrane. If it had not been a sneak attack before, it would not have been so easy to cut off an arm of the toughened membrane.

Look at at Toughened film turned into pieces of the ground, and all the remaining humanoids were extremely angry.

Even if that human being could use the power of the new moon, they totally did not expect that the tempered film would be so fragile.

Akali, who had been rushing to support, braked directly, 愣愣 looks at the ground from the debris of the tempered film.

This split second, their original superiority over humans, was completely trampled under their feet.

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