Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1192

Falling in the hands of the black cat is bound to die.

Ran to Luo, anyway, there is a vitality.

But now it seems that no matter where you go, it is dead end.

The skeleton man lowered his body, hissing and begging for mercy.

No macho is more important than living.

However, the evil hand that was enough to destroy him finally fell.

Skeletons’ eyes were in despair.

To this day, the sky should not be called the earth.

That is to say, today is his death.

In despair, the skeleton man closed the red light.


After a while, the anticipated pain not at all arrived.

The Skeleton opened the red light in confusion, and saw that Luo had retracted his hand, and at the same time …

He suddenly looked towards the silver-haired woman under his feet, and with a little induction, he could feel that the silver-haired woman’s life was losing quickly.

It turned out that Luo’s target was just the silver-haired woman, not him.

Although he escaped, the skeleton did not relax. He knew that if he wanted to survive, he would have to pass Luo.

“Luo …”

The skeleton man cautiously called out Luo’s name, and attentively stared at Luo’s mouth, for fear of missing any details.

Luo looks at the skeleton, pointing to the silver-haired woman’s body after half a ring, calmly said: “Here it is for you, it should be enough to restore you to the original.”

As soon as the words fell, Luo moved towards 啾啾, and didn’t look at the skeleton people any more.

After thinking about it, after all, he still feels that loyalty is far more important than battle strength, even if he really likes the skull strength of the skullman …

After figuring it out, I didn’t plan to leave the skeleton.

Given the help the Skeletons provide to them, Luo will definitely not treat the Skeletons, and even if necessary, he will deliberately hunt creatures to add calcium to such miserable Skeletons.

However, most silver-haired women are good enough for skeletons to add calcium.

Looking at Luo’s back, the Skeleton Man froze in place.

He stared at Luo’s mouth just now. Compared to the black cat’s mouth, the difficulty of interpretation was relatively low, and he could see what Luo said.

After only 3 seconds, the skeletons subconsciously blocked the mood of everything in disorder in their heads. The only thing left was to take good calcium and try to restore the original state.

He was not polite, he was even more reluctant to think about the reason, and began to absorb the body of the silver-haired woman directly.

“The high quality is simply the king of calcium, calcium in calcium!”

The high-density Energy contained in the bones makes skeletons flirt.


After just hitting the first bite, he knew that it would not be a problem to restore it, and even the power and quality of the bones might exceed the original level.

Luo walked towards Mi.

Not far away, Jin seeing it followed him, and from time to time he looked back at the skeleton man who was adding calcium.

Jin came to Luo’s side and walked alongside Luo.

“give up?”

King can guess Luo’s mind.

“Well, even if it is forcibly received in the team, it will still be an unstable factor in the end.” Luo nodded, after all, the twisted melon is not sweet.

“I think so too, although it’s a pity, but that’s no way, after all, even ‘destroy hate’ is not enough for him to stand with us.” Kim turned back at the skeleton man.

The stronger the team, the higher the survival rate.

You know, this is not the 6 continents. It is difficult to supplement the lost battle strength, and it is even more difficult to add new battle strength.

As a potential battle strength stock, Skullman is best if he can be part of the team.

It’s just that some things have been forced not to come. Now it’s a good thing to see Luo give up.

Anyway, they have rescued one of the team’s important battle strengths, so with or without skeletons, there shouldn’t be too much change in the overall battle strength of the team.

Luo and Jin came to the uncle.

啾啾 looks at the horror in front of him, with a solemn expression.

Luo looked up and down.

In the white smoke font space, there is still a memory fragment belonging to the puppet. Because the timing is not right, Luo never opened the memory fragment.

Now that the restorer is dead, and Sturgeon has returned, the need to open the memory fragments is greatly reduced. Anyway, Luo is currently not motivated.

Gaze turned away from the body, and fell on the dry body of the restorer.

There is a lot of information to verify one after another.

Luo thought for a moment, suddenly reaching out.

Although he was looking at the corpse of the restorer, the target of his shot was cricket.

Unexpectedly, Luo was caught by Luo.

Just touched by this human hand, a strong sense of crisis will be generated like a condition.

What is the reason, the 啾啾 I have already experienced is naturally very clear.

She was scared, so afraid even speechless.

Luo looks at 啾啾, surprisedly said: “I thought you would ask why, the result would be so quiet.”

啾啾 shiver coldly.

After Luo had spoken, he simply let go of the cricket, and the latter was so frightened that he collapsed and fell to the ground.

The reason why I suddenly caught 啾啾 is that Luo wanted to see if the white smoke font would come up with the option to absorb 啾啾.

The result is still a hint of absorption.

It’s just that Luo has no plans to absorb puppets this time.

After releasing the puppet, Luo squatted down and reached out to rest on the restorer’s body.

Suddenly, the white smoke font was insanely prompted in the conscious space, just like a computer infected with a virus, and various pop-up windows popped up in a crazy way.

It’s been so long since I got the white smoke font, and Luo was the first time I saw the white smoke font so crazy, so we can see the importance of the repairer’s body.

Luo was not in a hurry to absorb the restorer’s body. First, he took a look at the remaining black mental power in the Energy tank. Originally, it was about 50%. In the battle with the restorer, about 30% was used, and now only 20% is left .

Without these black thoughts, Luo’s odds of being able to defeat the restorer would be pitifully low.

Moreover, he still can’t figure out the reason for the sudden [Self-destruction] of the restorer, and also the origin of the group who escaped from the pages of the book.

Taking the example of Sergei as a reference, the group of thoughts may be the pure Energy or the soul gathered by the restorer.

Luo’s conjecture is in the right direction.

Those chanting groups can actually be understood as the soul.

One of the meanings of books is records.

On the other hand, archives are records.

The origin of the restoration was the book, and in the evolution of the unknown how many years, it had both natural responsibility and nature.

Therefore, in order to fulfill the responsibilities of nature, it is necessary to clean up what he considers to be an unreasonable existence, but the nature of the record prompts him to seal the unreasonable things into the book pages.

The two seem contradictory, but from the standpoint of the restorer, actually not at all makes any difference.

Because the sealing of the book pages is also a record.

Luo has limited information, but as long as the corpse of the restorer is absorbed, important memory fragments may be revealed.

The thought moved slightly, and Luo agreed to absorb.

In that moment, the Energy tank skyrocketed.

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