Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1226

Far Ancient Era, human footprints throughout the dark continent.

They rely on [imagination] to stand on the top of the pyramid, and because of the violent run of [imagination], they lead to self-destruction.

After falling from the cloud, the number of humans dropped sharply, and the intact layout instantly shattered into puzzles.

In order to survive, humans began to seek shelter. During that long journey, humans were like rootless duckweed, and Strength kept going backwards.

In the end, after a screening like billing waves washing the sand, a handful of humans have survived and struggled to survive on the dark continent.

There is going to the underground world, there is going to the land without the owner, there is going to the city of Yunding, there is going to the World Tree, and there is taking Noah’s Ark to Holy Land …

apart from this, also humans who have found a new direction of evolution, and they are humanoids today.

Get rid of the upper limit of the human race, evolve to a higher level, become faster and stronger, until you have a Strength that can survive on the dark continent.

Today, the number of human beings on the dark continent can be counted on one’s fingers, but humanoids are divided into several forces, falling on the east and west continents.

If Ranking the value of humanoids, there are 5 shares of humanoids that actually reach the qualifying line or higher, but only 2 shares of near-full marks.

One of them was [Black Stone. White Faced Man] whom they had encountered before. The force ranked second, and the other one ranked first, the gale.

Although ancient humans fell apart, they left a lot of [relics], distributed in 4 places on the dark continent.

In order to enhance the ethnic strength, humanoids usually do not settle in one place, but dangling on four places on the dark continent, looking for the treasures left by ancient humans.

But even for humanoids who have evolved to a higher level, there are many restricted areas that cannot be involved.

However, they usually mark and wait for the next suitable opportunity. As long as there is still hope, they will at all costs explore any forbidden zone that may have ancient human relics.

For them, every ancient human relic can add to the strength of the ethnic group, and it is self-evident.

Sometimes in order to compete for ancient human relics, they may even kill each other.

At this time, in the eyes of the gale, this inexplicable, top secret cut off the black robed man of the tempered film arm, is the humanoid who came here for the treasure.

However, for the time being, they do not know which force the black robed man came from, and it may also be a wanderer.

Generally speaking, solo people are wanderer without ethnic groups, and they are living alone without a place to live. It can be said that one person is full of the family, and the pressure of survival naturally need not be said. Compared with an ethnic group, it is lower.

“We have five.”

The gale looked coldly at the black robed man standing at the entrance, which directly explained his own numerical advantage.

If it is to deal with human beings, it is not a problem to let him reduce the number of enemies, but if it is to deal with powerful human beings, even if there are more enemies and less, as long as he can avoid the war, he will definitely choose to avoid the war.

This is a high priority and is sensible enough that there will not be any changes due to the toughened membrane being cut off by the sneak attack on the arm.

In fact, even the toughened membrane of the severed arm was not annoyed because he was clearly distinguished.

Hearing the words of the gale, the face of the black robed man hidden in the shadow was slightly swaying, as if to verify what the gale said, looking towards the situation on the field.

looks at black robed man A slightly weird gesture of silence, the gale frowning slightly, indifferently said: “Why, in order to compete for relics, you want to have fewer enemies?”

The black robed man heard the words and remained silent, and the patience on the gale’s side was fading away.

It wasn’t until the patience on the gale was about to die, the black robed man said, “I’m looking for someone.”

“Who are you looking for?”

The wind asked subconsciously.

The black robed man raised his hand and pointed at the light curtain, but exuded Rin’s mighty Luo.


He stared at Luo, his eyes flashing, as if he saw something rare.

Several people in the gale see the black robed man pointing at Luo who can use the power of the new moon, their faces are all changed, how can they be so stupid as to believe the words of the other party.

From their stand to think, they can only guess that the other party came for the relics here, but suddenly changed their name due to the power of the new moon.

“It seems that there is nothing to say.”

The gale body erupted in vain, in contrast to other people.

Originally, they wanted to steal the relics while the restorer was away, but did n’t expect to encounter more valuable space abilities, let alone think of the possibility of encountering the new moon that is worth more than space abilities. force.

And a jackal wolf wants to steal food from the lions?

The gale was truly unreserved and exerted its utmost effort, and the apparent voluminous energy gathered together suddenly shocked the temporarily conscious Tonpa, Nick, and Uvogin.

Even in the calm moments before, in this brief moment is not calm.

Because of the arrival of the black robed man and being ignored by humans, I really don’t know if it should be fortunate or sad.

“This is an opportunity …”

Nick glanced at Uvogin, who straightened his upper body, his eyes flashed slightly, and then he quietly turned to Buha who fell unconscious in the distance.

When he secretly moved his footsteps, not at all realized that the legs that he was swinging in the past were so calm in this brief moment.

The humanoid was attentive by the black robed man teleportation, and Tonpa was also fortunate to get out of the battle. Seeing Nick’s move, he quietly retracted his eyes and turned back slowly, leaning against the light curtain.

2 When tigers fight, there will be a wound.

But for food, no matter what kind of results are coming, the end is the same.

Therefore, they should take this opportunity to find a chance of life …

Humanoids noticed Tonpa’s actions, but didn’t care.

Compared to this, what is more important is the human being who is not weak right now.

The toughened membrane controlled the muscles on the arm, tightened to stop the blood, and then stared coldly at the black robed man.

Although it was a sneak attack, he didn’t realize where the attack came from until the moment his arm was cut.

With this alone, the tempered film is very clear about the strength of the black robed man.

If you want to fight hard, your side will inevitably be damaged.

However, there is only one other person in the end, no matter which one of them will sacrifice, as long as they can ensure victory, it is enough.

Grave expression gradually appeared on the face of the black robed man in response to the apparent energy of the five humans.

“Come out and help.”

He said suddenly.

The language used is different from what it was just now, and it is the language that Luo understands.


There was a sound of bone collision in the passage.

A concrete skeleton man came out of the passage. If there is meat on his face, he must be reluctant at this time.

looks at that skeleton man, the eyes of the humans are slightly gazed.

Tonpa was dumbfounded.

“Skeleton …”

Within the light curtain, Luo, who had almost calmed down, was surprised at the skull skeleton that looked at.

“Well, it’s a long story.”

The skeleton man cautiously glanced at the black robed man.

“By the way, he is Dong Fuli.”


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