Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1208

In the complex and uncertain power system of the Dark Continent, the only people who can establish alliances are the gatekeepers.

As long as Gou is the starting point, the probability of success should not be low, and as the relationship deepens, I hope to use the strength of [Fire Tree Silver Flower].

That could be … an opportunity to get on the World Tree.

“Allied …”

Goo looking towards Luo’s eyes became more complicated.

Cooperation and alliance are different.

Previously shared goals, so partnerships can be built.

what about now?

From her standpoint, the first response was impossible.

However, the importance of the black cat and Luo’s ability make it difficult for Gou to veto it immediately.

“I am unable to help Lord.”

After a while, Gu gave an answer.

She is not a patriarch of the gatekeepers, so naturally she cannot negotiate with Luo on behalf of the gatekeepers.

But she chose to answer it enough to make Luo see her potential wishes.

Luo split second has a judgement. It is not sad to know the Gu level. The most important thing is to let the people in charge of the gatekeepers agree.

“Although you can’t be the master, you can convey your will for me. Furthermore, I think you have enough say. If you also tend to form alliances, you must play a great role in this matter.”

As soon as the words fell, Luo summoned the book and took out Gu’s heart from it.

Gu’s gaze didn’t go to the heart by teleportation. I saw that Luo was controlling his mind, sending the heart through the air, and falling gently in front of his eyes.

Attribution, and allowing her to read important information, are undoubtedly Luo expressing sincerity and letting her nature slowly lean towards one side, but she still has difficulty making a decision.

If at the suggestion of Luo, and then withdraw her heart, she would have to leave here to find the Red Shadows.

That way, you can no longer mate with the black cat.

Seeing that Goo was still hesitant, Luo asked calmly, “Why, can’t this let you worry about it? Or, do you not at all the will of the alliance?”

Goo silent, and said, “I can convey the willingness to align with Red Shadow for you, but I have one condition.”

“What conditions?”

Luo is good at others, and everyone else is expressionless looks at Go. In their opinion, Luo has shown great sincerity, and Go has to continue to raise the conditions, it is inevitable that he has to go a little bit.

“I need to conceive a child before conveying the Alliance’s wishes.”

Gu said calmly the condition content.


Everyone, including Luo and Black Cat, was stunned, and completely didn’t expect that would be the case.

Guru’s calm and indifferent expression made people doubt that what she said was not what she said at all.

Luo groaned, then glanced at the black cat, and the latter sent a double-handed in favor.

“I agree to this condition.”

“it is good.”

Gou paused, said in a weird tone, “But aren’t you afraid to let the tiger return to the mountain?”

As he said, Gu raised his hand and clicked on the small notebook with important information recorded.

“I think you will make the right choice.”

Luo slightly smiled, drove the mind and sucked the small book into the air.

If he dares to do this, he will not be afraid,

If you can win it once, you will naturally have the confidence to win the second time.

If the gatekeepers do not have [Fire Tree Silver Flower], Luo will impossibly treat them in an equal position.

Similarly, it is because of [Fire Tree Silver Flower] that Luo will have other thoughts.

Goo no longer talked to Luo nodded, and asked Nobu to take her to the room with the black cat.

The dinner on the side of Bhajan was almost ready, but Luo didn’t keep it, and motioned to Nobu to follow suit.

In this way, Nobu sent Goo and the black cat to separate rooms and let them continue to make children.

As long as Gu successfully conceives a child, he can serve as a mission and convey the Alliance’s wishes to other people in the gatekeeper family.

This matter is quite significant for Luo.

Unless they can capture an ancient large appliance from a humanoid, otherwise, they have to put [possibility] on the [fire tree silver flower] of the gatekeepers.

After Gou and Black Cat went to the separate room, the people in the team expressed their concerns. There were only a few, and they always trusted Luo’s decisions and choices unconditionally.

Relatively sane, it is naturally better than Siji and Laobai.

“Luo, why do you think of allying with the gatekeepers?”

“Because of the fire tree silver flower, that may be the only one way for us to get on the World Tree.”

“Then we just grab it?”

Only Uvogin can say that.

Machi silently glanced at Uvogin, and sitting at Uvogin side Nobunaga was quite helpless.

The horror of large appliances was clearly recognized by everyone present.

If you want to use powerful means to seize large appliances, unless the target gives the opportunity, otherwise it is difficult to connect, let alone seize.

“Hard grab is too difficult and the risk is not small.” Luo shook the head towards Uvogin.

“But just let go and go back to the same race with the information, is there a great risk?” Old Bai Worriedly said.

“It’s inevitable, but with our ability, we can minimize the risk.”

Luo looked around his teammates. With the lessons learned from the Hunters Association team and Biyangde team, Luo thinks that this team can be called the strongest human being.

If he was left alone to face the risks, he would still be a bit vain, but there are many strong men in the team, which can give him great confidence.

Everyone glanced at each other. Although Luo was very confident in them, the members who could play a significant role in the real danger, that is, King, Shuangji, and Bisji.

The words of others are more functional.

However, Luo has said so, so how can they persuade.

At this moment, Bu Hazhen came over with fragrant meals.

After waiting for almost 2 hours, dinner was finally prepared.

Luo didn’t know if everyone else was hungry, anyway, he was going to starve to death anyway.

“Eat before talking.”

The food quickly came to the table, and the scent of stomach worms filled the room.

Baha’i’s cooking skills have been greatly improved in recent years, looming momentum over Luo.

In fact, before boarding the dark continent, all the food in the team was basically in charge of Budha. It was natural that he progressed amazingly among the various rare ingredients.

Luo was so hungry that he gorged himself.

Originally, I wanted to talk while eating, but after I started talking, I thought I’d eat enough before talking.

Luo That strong wind scattering the last clouds, like eating Speed, could not help but bring up the speed of others.

A large table was swept away in less than ten minutes. At least half of it was eaten by Luo.

Luo contentedly wiped her mouth with a napkin and put out a breath.

“Well, let’s go straight to the topic.”

Luo put down her napkin and looked towards the very weak presence.

He noticed Luo’s gaze, his heart was a little startled, and his face seemed to be calm.

“Well, how about being my weapon?”

Luo smiled.


Uncle suddenly opened his eyes and was at a loss.

Looking at others, it was no surprise.

Through the recorded information, they probably know the identity and location of the uncle.

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