Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1190

If hit by that black power, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Just as Luo’s attack was about to touch her, the silver-haired woman also thought to judge the threat of black instinct.

In the final analysis, it is that the sense of existence of the black mind is too strong, so strong that it even deprives the opportunity of counterattack and thought.

Originally, with her ability, she likes to play close-to-hand combat. Just find an opportunity to touch the enemy, and you can basically be a general.

But the deterrent power of the black thought was so strong that she never thought of fighting back.

It is possible to form a [Petrochemical] effect when encountering the opponent, but when the opponent encounters himself, it is also the end of a fall.

Coupled with the results of the restorer, and the surroundings that are very unfavorable to her, she has lost her spirit at this time.

The silver-haired woman escaped Luo’s attack dangerously and retreated to a position not far from the body of the puppet and the restorer.

Luo just wanted to end the fight as soon as possible, and immediately chased after him.

Facing Luo’s fierce offensive that killed you while you were ill, the silver-haired woman who lost the fighting intent could only be crushed and beaten.

啾啾 looks at the situation of one-sided situation, I thought that I would slip away.

However, I don’t know if it was intentional of the silver-haired woman. In the situation of being constantly repelled, she did not stretch the war circle far, but turned around in circles.

In this way, it is difficult to make advancement.

Of course, if you are willing to take risks, you can directly escape the scene, but I am not willing to take risks. She is worried that the action will be too large and she will fight the fire for the silver-haired woman.

In this way, the silver-haired woman who couldn’t stand up, looked somber, and the faint sense of crisis finally came online.

Outside the war circle, King is watching the situation on the field.

Now, he has almost reached the bottom of his mind and cannot provide assistance to Luo. He can only be a bystander honestly.

Further afield, Go and Black Cat finally noticed Luo’s fight with the silver-haired woman.

The restorer is dead and the purpose has been achieved.

In essence, the partnership between Gu and Luo in this brief moment is over.

Therefore, from the standpoint of Gu, I will definitely not take the initiative to help, but will stand by and watch.

But in fact, Gu still had the intention to help Luo, but now she can’t help it.

Because, although her child returned within the body in the form of chanting, she has become a stillbirth.

Unlike the existence of other book pages sealed by the repairer, embryos with a short developmental time are too weak.

Being able to return to the mother’s body on its own is not an easy task. It becomes a stillbirth and it is also a matter of as it should be by rights.

This is why Goo’s mood is low.

Losing a child is something that every mother can hardly accept.

The black cat glanced at the depressed Goo. After hesitating for a moment, he decided to stay with Goo instead of helping Luo.

He even found a reason to convince himself that Luo is so strong. Where does anyone need help, definitely not, absolutely not.

Within the war circle, Luo applied perfect repression to silver-haired women.

Compared to the previous battle, this time seems very easy.

The restorer has solved it. When Luo uses black power, Luo doesn’t make any calculations. Whatever he can, he can only use it, forcing the silver-haired woman to a dead end.

“No, go on like this, I will …”

The silver-haired woman began to panic.

She wanted to teleportation the battlefield to an environment with Tribulus terrestris and light shavings, but Luo knew her abilities, she gave up her offensive opportunities many times, and also suppressed her on the ground.

Entwined for multiple rounds, she fell into a situation of chronic death.

The turning point soon ushered in.

Luo found an opportunity and tore off the silver-haired woman’s arm.

If it were not for Allah, he would not have been entangled with the silver-haired woman for so long because of the reduction in the attack distance.

After tearing off one arm, the situation was completely sideways.

On the silver-haired woman’s side, the possibility of being able to leave the war obviously dropped to the bottom.

But even though the end of the road is over, the strength of silver-haired women is still on the table, doing all kinds of effective final struggles.

From the standpoint of an enemy, Kim still admired the silver-haired woman very much, and changed to other people. In this situation, she had collapsed completely, but the silver-haired woman still had the possibility to revive the overall situation.

That kind of toughness is simply amazing.

But no matter how tough the silver-haired woman is, in front of Luo, when she lost her arm, the battle was actually over.

There were no fluctuations or changes in the process, nor did Luo give the silver-haired woman a chance, and several heavy punches directly injured the silver-haired woman.

When the silver-haired woman took the final blow, not at all died on the spot, but fell to the ground with a breath.

Her consciousness was already fuzzy. She couldn’t do anything with her hand. She was waiting for death.

Not far away, the silver-haired woman with a grim look at the ground fell, looking away, and fell on the expressionless Luo body.

This human is simply … evil star.

I didn’t see how Luo killed the restorer, but now she saw Luo knock down the silver-haired woman, so she has a better understanding of Luo’s horror.

She used to feel a sense of crisis, but now, like a volcanic eruption, she is madly reminding her to run away from the scene.

However, I was afraid to act blindly without thinking.

Because she felt that some of Luo’s air-conditioners had locked her.

Luo came to the conscious fuzzy silver-haired woman, and the rays of light on her right hand exudes thought.

Make up the last knife, this battle is over.

Luo 5 Fingers opened slightly, flexed into claws, ready to give the silver-haired woman the final blow.

All around, gold, tadpoles, and even goo and black cat are all looking at Luo.

Just then, an uninvited guest broke into the scene.

Luo’s arm stopped just after a moment of movement, and his gaze could not help but be attracted by the uninvited guest.

Looking at Kim, they also noticed this uninvited guest.

It was a metacarpal bone, hopping on the flat ground, crooked, but it happened to be moving towards their side.


The black cat wondered.


He saw the faint red light on the bone of the foot.

Not only black cats, Luo and Jin also saw it.

Shouldn’t it be … a skeleton man?

They guessed right.

The Skeleton jumped quite hard, and the low vision to the horizon made it difficult for him to see the situation ahead, and he did not see Luo.

Jumping and jumping, the skeletons suddenly noticed something, and the red light on the toe bones suddenly glittered.

“I smell … the smell of calcium!”

It’s an inexhaustible road. Skeletons are very excited. Speed ​​up and moved towards the place where the taste came.

There, it was the broken arm of the silver-haired woman.

Skeletons didn’t notice the line of sight from all around. He jumped up and down to the broken arm of the silver-haired woman. The strong sense of demand made him use the ability directly regardless of 3 7 21 and began to absorb the bone.

“The calcium is enough to restore my thighs.”

The skeleton was thinking excitedly. As more and more calcium was absorbed, the red light became stronger and stronger, and because the bones grew to the calf, by the way, the red light was pushed up and the height of the field of vision was increased.

Then he saw Luo as a matter of course.

A throbbing thigh bone was scared out of cracks.

The top of the red light, like the eyes of a skeleton, shrunk to the size of a pinpoint.

What the hell ?

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