Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1224

Luo watched at Uvogin, Nobunaga, and Bu Haju fall, and couldn’t do anything.

Now Machi is also in danger and can’t do anything about it.

Time and senses become extremely slow in an instant, and even the little shimmering shape on the light curtain can be clearly seen.

If time goes one second ahead, the next picture is absolutely cruel.

Luo didn’t want to see it.

But the stagnant time finally recovered.

Suddenly, the dark rays of light appeared in Luo’s eyes, and even his whole body, stirred up and debuted with black thought, shattering the light curtains inserted in his body.

Silently, as if you could hear the sound of glass breaking.

The mirror-smooth light curtain simultaneously shattered, and Luo was given brief freedom.


Freed from the shackles of the light curtain, Luo manipulated his mind and used [Instant], his body disappeared from the scattered light curtain fragments.

However, many light curtains that were not affected by the black thoughts rushed to the route broken by Luo in vain.

Suddenly, countless light curtains were shattered by the black mind, but Luo’s figure also fell out of it. As the black mind buffered, the continuously produced light curtain was embedded in his body again.


Luo didn’t even care about the Energy tank that was passing by.

At this point, he just wanted to break out of the light curtain and rescue all his teammates.

Unfortunately, black mentality can help him shatter the light curtain. However, the number of light curtains is endless, and they are continuously produced. He is trapped in the quagmire with an absolute advantage in quantity.

Beyond the light curtain, the gale suddenly looked at Luo, who was releasing black power in the light curtain. An incredible expression appeared on his face. In contrast, the two ensembles clinging to his shoulders were also due to some emotion. There were dramatic waves.

“New Moon … No, how could a human being have the power of the dead?”

The gale could hardly hide the shock and confusion in its tone.

“Wait, please don’t …”

Suddenly, the gale complexion changed, raising his hand to stop the two [elders] on his shoulders.

However, it was too late.

The two chanting groups originally attached to the strong wind’s shoulders exuded a sense of greed that was substantive, and volleyed towards Luo enveloped in black consciousness.

They broke into the light curtain in this way, and within a few meters, they were controlled to move even a little bit by several light curtains.


The sense of greed on the reading group faded like a tide.

The gale silently retracted its outstretched hand and sighed in his heart.

When this happens, the gale can’t complain about the irrationality of the two [elders], because they remain in the world in the form of [life strength], in other words, the soul form.

Without the package of **, the soul will become more reckless, or more extreme.

When greedy, it will be extreme.

It can also be extreme when angry.

This is not that the souls can choose on their own, but that they must have some kind of emotion with the ultimate obsession as the carrier in order to survive in the form of mental power.

The ultimate, in itself, is a Strength that cannot be ignored.

The gale can understand why the two [elders] were so impulsive, because the human being released … the power of the new moon.

Not only the gale and the two groups were attracted by the black power released by Luo, running through the toughened film of Uvogin and Nick, watching the lively Tick, and the two types of people who were fighting Tonpa and He.

They all temporarily withdrew from the war, and they all looked towards Luo within the light curtain. Like the gale, their faces were full of incredible colors.

“This kind of thing … is it possible?”

They deeply looked at Luo, who was unable to move even a little bit in the light curtain. To be precise, it was the black mind that enveloped Luo body.

No wonder this group of humans can come here and open taboos.

After a moment of shock, the conversion was ecstatic.

Not to mention the “Zhongbao” hidden here, first a rare space ability, now also emerges only in the legendary new moon power!

“Ha, ha ha ha!”

The tempered film couldn’t help laughing out loud.

He thought it was worth the risk.

Although they are the strongest in this class of people, as long as they can get the power of the new moon, they can break the [defense force] and go to the new Heaven and Earth-Holy Land.

Except that the gale was calm, the rest of the people showed excitement and ecstasy, so that they temporarily ignored the precarious Machi.

In their opinion, Luo, who was trapped by the light curtain, was tantamount to being in trouble and could not escape.

In the light curtain, Luo made multiple breakouts and was invalid, but he wasted his black thoughts in vain.

The light curtain imprisonment imposed on his body seems to contain the necessary Strength of Rule. Even the black mind cannot be completely broken, and only a short period of freedom can be exchanged, so even the power of gold is helpless.

Luo was anxious, but forced himself to calm down.

If he messes up, the situation will only get worse.

“Calm down, calm down …”

Luo slightly converges on black mentality, looking towards the situation on the field.

Somehow the humanoid looked towards him, and the two chants that made him feel dangerous were similar to the chants that had run away from the soul repairer.

“If you extend your black mind …”

The inability to escape the light curtain imprisonment is the biggest problem at the moment.

If Luo wants to change the situation on the court, he can only leave the light curtain, but he can’t.

And now, the only opportunity that can be found is the two groups who rushed into the light curtain.

While the five humans did not take the next action, Luo released the black thoughts, gathered on the right hand, combined the characteristics of Emitter and the control system, and turned the black thoughts into a line, passing through the light curtain. Directly reach the 5 chanting groups also held by the light curtain.

The two groups noticed Luo’s thoughts and immediately became nervous.

At the same time, the five humans can naturally see this scene.

“final struggle.”

The wind was coldly snorted, his body flickered, and he came to Machi.

Although his arms were broken, Machi didn’t sit still, seeing the gale bullying and leaping back.

The gale came up later, stretched out a right hand, and pinched Machi’s neck precisely, and at the same time made Machi’s impulse to recede invisible.


In the light curtain, Luo was slightly shaken, and almost did not stabilize the control of black mental power.

Almost, almost!

Luo forcibly stabilized his mind, driving the thought line transformed by black thought, slowly and hardly leaning towards the closer thought group.

Also at this time, the gale was loudly shouted.

Luo abruptly stopped the manipulation of the black thought line, and saw that Machi was stunned by the strong wind, and the wound that stopped the blood with the thought line suddenly flowed a lot of blood, dripping to the ground.

The blustery expressionless looks at Luo, with a cruel expression on his face in vain, and the wandering thoughts around him also revealed the cold killing intent.

He suddenly didn’t want to leave Machi dead.

The black thought line controlled by Luo suddenly retracted to within the body.

Immediately afterwards, Luo body burst into a powerful black thought, even covering his angry and killing intent face.

The gale was lightly startled, and instantly realized that the human woman she controlled should be important to the human who has the power of the new moon.

However, he decided to kill the woman.

He looked indifferently at Luo, who was in a state of extreme anger, and his palm was trying hard, but he was empty.


The strong wind looked towards right hand, which also silhouette of Machi.

That’s it … disappeared out of thin air.

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