Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1175

No snow or snow was seen in the ice zone.

Outside the ice zone, snowflakes descended sharply, hurricane winds, and opened a blurry line.

The sound passed through the snow and clear to everyone’s ears.

Before the sound came, no one noticed the arrival of the sound master.

If the mushroom ear with a good ear that was responsible for alerting is still there, you should be able to notice in advance.

Everyone looked at the sound. At the edge of the ice zone, there was only snow and wind that kept stirring.

The language used for that voice was the 6th Continental language, but before they could see the people, they only used the master of that voice as the enemy.

Therefore, everyone present was to open the fine pores to maximize the power of mind to cover the body, ready to fight at any time.

Within a few breaths, a silhouette appeared indistinctly in the snow, and then one foot first stepped out of the snow and stepped on the ice.

The eyes of the people were subconscious, fell on that foot, and then slowly lifted up, falling on the body of an unknown person who had come out of the snow and snow in half of his body.

That is, a man of standard build and a tattered black robe.

The eaves of the robe were covered on the man’s head. I don’t know what method was used. A layer of shadow covered the man’s face, making the face dark and fuzzy.

The person 鈥檚 body is only wrapped with a layer of as thin as cicada wing, which may not even meet the standard of 鈥渨rapping鈥?

Normally, Mind Power’s first impressions of strength are based on the strength of the apparent energy.

The apparent energy of this person’s body as thin as cicada wing can be said to be weak to the end.

However, Bi Yang de entire group did not think that this man in a black robe was weak.

The reason is that the mind of that person is too thin and too thin, so thin that it is moving.

It is not difficult for a Mind Power person to open the pores and output his full strength. However, like a black robed man, controlling the amount of apparent air volume to a very low level requires deep control skills.

That approach is like fear of wasting a little bit of mental energy.

As if he was walking in the desert, he didn’t know where the next oasis was, he should cherish the water in the kettle very much.


Than Yang De was full of momentum and sighed.

The black robed man lifted his head slightly, and on the shadow-covered face, a pair of orange eyes slowly appeared.

“East, R & F.”


Except for Yang De, the others were shocked.

“Dong Fuli? That Dong Fuli who wrote a travel to the New World?”

“How could that be, that book was hundreds of years ago …”

“Human lifespan is not that long.”

“Is it…”

Everyone’s eyes gradually changed, and they all thought of one of the known [hopes], which is the long-life food Nitolomi.

But such speculation is not as good as a reply from black robed man.

Bi Yangde didn’t originally think of the number of Dong Fulishi, but when he heard his teammates talking about the travel of the New World, he immediately remembered it, and his face suddenly showed a strong interest.

“Are you the Dong Fuli who wrote the New World Travels?”

Compared to Yang De’s style of doing things, he always asks questions rather than guessing without a head or tail.


As a result, East Ricoh responded simply, just as he simply reported his name.

After hearing the response from Torich, Paris Stone’s entire group seemed to have discovered the New World.

“Ha, didn’t expect you are alive, think about it, you have only written half of the New World Travels, would you be willing to end it?”

Eyes of light emerged from Bi Yangde’s eyes. As the latter, it was a wonderful experience to meet the predecessors here.

Dong Fulisi did not respond, and while taking a step forward, his eyes crossed the Biande entire group and fell on the book in the icicle.

With every step he took, the aquatic creatures under the ice layer seemed to be frightened, avoiding every foot that Dong Fuli fell.

After Dong Fulisi left, the aquatic creatures quickly gathered and gathered into a dark shadow.

Compared to Yang Deentire group, Silent Looks at DongFu Lishi who came at a big step, also looked at the strange school of fish that quickly evacuated with each step of DongFu Lishi, could not help but look down at his feet.

In the water, there was a group of aquatic creatures glare like a tiger watching his prey. They were so close to the ice and watching them.

There is no harm without comparison.

Why does Dong Fulishi take every step to scare the aquatic creatures to retreat, and when they stand here, the aquatic creatures not only do not escape, they also want to eat them.

Dong Fulisi walked, suddenly carrying his book in the icicle.

“You can leave your mark here, but it’s best not to move it.”

“Is this a warning or a stop?”

“Have both.”

Dong Fuli’s tone is very bland, but it doesn’t have that kind of absolute charm.

In response to Dong Fulisi, Yang De pressed one hand over the icicle.

That move seemed to be proclaiming sovereignty to East Ricoh.

So, Dong Fuli suddenly stopped and looked silently at Bi Yangde.

“Going to a place where no one has ever seen before, to see someone who has never been seen before, to get something that no one has ever touched, to set foot on a land that no one has ever visited, and this is what it means to be in the dark continent.”

“So, I don’t want to be bound by anyone. Naturally including you, Dong Fuli …”

Thoughts of Yang De’s body began to rise.

When he saw the book in the icicle, he had a hunch.

If you get this book, you will get a lot of things.

So he laughed loudly when he didn’t touch the book himself.

In any case, he will not miss the book.

Seeing Bi Yangde’s increased apparent energy, Dong Fuli’s eyes were calm, and Bi Yangde’s teammates also controlled the apparent energy silently, covering the body to form [Jian] to enter the combat state.

They know that the person they are facing is a monster who has lived for hundreds of years.

Even so, they won’t feel wrong than Yang De’s choice.

In Hunter’s World, treasure has always been home to powerhouse.

If they retreat now, how can they continue?

Anyway, they are crowded.

This may be the only confidence.

“It seems that you are bound to get it?”

East Ricoh’s sight is always locked in the book inside the icicle.

Even if this group of people do not know the existence of the restorer, they can realize that the book in the icicle is a rare treasure.

However, according to the style of the 6 continents humans for some existence of the dark continent, then the repairer in the icicle is both hope and disaster.

Or you should correct the title.

Not the restorer, but the body of the restorer.

This book is from

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