Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1173

For a full 30 minutes of concentrated attack, under the premise that advanced mental skills cannot be used, it is not to break the defense of the silver-haired woman.

But it is not useless.

The 30-minute entanglement weakened the apparent vitality of the silver-haired woman covering her body surface.

At the same time, silver-haired women have accumulated unimaginable anger.

Because Luo closed her mouth, she couldn’t let her angry flame hair out through words.

In this case, apart from using the final hole card, otherwise the human control cannot be broken.

In the 30 minutes of being besieged, the silver-haired woman has not given up, and has been thinking about ways between silent and silent.

However, to this day it is still futile, and it has made her more aware of Luo’s details.

“That book …”

There was a severe light in the bottom of the eyes of the silver-haired woman.

Not only was she not worried about her situation, she was also thinking about getting Luo to study.

On the other side, the Skeletons ran in the Medusa Forest.

It took him a full ten minutes at first, slowly retreated to a relatively safe position, and then immediately spread his legs and ran.

While Luo and the silver-haired woman were deadlocked, they could run as far as they could.

“Although not long together, I wish you good luck.”

The skull man thought in silence.

“In other words, which direction do you have to take to get out of here.”

The skullman looked up at the dense spiked criss-crossed group on the top of his eyes. He couldn’t fly, so he could only land honestly.

“In short, just pull the distance apart.”

It’s okay to figure out the direction, the skeletons thought, as long as they stayed away from Luo.

Anyway, sooner or later I can go out.

The speed of the Skeleton Man’s running speed has risen markedly when the idea is mastered.

In this way, after another half-hour dash, the scenery in front of me changed slightly.

The gap left between the Tribulus trees has widened, and the milk-white rays of light not at all emitted from the ground has weakened, but the density of the feathers has decreased a lot.

This change is equivalent to what was previously a dense fog, but now it has become a mist.

“En? It looks like it’s going in the right direction.”

Paying attention to the changes in the environment, the skeleton thought to himself that the density of feather fossils has become lower. It should be that he is nearing the edge of the forest, maybe he can leave here after taking another section of the road.

Just when he thought so, what appeared in front of him made him stand on the spot.

100 meters away, a “normal” tree stands on a clearing.

The brown trunk, the green branches and leaves, were incompatible with the grayish terrestrial tree surrounding it.

Under such a seemingly ordinary tree, a door-sized book rested quietly on the trunk.


After seeing clearly the appearance of the book, the skeleton’s body froze in place.

Repairers, restorers, why are they here …?

The skeleton’s body trembled slightly, taking a step back slowly.

You can’t see me, you can’t see me!

While he kept thinking about it, the skeleton man slowly backed away.

When he quit 3 steps, he saw the black stick-shaped hands and feet of the restorer’s body and immediately stood up.

Immediately afterwards, the Skeletons stopped, because the sight from the restorer had already fallen on their body.

Despite losing his temperature, at this moment, the Skeleton Man was frozen in the ice cellar.

“The most important thing is to live.”

I have forgotten when I heard this sentence, and I don’t remember who said it.

What I can remember is that when I woke up again, the look at turned into a ruined home, and there was only one sentence in my mind.

Therefore, even if the same kind who had walked side by side all fell down, the skeleton man still came to the present with the remaining bones.

He believes that he can survive to this day and has nothing to do with luck. He also thinks that the end of life and death has never been linked to luck.

But now, he feels bad luck.

When the restorer’s sight came, the skeleton was desperate, and he simply gave up the struggle.

His former home was destroyed by the restorer, his former clansman was killed by the restorer, and his body is now worshipped by the restorer.

But from beginning to end, he never thought of revenge.

Because he knows himself.

“My memory is limited. They have to be used efficiently and reasonably, but I remember you.”

Just then, the muffled and hollow voice of the restorer came, but it was an unfathomable mystery that the skeletons couldn’t understand.

Skeletons do not dare to talk back or even change the body’s mental fluctuations, so as not to stimulate the restorer.

The restorer’s root-like wrapper spread out an eye in vain.

The skeleton only felt that the sight that fell on his body became clearer. With the split second, he seemed to be cleaned from the inside out.

I dare not act act blindly without thinking, nor act act blindly without thinking, like a lamb to be slaughtered.

Suddenly, the restorer flashed over a distance of 100 meters and came to the skeleton.

The black eyes, scribbled up, framed the skeleton’s body from head to toe.

Skeletons are close to the enemy, but they don’t even dare to move a hand, and let the restorer look at it at such a close distance.

“I should recycle you, but you are not in the scope of recycling.”

The voice of the restorer was doped with inexplicable doubts.

Life that should not have survived is the main recovery target of the restorer.

From its perspective of Kakuzu, the Skeleton Man fits this point, but in fact, the Skeleton Man stepped on the boundary line, which is the boundary between life and death.

Therefore, it is difficult for the restorer to shoot at the Skeleton, which is why the Skeleton was released in the 4D apartment last time.

In the long years, the restorer has perfected his emotions, feels confused, and naturally has unwilling emotions.

In the case of the skeleton person taking the initiative to come to the door, but can not do anything, this will make the repairer feel uneasy, and then will be unhappy.

It feels it has to do something, as long as the rules allow …


On the dark continent, somewhere in the world of ice and snow, stands Snow Mountain, which is not far apart.

The appearance of these Snow Mountains is the same as that of an open umbrella, with a seemingly weak snow pillar supporting the top of an umbrella-like mountain.

The blizzard was raging, the snowflakes were falling, and they kept weight on the umbrella-shaped mountain top.

As soon as the snow accumulates, it will slide down the curved slope of the mountain top, just like the rain falling on the umbrella, and it will turn into a series of raindrops and slide towards the edge of the umbrella.

However, the white snow that fell from the top of the mountain turned into ice beads that fell vertically, hanging from the edge of the cliff on the top of the umbrella.

Among the many umbrella-shaped Snow Mountains, there is a Snow Mountain like a crane standing among chickens, which is a lot higher than other Snow Mountains.

Suddenly a burst of laughter passed over the highest umbrella-shaped Snow Mountain.

Located in the center of the mountaintop, there is an icicle standing like the top pillar of an umbrella.

Bijan de entire group stood in front of the icicles.

That laughter was made by Yang De.

Inside a crystal clear and near-transparent icicle, a book freezes.

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