Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1201

Disaster came before everyone knew it.

It came quietly but set off a heaven overflowing giant wave.

Giles silent looks at Jin Kerry in [Frozen Age], with heavy eyes.

As long as the power is disconnected, the tubular nutrition silo will lose its freezing effect. After the temperature rises, Jin Kerry’s life in the infant state will go backwards, as if time back happened to his body alone.

From middle age to youth, then teenagers, then children, then babies …

This is the disaster suffered by Jin Kerry. However, the retrogression of life does not stop at the baby. It also retrogresses to the embryo that is not fully developed, and finally becomes the most primitive form invisible to human naked eyes.

It’s also like … disappearing out of thin air.

At present, 600,000 people have been transported to the imaginary continent under the scourge of this unknown disaster.

The coastal city that was originally built has long become the empty city of Death Aura.

The unknown disaster, like a plague, spread to the area where humans are located at an uncontrollable speed.

The prosperity that was developed with a lot of cheap labor collapsed in a short time.

A whole population of more than 50, 10000, said that it would be gone, and some also fled into the mountains and disappeared. With their overall survival skills, it is also a matter of time before they die in the mountains.

Among the survivors, the backbone of Kajin State and the elite teams of the Major Syndicate were all teleportation to the underground base built by Kajin State.

After struggling and experimenting for many months, those who have survived on the hypothetical continent have identified the shortcoming of the unknown disaster, which is freezing.

The ordinary person found by the disaster, no matter how old he is, will go back to the original state within 3 days, and then disappear on the World.

Only by freezing can we freeze that retrogression.

This measure is called by researchers-freezing age.

However, even if they had a way to stop the retrogression, they also controlled more than 100 frozen-aged specimens, but no matter what method the researchers took, they could not find any findings from the specimens.

That’s right, so far, they don’t even know what the [disaster] really is, let alone the way and style of transmission.

In front of the tubular nutrition silo, Giles stood quietly without disturbing the researchers who were walking around.

The disaster was brought back by them, and it is also a kind of disaster not recorded in the travel notes of the mainland, which is more difficult and uncontrollable than the five known disasters.

If this disaster is to flow to the 6 continents, the consequences will be unimaginable.

In fact, as for the possibility of the disaster going to the 6 continents, every senior person in the base is afraid to make a conclusion. In addition, it is not clear what the [disaster] itself is and the specific transmission channels, so, Will not leave the base with no difficulty.

At the very least, wait until researchers find out the true face of [disaster], otherwise, the risk of leaving the base is too great.

“I always don’t understand what it means for you to come here every day. The only thing I can say for sure is that you are annoying.”

Behind, suddenly an indifferent husky voice came.

Giles doesn’t need to look back. He also knows that the incoming person is one of the heads of the research group, named Sha Shi. He is a woman in her 50s who is still intact.

Without responding to Sha’s displeasing words, Giles remained standing.

Sha saw this, frowning, and soon relaxed again.

She thought Giles was annoying. Everyday came, but she couldn’t help.

However, even if she was unhappy, there was no way to get Giles, who would get her permission.

Shashi coldly snorted, walked over the instrument panel of the nutrition compartment, picked up his pen, and wrote down today’s monitoring information.

She writes Speed ​​very quickly, and writes down the text as if printed on a printer.

The rustling of the brush strokes on the paper could not help Giles into the memory.

He thought the disaster was brought back by them.

However, not to mention that the journey time from the dark continent to the imaginary continent took more than two months, and it took half a month from the coastline of the imaginary continent to the city built by Kakin.

However, during this three-month period, as an infected body, Jin Kerry did not produce any signs of “regression” on her body until she entered the city for many days. Instead, a group of elderly people first appeared. It became a middle age person overnight.

At first, people in the city thought that Gods Vestige was coming, but they did not know that it was the beginning of the disaster.

In less than a week, the rapid spread of the retrogression has directly evaporated 90% of the large population in the city.

It was also at that time that Jin Kerry’s body appeared strange, but the infected person would evaporate within 3 days, but Jin Kerry did not.

Moreover, his degraded Speed ​​is very slow, unlike the older person who becomes a middle age person overnight, and the middle age person becomes a youngster overnight.

Therefore, he degenerates into an infant state before being received one of the laboratory specimens.

In fact, the method of “freezing” to curb the “retrogression phenomenon” is also thanks to the special case of Jin Kerry.

Because the slow reverse speed gives researchers plenty of time, they can find a way to contain it.

“How long do you want to stay here?”

Shashi remembered the information. Giles, who looked a few heads higher than her, had a bad tone.

Giles came out of the memory, ignored Mr. Sha, and went directly to the moved towards exit.

Sha Shi looks at his back, slightly coldly snorted, and immediately put away the pen, looking at the blond baby in the nutrition room.


ngl autonomous country, eastern coastline.

A few kilometers from the coastline, a black shadow moored at the sea-sky junction.

The shadow stopped for about 5 days before it was discovered by a fishing boat in the past.

After seeing the appearance of the shadow, the fishermen on the fishing boat thought that they had encountered a huge black whale that was rare in 100 years. At first, the soul was almost lost, and when they saw the huge black whale, they did not move. , This is the courage to lean back to check.

Then they found a strange place and determined that the black behemoth was not a whale.

A few days later, news was interrupted in various parts of the new NGL autonomous country, and media from other continents and countries flocked.

The reason is that the black behemoth is exactly the bw made by Ka Jinuo.

NGL Confederacy, the city of Samoy.

A small 2-storey building with warm and sunny decoration.

Wheat sat cross-legged on a futon, holding a cup of hot tea in his hands.

At another position across a low table was Meru Aim, who was sitting very boldly.

At this time, the television was showing the picture of bw, accompanied by a pleasant female voice, reporting the news in real time.

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