Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1206

Without hesitating for too long, Luo decided not to touch the black and white memory for the time being.

Thoughts came out of the white smoke font space, Luo straightened his upper body and glanced at the infusion tube in his hand.

He didn’t know how long he slept, but since his teammates inserted an infusion tube, he should have slept for a long time.

Unplugging the infusion tube directly, Luo got out of bed, used his ability to clean himself, and walked towards the wall of the room.

Between walking, I realized the spare key of the 4-dimensional apartment that Energy was about to run out, pinched in my palm.

He came to the wall and used the key to open the door to the largest room.

Then, walking into the door, the vision instantly switched to the largest room in the apartment.

At this time in the afternoon and early evening, the people in the team basically gathered in this largest room. They noticed that the door suddenly appeared, and Luo who suddenly came out of the door opened, all froze.

Machi reacted as soon as possible, a few flashes, rushed to Luo, slightly nervous eyes, swept around Luo’s body.

“I am fine.”

Luo gently embraced Machi into his arms, pats her back, and immediately let go, looking towards the many teammates who were approaching him.

Gazes passed over the body of his teammates, and finally fell on the uncle’s body.

It seems that during this period of deep sleep, I was very honest.

However, I didn’t see the black cat and goo, aren’t they 2 still making children?

“Luo, you’re awake.”

Lao Bai walked closer and looked at Luo’s looks up and down. Until now, he could not be sure if the ability to use Luo was effective.

Luo was nodded to Lao Bai, and immediately looked at the puppet who came with Si Jiji.

Before he slept, he handed the puppet to Sturgeon, and the latter did it with due diligence.

I want to come, I will be so honest, part of the credit comes from Si Ji Ji.

“GuLu GuLu …”

The sound came from Luo’s belly.

The crowd looked towards Luo’s belly.

“Boss, I’ll get something to eat.”

Bu Haji volunteered to run to the kitchen.

Before Luo had time to respond, Bu Hayu had already run away.

“Let’s have a meal, and by the way, hold a seminar. Do you all know the information about the restorer and ancient humans?”

Luo’s eyes moved away from Buha’s body and fell on the body of everyone.

What we get from memory chanting is not just the information of the restorer. It is necessary to discuss it in depth.


Everyone has no objections.

During the more than a month that Luo had been sleeping, they had kept the information of the restorer in their heads.

Until now, whenever you think of the restorer, with it comes the powerful 2 words.

At the same time, there is one thing they are more worried about, which is some kind of connection between the restorers. In general, it may be memory sharing. Otherwise, Luo impossible to get that many from one restorer body is related to other restorers. Intelligence.

In other words, the death of one repairer is very likely to be detected by other repairers.

“Nob, help me charge the spare key first.”

Luo suddenly thought that there was little [electric power] left in the spare key, but he simply threw the key directly to Noble, who took the key and immediately started charging.

The method is very simple, that is, the potential gas volume is injected into the spare key. Generally, all the potential gas volume is injected into a single charge.

A group of people went directly to the table and took their seats, even the puppets as outsiders.

It ’s almost dinner time when Buha has prepared the food, and everyone eats together, and then exchange information about the restorer and ancient humans.

Luo took a glass of boiled water from Machi and drank it, moisturizing his dry throat and esophagus.

“How long have I slept?”

“45 days.”

Machi puts water in the cup.


Luo was a bit surprised. Although she knew that she had slept for a short period of time, 45 days was a bit long.

Thinking of this, he looked towards Noble, and asked, “Is the entrance to the apartment eliminated?”

Nobu was charging the spare key at this time, but that kind of thing didn’t need to be attentive. After hearing Luo’s problem, Kaidou immediately said: “there is still one is being resolved, and it is expected to take about ten days.”

Luo nodded, touch the chin pondered: “It took a long time this time.”

That’s because you get a spare key …

Nob had a slight mouth, but still didn’t deliberately explain why.

After all, Luo’s use at that time was so amazing to him.

As the original creator, Luo didn’t realize it. He thought that it would take about ten days to leave the place, so maybe he could absorb a few more memory thoughts.

However, I ca n’t touch too much this time. I can only do it step by step, otherwise I will trigger the bottom line of [repercussions], and I will have to delay here for about 50 days.

However, this is something to consider later.

Luo thoughtful expression.

After about 30 minutes, Nobu has 30% of the potential energy in the body, and he has already charged the spare key with electricity. After all, his body carries a new Nitolomy that can continue to restore his mind.

Taking the key that Nobu handed over, Luo got up and said, “I’ll call the black cat.”

“Is this okay, bother their romantic couple’s world.”

“They must be doing things now.”

The voice is Uvogin and Nobunaga.

Luo shook his head slightly, and decisively opened the door to the room where Black Cat and Goo were.

As soon as they entered the room, as Uvogin Nobunaga said, the black cat and Goo were mating. In order to create a child, it was open all year round.

Seeing Luo suddenly come in, the black cat shivered and jumped from the body of Goo.

“Can’t you knock on the door before you come in!”

The black cat touched an important part without any trace, and immediately complained at looks at Luo.

Compared with the fierce response of the black cat, Gou’s character is obviously stronger than Serene, and he seems to look very light on this matter.

Her ideas and stances have changed. The mating with the black cat is for the continuation of the race. She no longer resists, and she doesn’t think there is anything.

Luo ignored the black cat and glanced over Gu’s body like electricity.

“It looks like I’m not pregnant.”


Goo voice low.

In 45 days, she had mated with the black cat several times, but she failed to conceive once. The odds of winning the bid were pitifully low.

However, she would not be discouraged.

Because what she lacks most is time.

As long as you are sure you can conceive, no matter how long it takes.

Besides, the restorer who is in charge of the soul and life and death has been beheaded by Luo and has an excellent fertility environment.

Luo didn’t say much, just glanced at the black cat.

What do you see me do! !! !!

It didn’t matter to me that I didn’t let Go’s pregnant! !! !!

The black cat opened his silver eyes.

Luo shrugged, pointed to the door, and said, “Come over here and talk about the restorer after dinner.”

Having said that, he should walk through the door first and go to the largest room in the apartment.

The black cat felt helpless, and honestly followed.

Seeing this, they can only get up and temporarily suspend the race continuation plan.

After a while, Goo and Black Cat took their seats.

Luo went over to Budha, and after confirming that he did not need to help, he also learned that it would take more than an hour to prepare dinner.

Back at the table, Luo took a seat.

He looks at everyone, calmly said: “The information that Xiao Na wrote down actually only accounted for 20% of the total. The remaining information, I ca n’t extract it in a short time, because you saw it, I extracted 20%. I slept for 45 days. “

“What intelligence?”

The black cat said blankly.

Everyone looked towards him and goo.

By the way, these two have been making children in the room …

Bruna took out the small book, controlled the tentacles, and handed it to the black cat.

The black cat looks at the small book in front of his eyes. After thinking about it for a while, he raised the cat’s claws and pushed the small book forward. Seriously, “You go on, don’t worry about me.”

What a joke, who’s uc book league.


Gou patted the black cat’s hand, took the small book back, opened it and browsed.

After reading a page quickly, Gu’s expression changed slightly.

These materials …

She could not help looking up, looked towards Luo.

I have to say that Luo, as a human being, is always refreshing her cognition.

Perhaps, as long as Luo has extracted all the memory information, it is estimated that she will become more aware of the restorer and ancient humans than she is.

Gu’s attention refocused on the small book and quickly looked at the information written on it.

“Double thinking …”

What makes Goo more concerned is the reason why ancient humans were powerful.

Her ability is similar to that of a black cat, which can be smoky and make her body bigger …

And these abilities all originated from the ancient man’s creation based on the [double thought].

It’s easy to read and understand, but doing it is another matter.

If you can master the concept of “dual thinking” as well as ancient humans, then by virtue of the physical advantages inherent to the Demon Beast family, it will definitely become a stronger existence than ancient humans.

By that time, the footprints of her family will most likely spread throughout the continent.

Goo’s body suddenly exuded a hint of breath.

The imagination of the bright future made her mood a little out of control, so she couldn’t control her breath.

The eyes of the crowd gathered involuntarily in Goo’s body.

Even though he noticed everyone’s eyes, Gu still continued to browse the information in the small book.

Jin slightly frowned, looked towards Luo, with the meaning of asking.

Luo gestured with his eyes to relax Jin.

In terms of identity and position, Goo is an outsider, even an enemy.

In this way, Luo gave the information to Gu for free. In nature, it can be said that he was an enemy.

Even more how, among those information, contains important information about why ancient humans were powerful.

Gou’s reading comprehension and memory are very good. In less than half an hour, he wrote down all the information.


She put down her small book and stared directly at Luo.

The value of this information is self-evident, so she wonders why Luo let her read all the information for free.

As for the true and false information, she can still tell.

“We have common obstacles.”

Luo double-handed contradictory, calm tone.


Goo’s expression was also very calm.

“Restorers and humanoids.”

“I don’t deny it, but you from Holy Land are also an obstacle for us.”

“Is it … this has always been my doubt. In terms of overall strength and threats, we are far worse than repairers and humanoids?”

“Your overall strength and threat are indeed inferior to those of repairers and humanoids, but you have a potential and qualities that no creature can easily ignore, and … an endless amount of ** and Evil Thought.”

After hearing the gossip, everyone in this room couldn’t help but look at each other in blank dismay.

This is a serious prejudice against the words of individuals, but they cannot contradict the words of the entire human group. Special is based on their understanding of the ancient human Power System. And Evil Thought can make a difference.

Extreme thoughts and emotions are the key to the [dual imagination] realm.

Luo does not deny that human beings do have the potential and qualities in this area. As long as they are given the opportunity, they may become the hegemons of the dark continent, and even turn the dark continent into a huge 6 continent.

But if he is realistic, he thinks this possibility is pitifully low.

Normally, as long as a certain devastating disaster that can be targeted at humans is dropped to the 6 continents, then humans can basically declare gg.

Randomly comparing any kind of race on the Dark Continent, humans on the 6 continent can only be beaten, and the population base is meaningless in the face of absolute overwhelming power.

If it were n’t for the restorer in charge of [defense] to separate the 6 continents from the dark continents, so that their waters do not violate the river, and not to mention the powerful races of the dark continents, just those who have been expecting to go to Holy Land Is enough to destroy humanity.

Luo is well aware of the relationship, so he sees restorers and human-like obstacles as opposed to enemies.

Only when the restorer and the humanoid provoked them can the relationship be switched to the enemy.

Once he becomes an enemy, Luo will not flinch, but no matter what he will become in the future, he will never deal with the [remaining defender].

Compared to other repairers who control various fields, kill and kill, but [Shoulder Repairer] is different.

It is a true umbrella for the humans of the 6 continents. Without its existence, not to mention the dark continent, the giant Demon Beasts that are active in the dark seas and the airspace above it are enough to have a devastating blow to the humans of the 6 continents.

The information on the [defender of the defender] is as small as one or two sentences. Luo also thought that those plants or other things with the [defender of the defender] may be created by the [defender of the defender]. of.

The Great Wall located on the imaginary continent … also has the meaning of guarding the border.

Thoughts seemed too far away.

Luo shook her head slightly and stopped thinking about those.

He looks at the cat face showing human nature Spirit Transformation, calmly said: “You overestimate us.”

Goo silent.

Luo continued: “I know that your gatekeepers have never thought of entering the 6 continents. Based on this, we have the possibility of forming an alliance.”

Gatekeepers, restorers, humanoids, disasters …

Multiple forces are gathered together to form a very complex network of relationships.

Who will be whose enemy or target, but the enemy without the so-called enemy is the relationship of friends.

In this complex network, beings other than themselves are enemies, and this position applies to every force.

Even so, Luo still believes that they may cooperate with the gatekeepers because the gatekeepers are not interested in the 6 continents.

The reason to establish an alliance with the gatekeepers is not to fancy Gu’s strength, but to the ancient large-scale appliance held by the gatekeepers-Fire Tree and Silver Flower.

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